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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #26291
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post

    For the few, like Barry, who still believe in the unevidenced "honest mistake" or natural degeneration of society theories:
    WATCH: Senator Cruz Eviscerates Mayorkas Over The Biden Border Crisis - YouTube
    There is no honest mistake or natural process of decay that can cause the seditious and treasonous actions of Biden's foreigner-DHS Secretary, Myorkas.
    You have made a very compelling case with this example without any reservation from me. Keep them coming.

  2. #26292
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    Yeah, anybody who can watch that video and not be of the opinion that Mayorkas is a loathsome sack of government shit is himself a loathsome sack of shit. It's like a game to the guy, seeing how many words he can use while refusing to answer the questions.

  3. #26293
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  4. #26294
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    This latest school shooting is certainly touching a lot of nerves, and is in contrast with another such incident: Yet another "Yet another ''Hump Day shrapnel post'' post"

    Nashville police ran to the sound of gunfire and put holes in a woman who was herself shooting up an elementary school. It was fourteen minutes from the time of the first 911 call to the end of the murder spree. In Uvalde, heavily-armed police in tactical gear, carrying ballistic shields, staged outside and dawdled as nineteen children and two adults were mowed down by a single eighteen-year-old gunman. Questions: is it smart to outsource your own defense, or the defense of your family members, to civil servants, especially given the disparity between the two reactions? Is it okay to note that it wasn’t the “battle rifle,” nor the velocity of a 5.56 round, that stopped the Uvalde police from acting — but rather that they chose their own safety over their oaths…? I’ll answer: No. And of course, yes…
    How do the fat pukes in the Uvalde PD justify their continued existence?

  5. #26295
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    Organized resistance is very, very difficult. If you don't have an actual movement you are part of, you are just a lone crazy person with a gun that the government kills. They win, you die. Every attempt to organize is infiltrated. We've seen this. One guy told the story, he was offered a quarter mil salary to infiltrate dissident groups in or out of the military, and if he refused he'd be discharged anyway. He turned it down and told the story. I'm sure others turned it down and kept silent because they were terrified what these monsters would do to them. And I'm sure, many, many more took the money. This is probably how we got the likes of Ray Epps.

    Not only will a nascent dissident group have informants, it will have active agitation. This is the old cointelpro playbook, and they have never stopped using it. They've turned left wing groups absolutely fucking INSANE, and turn them to violence like throwing a switch. But the right gets hit with it too. What's worse, if you somehow manage to mitigate this shit in your movement, people will have trouble trusting any action it takes and think it's some kind of fed trap. A legitimate violent revolution could occur and have our government on the ropes, and there will be people terrified that this is all a trap and they are actually about to lose. After January 6th, many people are gonna feel that way. So everyone's just stuck back in the pot accepting the continued slow boil.
    Decentralized organization and its relation to information theory with regards to risk management has been an interesting topic for a long time.

    The application is even more complex and creative in the computer age; for every NSA backdoor, there are ten organizational secret doors, windows and tunnels, which did not exist before.
    We have seen throughout history, that increased spying/infiltration/censorship/legal coercion does not stop a determined resistance movement; rather, it molds the structure of the organization to accommodate the pressures on it.

    Infiltration and betrayal have always been part of the calculation in forming the decentralized structure of a resistance movement.

    A centralized, unorganized or open group is easy to subvert, even if it has been created by people with genuine intentions; Do you think Henry Ford wanted his philanthropic foundation pouring its money into Soros' NGOs?
    There are many examples, from the Proud Boys to BLM (Soros created this one) to Occupy Wallstreet of organizations that were either created to play two groups against each other or were subverted to achieve that goal.
    This is one of the ways you can spot a movement that is either led by incompetents or glowies that want to Cointelpro multiple opposition groups into submission; open, centralized organization or unorganized decentralized structure are both very vulnerable in high-infiltration scenarios.

    Interconnected cells, consisting of 3-5 people per cell have been a popular and effective means of creating decentralized organization. There are more options for the second layer; you can form node meshes, pyramidal structures, blocks, units with required competencies or specialized cells etc.

    Trustless, blockchain-like methods can be used to effectively verify true consensus with high fidelity in a decentralized organization, even when it is afflicted by many compromised cells.

  6. #26296
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    Following on from this

    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    >> Russia to use Chinese yuan instead of US dollars to settle trade with Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
    here's another fairly important development (imho):

    Chinese Currency Used in LNG Trading

    China National Offshore Oil Corporation and France's TotalEnergies have completed China's first yuan-settled liquefied natural gas trade through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, the exchange announced on Tuesday.

    It seems as though some big systems are moving at great speed; when this happen, they usually leave a trail of debris in their wake.


  7. #26297
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  8. #26298
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  9. #26299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    I've come to think that that war is an inevitability, and one the US will most certainly lose. The current US military demographics are vastly different than those during WWII. I don't trust them for a second to actually do what's needed in a real war against another modern military.
    The union army in the civil war had similar issues, namely with its commanders. All the good ones left and put on the grey. But they improved over time, more worthy guys ended up rising to the top by necessity. It's kinda like how that ESG shit is probably going to really be put to the test in coming years. It's easy to stop caring about merit when you don't need it. But if you're in business during a sinking economy, or in a military during a major war, ignoring merit means you die.

    Also, China has similar issues. In the past few years I've seen stories about how their ranks are filling up with wimpy, out of shape skinny-fats. This was before the big media push shifted gears to the recent war-footing we have now. Thats why they have been pushing top-down to force more masculinity into their culture. In the US, the top-down push is to force masculinity out, but there is a lot of pushback in the actual populace.

  10. #26300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiva Kaul View Post
    Avi Silverberg is the previous head coach at Canadian Powerlifting Union, a member of the CPU Hall of Fame, and earned bronze at the 2010 Bench Press World Championships. Last weekend, he competed in the women’s division of the Heroes’ Classic, and easily bested the IPF world record with a 368 lb bench. He did this as a form of protest, in support of his female athletes.
    Here's an article with a few more words about the event and protest Male Powerlifter Breaks Women's Record In Protest Of Trans Policies

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