Who said anything about evolution as a general principle?
I'm talking specifically about the children's story of unguided materialistic evolution over pretty specific time frames taught as science. Silly BS like something from nothing, life from non-life, specific dating; none of which can be demonstrated and all of which is laughable to anyone honest about the limitations in trying to scientifically confirm any such claims.......but that still get taught like the religious myths that they are.
And a lack of any evolution at all wouldn't necessarily dictate any kind of age of what currently exists anyway.
People claim that a certain number of things have gone extinct (obviously some have, but we don't know how many), but we have no idea of the pace or consistency of this happening is. We could have had millions of years without anything going extinct before anything started to do so or we could be coming up on a multi-million or even permeant stop to anything else going extinct. Every story about the time frames and pace is based on huge unproveable assumptions; not on data that can be compared to any controls for comparison.
The rabbit hole is far deeper than that.
You have to get the base chemicals needed to form even the most basic form of life in the first place. Not get them to form it, but get them in the first place.
What made Mr. Wizard interesting and better that the current Scientism cult was the fact that he was doing actual experiments to demonstrate the theories he was teaching.
And kids could do most of them themselves.
New amendments to the draft International Health Regulations, due to be voted on in late May - The New IHR Changes Are Merely Cosmetic ⋆ Brownstone Institute TLDR = still unbelievably shit.
A linked page from the above - The world can face down the next Disease X with a new vaccine in just 100 days. Here’s how...
Strange death of the family
Sort of related (sexes need to hate each other more) - Australian mainstream media have recently been told that men need to be demonized more. We are ‘violent-adjacent’ because of our inherent genetic disposition to hate women. Or some shit. I had no idea until the telescreen started showing lots of angry women and women-adjacent people marching in the street.Certainly, overpopulation no longer seems a threat. But as John Maynard Keynes prophetically warned, ‘chaining up of the one devil may, if we are careless, only serve to loose another still fiercer and more intractable’. An increasingly childless world will certainly come with a whole host of other problems.
From a newspaper article today –You too are a descendent of a society in which women, for much of history, were not considered human, but resources to be used by men. It is possible that you carry some of that inside you still. It’s possible that you don’t and that’s wonderful. But please check. This reflection might bring you adjacent to the idea that you have some attitudes on the same spectrum as men who have killed a woman. This is an uncomfortable place to be. Please stay there a little longer.
Anthony Colpo’s latest:
Recent Study Puts Lie to the Transgender Brainwashing Campaign
I have noticed that this term, "adjacent" seems to have come into vogue as a way to soften "all X are Y" by saying, "Well, maybe not you, the X to whom I'm speaking, but really most X are Y really deep down."
It's analogous to another of my peeves in recent years of people without the spine to actually make an outrageous argument doing the bit about, "Could it perhaps be that...", so that they can backtrack and say, "Oh, no, I wasn't ARGUING that...just ASKING THE QUESTION. We need to HAVE THE DISCUSSION."
But they're always arguing it. They're always making the assertion. They're just too cowardly to put themselves on the line for it, and are using civilized people's civilized virtues against them.
(Note I said "peeves", and not "pet peeves." I have so many that it's beyond pet status, and I'm a full-blown peeve rancher at this point. I really should qualify for tax-exempt farm status on my peeve-related purchases...)
No, it was an invitation for you to look into it yourself. Not an invitation to attempt to explain it or convince you. Because here's the main thing:
I don't care if you do or not, and out of respect to Rip I'm not going to turn this into apologetics on his board as he as explicit asked me not to in the past.
If you wish to see that as logical fallacy or an attempt to shrink from the argument so be it.
Look into it myself? I don't know what your "it" means.
I think I know quite a lot about the subject of evolution. I understand physics, chemistry, genetics, DNA/RNA and proteins/protein-folding. I understand probability and statistics. I understand dynamics and more importantly here, emergence. I understand the modeling of dynamics. I am well-versed in Earth's history and the geologic record supporting it. I'm quite familiar with the history leading up to, and subsequent to, Darwin's theory, and the modifications made. What exactly am I supposed to look up?
You made a claim that was at once strong and vague. I simply asked for clarification. It should have been trivial at your end. If you don't want to clarify, don't; I don't care. But you might consider a bit of quality control before making claims. There are innocent people at the receiving end.
Anyway, peace, love, and harmony.
Adjacent is another way of saying "not the thing"
As much as I like seeing albanese cause problems, I saw the recent video, a Woman bursting into tears for literally no reason isn't his problem. I think it's funny that the organisers were jerking him around though by potentially not letting him speak.
It is, in many different ways. You could say the "golem" of mass immigration and critical theory, which they themselves created and breathed life into, is now coming back to bite them. Awkwardly, blacks simply rate higher than Jews on the victim hierarchy in American society. These narratives are fixed in American mythology now.
Overall, though, it has been really beautiful opportunity to educate White people in the realities of power, because here we have the rule: thou shall not commit genocide - except if you're Jewish . The double standards are now visible, and we can look at our own supposed inherently genocidal, oppressive nature and history from a different angle, and ask questions. "When did we start hating ourselves, and who taught us we should feel this way?"
From our politician's response to Gaza, to the police response to the college riots, after kneeling in the streets just four years ago... When you have to nakedly show you power, like this, this is when you really reveal yourself and you can't hide in the shadows again.
It will be a very educational moment for a lot of White people. Interesting times.