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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29061
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Of interest:

    Can this be verified?
    The 2023 Proxy Statement shows directors are required to own shares in the amount of $650,000 market value, but they also have up to 5 years from joining the board to reach that level. The number of directors without a share (or a small amount) is somewhat alarming, but all direct hold Deferred Share Units(DSUs) to some degree. DSUs are essentially shares but without voting rights, which vest immediately but cannot be sold until someone leaves the board.

    This is not to say that the concerns regarding the board's makeup and focus are not valid, but the directors do have more skin in the game than the article suggests. I personally think BoDs have become far too clubby, and they have taken their eye off the ball as to who they actually are supposed to represent, but whatever GMs issues are in the boardroom, they are pretty much similar to every other publicly traded company. The directors probably should have more (I don't invest in the car companies so I haven't looked at how new the board members are), but the author's focus is in the wrong spot IMHO.

  2. #29062
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    I have a substack subscription to Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake's posts. I will try to
    put up relevant posts when possible. Read this

    Faith Immune to Facts

    Faith Immune to Facts
    Nobel laureates express worldview vaccinated from reality

    DEC 8, 2023
    A friend in Boston just sent me a Boston Globe interview with Nobel laureates Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko in which they reaffirm their faith in the COVID-19 vaccines. Their most notable proclamation can be seen in the following screenshot.

    (I couldn't figure out how to post the screen shot at the moment. You can read it for yourselves. Here are the relevant details.
    "Is it urgent that we all get the new covid vaccines?"

    The conclusion of these Nobel Prize winners is that the young don't need it but should take it to protect society

    The following is from the post linked above
    "This is a stunning assertion, given that even the CDC has acknowledged (almost two years ago) that the COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission. Why would the laureates make such a patently false assertion in a newspaper published in one of the world’s most highly educated cities?

    The first answer that comes to mind is that they are cynical shills of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that has penetrated the groves of Academe in Boston. I suspect that this is indeed largely the case, though I wonder if their cynicism is partly admixed with true faith.

    For some time I’ve gotten the impression that the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has erected a secular religion with the vaccine offering the promise of deliverance from our frailty and vulnerability. Weissman and Kariko are High Priests who make pronouncements about the injections that are NOT propositions deriving from empirical observation and testing, but are axiomatic articles of faith. They present these articles of faith to the Globe reporter as the Roman Emperor Constantine I and his Bishops presented Nicene Creed following the First Council of Nicaea in 325.

    Philosophers and anthropologists have long observed that humans seem to be inherently religious in nature. Thus, if people no longer believe in the God of Judaism or Christianity, they are left in a spiritual vacuum in which they feel an implacable yearning to believe in something else. Many of the social and political movements that are now afoot in America and Europe strike me as an expression of fervent religious energy.

    During the pandemic we witnessed something like a COVID-19 Cult, with Dr. Anthony Fauci playing the role of a “scientific” Pontifex Maximus replete with Papal Infallibility. “I am science,” he proclaimed, suggesting that he is Science Incarnate.
    The so called COVID-19 vaccines were conceived as our Salvation, and their purported safety and efficacy were adopted as Articles of Faith. Once people embraced these gene transfer products as safe and effective, no amount of empirical evidence to the contrary would dissuade them."
    You can read the rest of the post. I will try to find a post where Hotez and others are planning a second pandemic believe it or not. Karl Marx was right the capitalists will sell the rope to hang themselves. Hotez,Faucci etc. could die from another pandemic.

  3. #29063
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    Default The coming second pandemic

    I didn't have a paid subscription at this point in time. If you want to check it out, go on
    How to Get Ready for the Next Pandemic

    There is less than an 8 minute video with Steve Gruber and Dr McCullough
    that I found astounding.

    Here are the relevant details from the post by Dr. McCullough

    How to Get Ready for the Next Pandemic
    Dr. McCullough on the Steve Gruber Show
    NOV 14, 2023

    By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

    "Prominent players in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex including Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director of the WHO, Bill Gates, Dr. Peter Hotez, and former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, MD, all have publicly stated that there will be another pandemic and when it comes, it is going to make the COVID-19 crisis look like a warm-up. All of them look lathered when making this predictions because they are in the vaccine business. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is an alliance to finance and coordinate the development of new vaccines to prevent and contain infectious disease epidemics. In other words, to these people pandemics are vaccine business opportunities. Vaccines have never been a solution for a highly prevalent infectious disease pandemic.

