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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30361
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    I think if you had ever had first hand knowledge of what I was specifically talking about, then you wouldn't think it's naive. You probably also wouldn't have missed the tongue in cheek part.
    You certainly wouldn't have extrapolated it out to such an insane degree.

    And if you had been paying attention to the last year or more of my minor contribution here, then you would know that my answer is:

    The States are left, as the only meaningful entities, to challenge, diminish and dismantle the unredeemable Federal Government.

    You are also equally unaware of the resilience of the people from the same States beginning to provide such challenges even now. As I said way back around the election... they've jumped the shark in their efforts to re-exert the control. It's too obvious post Trump. The emperor is naked and sniffs kids.

    It's not that I put anything past them. They'll for sure try. That's why I talked about them flipping the table, and they've already started. It's just that I doubt their competence and cohesion utterly, and people aren't going to let it happen.

    Every "win" they get, much like the most recent examples of states pushing back on illegal immigrants, drives yet another nail in the coffin. It's why the election *has* to happen, and it doesn't matter if Trump wins or loses. No matter what, things will change.
    I think it's naive to act as if things will snap back to normal, when previous history has shown a 3 steps forward 1 step back cycle.

  2. #30362
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    I think it's naive to act as if things will snap back to normal, when previous history has shown a 3 steps forward 1 step back cycle.
    Where in the last few years of this thread have I ever said that?

  3. #30363
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Where in the last few years of this thread have I ever said that?
    You said the states are the last thing remaining to push back the federal government. I think it's naive to think that the final outcome of that will be a positive one.

  4. #30364
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    Witness the power of ideology, this is already illegal, both state and federally and this lucero retard is still doing it. And when she's fired she will fail upward and find a better position courtesy of her ideological allies in other organisations. At best she might face charges of some kind, which she'll be able to afford great legal representation to get her off anything serious A) because of her highly paid position for the past few years and B) ideologically allied lawyers who will represent her pro bono or at lower cost.
    And the worst part is bolded below:

    For certain applicants, they say, hardship and community service seem to be the only things that matter to the majority of the committee's 20-30 members, many of whom were handpicked by Lucero,
    On "our side" there is just nothing similar and it's naïve to expect "the process" to return UCLA to normal.

  5. #30365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    You said the states are the last thing remaining to push back the federal government. I think it's naive to think that the final outcome of that will be a positive one.
    And where did I say that? Subby, I don't think you're following what I'm putting down, here. Go back and read it with a bias that leans less naive and more with one for a healthy appreciation for rural to small city culture in the Continental U.S. with a need to maintain enough order that commerce, industry and agriculture can continue in a sufficient capacity to ensure, at least regionally, there's not a total collapse.

    What else are you expecting to dislodge the federal government? Civil unrest and peaceful disobedience? Where did that lead the last time? Every civil rights bill passed into law protected who? Or did it gut the Black community at the family level?

    Why would corporations large enough to push back against the government spend time and treasure resisting what they can buy through lobbyists with big returns on a long term investment?

    Civil war, maybe? Big battles? Key points and resources seized? Guerilla hit and run tactics? Territory won and held? Enemy armies destroyed? What was the end state the last time that happened? Did it lead to the reduction of federal power?

    No, the federal government's powers must be shattered, but it won't be from violence or some large hammer blow, and enough of them should know that full civil war would be them committing suicide by immediately destroying the foundations of their power base. Why do you think the federal government and intelligence agencies haven't used the military, and instead opted for fifth generation warfare? Bad optics? The goodness of their hearts?

    The States exist as the last meaningful entities to do it by each taking back the powers lost to the federal government handful by handful. Sure, violence and unrest are likely (probably unavoidable), but that is a problem the States have both strategic and tactical advantages in. Smart local and state leaders will be working on the bigger problems of making sure the gears keep turning rather than exclusively preparing for something as relatively trivial as mere armed conflict.

    But, hey... I guess total collapse with death rates in the tens to hundreds of millions would technically work. It certainly did for Communism every time it's been tried. It's just not an option I want to go with.

  6. #30366
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    North Texas


    David is right, subby. The fall-back mechanism here has always been the state governments, and enough people know that to make it a serious consideration for the Feds.

  7. #30367
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    The only way the large land area (western) states with relatively small populations will be able to do what's being discussed will be to sell the roads, and that is if the state governments can find a buyer. The states have been conditioned, intentionally so, to be reliant on the federal highway money to maintain the roads, which forces the acquiescence of the states to the federal government juggernaut in all areas. What does a person want to bet that there hasn't been a single person in the state government class that has even thought of selling the 'public' roads to private interests?

  8. #30368
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by 1200cc View Post
    What does a person want to bet that there hasn't been a single person in the state government class that has even thought of selling the 'public' roads to private interests?
    Good point.


    This is how Caneedia maintains the narrative:


    The boys in New Jersey finally win: NJ gym owner who defied Covid lockdowns WINS legal battle | Blaze Media

    When New Jersey gym owners Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti defied the Garden State’s COVID-19 regulations by keeping their gym open, the pair were ordered to pay around $165,000 in fines for violating public health emergency rules.

    After an almost four-year legal battle, Smith has been cleared of more than 80 charges.

    These charges were “thrown at us really to scare us into shutting down,” Smith tells Sara Gonzales. “When that didn’t work, Governor Murphy took those municipal charges as well as a health department shutdown order and went before a judge in New Jersey.”

    Murphy asked for a court order to close Smith’s business, which Smith explains is “where a lot of the really tangible, very scary punishments came in."

  9. #30369
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by 1200cc View Post
    The only way the large land area (western) states with relatively small populations will be able to do what's being discussed will be to sell the roads, and that is if the state governments can find a buyer. The states have been conditioned, intentionally so, to be reliant on the federal highway money to maintain the roads, which forces the acquiescence of the states to the federal government juggernaut in all areas. What does a person want to bet that there hasn't been a single person in the state government class that has even thought of selling the 'public' roads to private interests?
    Just think of what state and local governments could do with a modest increase in taxes if the federal tax rates on individuals and corporations was reduced by 95%...

  10. #30370
    Join Date
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    Albany, Western Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    You guys really do live in a wonderful place. In my country, the state governments hate us too.

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