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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #21291
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is The Science to these fools. It's not a "study" -- they made up a model that generated the conclusion it was designed to produce, and then they "studied" it, arrived at "findings", and then it was submitted for peer-review to a third-tier journal, and amazingly enough was published. Now it's "in the Literature" and "evidence-based practitioners" can cite it as proof of The Science, and the public reads about it in the state media and thinks they're informed. See how this works? Same way it always has.
    Do you remember this Club of Rome model MIT study Limits To Growth.
    Computer predicts the end of civilisation (1973) | RetroFocus - YouTube

  2. #21292
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    Jun 2019


    If the Democrats are smart, they'll campaign on splurging Russia's $300 billion, nearly one third of our annual budget deficit, on its various constituent factions.

    If the Republicans aren't actually a uniparty in disguise, they'll promise to transparently track what will be done with those illegally confiscated funds. How much was the People's Wall supposed to cost again?

  3. #21293
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    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    Regarding this topic, what do you think is the best piece of information, that is easily veryfiable, that one could use in an argument with someone who just buys into the climate change propaganda with no information whatsoever? Like a regular person who tells you that EVs are better because "it's better for the environment" or that "co2 is bad because of global warming", shit like that.
    I too am incredibly ignorant on the topic, but I just simply don't trust mainstream propagandic science anymore when it's obviously nothing but a political agenda.
    You’re concern is justified. Consider how wrong COVID modeling was, a relatively simple math problem, and multiply by 1 Billion. These models are getting better and the predicted severity goes down. Sound familiar?

    There are Robert Malones of climate and some of the posts will point to them but I would
    start with Freeman Dyson, his math skills are considered among the best. Start at 3:30 or so.
    Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w/ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) - YouTube

  4. #21294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    How much has sea level risen at Barry Obama's house on the beach in Martha's Vineyard? Where does electricity come from?
    The fact that I just realized I actually didn't know how we get electricity, says a lot about the education system. No one ever taught me. They taught, roughly, what electricity is, but not where it comes from.

    What is the reason why things like photovoltaic panels cannot be a solution to have renwable energy and replace coal plants? Is it a logistical problem? Do they produce a different kind of waste? Cause on the surface, to an ignorant person like myself, they sound like a good idea.

  5. #21295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Where does electricity come from?
    That is what a lot of counties are rethinking. Since the debacle in the Ukraine European counties are now considering how to maintain energy security and they want coal. However Australia which has coal reserves like the US has oil is going to penalize itself if Labor gets control of the government (democrats to you folk) by putting a carbon tax on producers and squeeze generators to shut down coal fired power stations and run Australia on a battery. If Australia turned off all its C02 producing plant and stopped all transport we would reduce global atmospheric C02 by about 0.0000001%. We are, to put it mildly, stupid on a scale that makes Ronald MacDonald look like a nuclear scientist.

    Coal's on a comeback in energy-desperate Europe - E&E News

  6. #21296
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    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    What is the reason why things like photovoltaic panels cannot be a solution to have renwable energy and replace coal plants? Is it a logistical problem? Do they produce a different kind of waste? Cause on the surface, to an ignorant person like myself, they sound like a good idea.
    There is just not enough energy in the amount of sunlight that falls on any given unit of surface area. Not enough BTUs to power anything that is intensely energy-consumptive. Same with wind.

  7. #21297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    There is just not enough energy in the amount of sunlight that falls on any given unit of surface area. Not enough BTUs to power anything that is intensely energy-consumptive. Same with wind.
    Physics is a real bitch. Nuclear is pretty good at boiling water, though.

  8. #21298
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    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    The fact that I just realized I actually didn't know how we get electricity, says a lot about the education system. No one ever taught me. They taught, roughly, what electricity is, but not where it comes from.

    What is the reason why things like photovoltaic panels cannot be a solution to have renwable energy and replace coal plants? Is it a logistical problem? Do they produce a different kind of waste? Cause on the surface, to an ignorant person like myself, they sound like a good idea.
    Australian Solar Car Breaks World Speed Record | WIRED

    This should help illustrate. Look at solar powered cars. This one holds the record at ~56 MPH on a flat straight closed course 1.5 miles long. What kind of payload can you haul with that thing? What % grade could it handle? Imagine stop and go traffic.

  9. #21299
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Physics is a real bitch.
    Apparently it's not taught in California.

  10. #21300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Harlin View Post
    Australian Solar Car Breaks World Speed Record | WIRED

    This should help illustrate. Look at solar powered cars. This one holds the record at ~56 MPH on a flat straight closed course 1.5 miles long. What kind of payload can you haul with that thing? What % grade could it handle? Imagine stop and go traffic.
    It’s real easy to do back of the envelope calculations. The sun produces about 1kW/m2 on the earths surface. At the equator. At noon. No clouds. Efficiency of solar conversion is around 20% but may get to 50%.

    That’s it. No technology will make the sun put out more.

    1kW/m2 x 0.75 (not at equator) x 4hrs/24hrs of sun high enough x 100% clear skies, @ 50% efficiency = 100watts per square meter.

    A shitty car is 75kW or 100hp. This would require 750 1 meter panels (1/4 acre?) and a big battery.It shows why electric cars are plugged in and don’t have solar panels but do have enormous batteries.

    (Someone check my arithmetic)

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