    You'll have to click the link but the head of the WHO has urged everyone to prepare themselves for an even deadlier pandemic.

    This is Dr McCullough's words
    I had a chance on the Steve Gruber show to make the case that the next pandemic is very likely going to be another highly infectious respiratory virus coming out of a biosecurity laboratory as product of improperly monitored and contained gain-of-function research. Remember the May 19, 2021 NIH Statement on gain-of-function.

    “National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have for many years supported grants to learn more about viruses lurking in bats and other mammals that have the potential to spill over to humans and cause widespread disease. However, neither NIH nor NIAID have ever approved any grant that would have supported “gain-of-function” research on coronaviruses that would have increased their transmissibility or lethality for humans.”

    There is no ban on gain of function research supported by entities other than the NIH and the research itself is not illegal. Thus, the next pandemic is likely to be similar to COVID-19 and may have other secondary risks including bacterial infections."

    If you go on wikipedia which I did a few months ago, McCullough is portrayed as a dangerous fraud. You'd have to go on the Tor Browser to get some real information. Glenn Greenwald had an interview with one of the former founders of wikipedia
    some time ago who said that wikipedia is completely censored. In my not too humble opinion, freedom in the land of the free and home of the brave is
    going down the drain quite quickly.

    I said it before and reiterate the American taxpayer should not give one cent to the people of Israel.
    If this group of clueless losers can not learn their lesson after 2,000 years of being murdered with impunity
    for the most part, culminating in the Holocaust, then it deserves to be destroyed in nuclear war.

    The American military should not be allowed to enter Israeli soil. If the US military wants to take out
    the hostages from Gaza then they should enter Gazan soil to do so. If they enter Israeli territory then
    America may as well take over this country. It sounds harsh but Barry Goldwater who lost in a landslide
    to President Lyndon Johnson said “And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
    On the Saying that “Extremism in Defense of Liberty is No Vice” - Niskanen Center

    Mark thanks again for having the courage to allow freedom of speech which comes at a much
    higher cost to you than I would have ever believed.

  4. #29064
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  5. #29065
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." - G.K. Chesterton


    No, I'm not familiar with that stream. Are you recommending it, or just wondering if something I wrote was influenced by it?
    That’s so odd; I thought you would given your positions and predispositions. Pete does very good as interesting work:

    Who Was Henry Kissinger? w/ Thomas777 - YouTube

    It is much less in praise of Kissinger than it is just absolute mockery of the American foreign policy clownshow we’ve been dealing with for decades.

  6. #29066
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    Diaspora Jewry's days are over, all Jews must move to Israel for safety - The Jerusalem Post. This has been my conclusion for a very long time.
    Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas leader, was more aware of the truth than the international press and TV when he said in his video on YouTube:

    “There is a movement in the West, angry in the street, protesting. Some call themselves pro-Palestine, some call themselves free Palestine, others shout end occupation. What occupation are you talking about? Do you mean in Israel and give Hamas what they want? Weaponry, territory, army, so that they can mess more with the global security? Are you totally blind, how can’t you see the things in common between the West and Israel? And how can’t you see the brutality and the violence of the Hamas movement. You have nothing to do with Palestine. You’re just inflecting hatred and emotional pain on the Jewish people as they mourn a modern-day Holocaust? Do you think this is how you help Palestine? There is no such a thing as Palestine. Palestine what? Yasser Arafat’s Palestine, PLO Palestine, PA Palestine, Hamas Palestine, Islamic Jihad Palestine? What Palestine are you protesting for? You have no idea what you are talking about. I have the right to be emotional because I speak on behalf of the children as a Palestinian, as a child of the land. I qualify to talk about the subject, but you have never been there, you did not live the pain of that land. So what are you protesting against or about? What is your problem? Let me be clear. This war will go the way we want it to go. Your opinion doesn’t matter; even if you were a majority. It’s not your business. You can protest against your politicians in London in Paris, wherever you want. That’s your business. But in the Middle East we deal with business [in] the Middle East style. We are going after Hamas leaders and kill all of them and nobody can get in the way. Those are criminals, those are terrorists with lots of blood on their hands/ Hamas prisoners in Israeli prisons must be executed. We are going to destroy Hamas infrastructure, and that’s the answer for their brutality. There is no way around it...... This act of Hamas did not only bring the wrath of Israel, against Gaza. It brought the wrath of God and you will see God in action.”

    I personally don't care if the Jews are hated as long as the speech doesn't lead to incitement to violence. Freedom of speech does not extend to screaming fire in a crowded movie theatre. I hate a lot of Jews here and have not attacked them because my wonderful Canadian krav maga teacher who is fighting in Gaza at this very moment when he doesn't have to has taught me that krav maga is a last last last resort and flee if you have to do which I've done. Only use it when attacked which hasn't happened and hopefully won't. History has shown that the violence starts with the Jews but never ends with them. Draw your own conclusions. Your freedom and your lives are at stake.

  7. #29067
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    Thanks. That's why I asked.

    Of course. Obviously. Duh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Zaks View Post
    Diaspora Jewry's days are over, all Jews must move to Israel for safety - The Jerusalem Post. This has been my conclusion for a very long time.
    Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas leader, was more aware of the truth than the international press and TV when he said in his video on YouTube:
    You think Jews are safer in Israel than in Texas?

  8. #29068
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    I was wrong about this Aljazeera video and should have checked. Shining Path is a left wing group from Peru.
    Golden Dawn is from Greece and my Greek friend Yiorgos eventually wrote after I confronted him in an email that
    the video is 13 years old. I apologize to everyone here. One of the problems I have is getting accurate
    information about Israel and the world from the news media. I saw a video about problems on the
    Jordanian Israel border where there could be another kidnapping murder like the one in Gaza. My
    wife who I've been married to for 37 years and separated from the last 6 years is supposed to travel
    there for work next month. I sent her the information and she doesn't believe it. I know some generals have lied
    about the Gaza attacks.

    One of the things I have learned is that sometimes I have
    to look around and say everything is ok in this moment if it is a situation where there is no danger.
    In this moment everything is OK. There have been missile attacks but not recently. If there is, I am
    about ten feet from the specially constructed shelter room that is to protect me against a direct
    missile hit (infinitely small chance) or poison gas which has not been used. i have a very old gas mask.
    The home front command is supposed to give us new ones when they think they need them, but their
    warnings on my smart phone are often wrong.

    So I keep saying everything is OK in this moment when
    I feel I am going crazy and put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. In this moment everything
    is OK. It's a teaching that may prove useful to some of you at some point in life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Zaks View Post
    AlJazeera a Moslem media outlet
    About Us | Today'''s latest from Al Jazeera

    Tells the truth about what's happening in Athens, Greece and
    the rest of Europe and the rest of the world.
    Greek facists clash with immigrants - YouTube

    Yiorgos from Athens who I met at a Columbia University dorm in September 1967 knows what's happening because he lives very close to the Shining Path followers
    who are taking their country back from these radical Moslems who want to kill everyone who will not accept Allah and a Caliphate.
    Caliphate - Wikipedia

    The Shining Path hate Jews like me and would kill all Jews in Israel, if they could come here but can't. I sent Yiorgos that Aljazeera Youtube video this morning and asked if it’s true.
    He could have lied and said it’s just AI (all artificial intelligence generated by Al Jazeera so the video is a lie.)
    He didn't do that much and sent me a greeting
    for a Jewish holiday that I don’t believe in and know was based on lies.

  9. #29069
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  10. #29070
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    Trump's Lawyer Alina Habba Slams New York Attorney General Letita James - YouTube
    Trump's Lawyer Alina Habba Slams New York Attorney General Letita James

    I have never seen an attorney so enraged at the bullshit in this trial.
    She says it's not about Trump but a fight for America's freedom.
    I can't argue with her. Maybe you guys know better.

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