Why do I bring all this up?
Because if we do not stop destroying the incentives for those on the right end of the IQ bell curve to have kids it will not be all that long before you go to flush the toilet and it won't, your stove, heat and A/C won't work either because there's no power or gas and virtually everything we rely on in the modern world will either kill you or simply not function at all.
Its much worse when people who simply don't have the intellectual chops for a given task are passed in school and given credentials they didn't earn. DEI can best be called Didn't Earn It and it can be fatal -- if not to your life then certainly to the productive output of an enterprise. Yes, we need people to mow the grass on the golf course and an 80 IQ person is fine there, but put a "doctor" label on that same 80 IQ person and he or she is rather likely to kill you.
You see humans of sufficient intelligence are better than rabbits when it comes to the decision to reproduce. Those of lower intelligence, not so much. So long as those on the lower end have enough food to eat that their reproductive functions work and an appropriate physical desire presents itself they will make children. After all the necessary actions to do so and how to perform them are hardwired in all mammals and in fact some of them don't even care about this quaint notion called "consent."
Those of higher intelligence have to believe their kids will have a better future -- or at least an equal one -- otherwise they may well choose to partner off but they won't make kids.
So go ahead and think that asset bubbles are great, false claims about "health care" are fine, that everyone can have a pony, that deficits don't matter and such similar nonsense -- and then make that into law. Indeed even a shitty Barista can be a US Representative -- you don't have to have an IQ > 80 to be elected, as we've all seen. A pair of perky tits and leftist talking points are good enough. You can in fact do all those things without two nickels of intelligence to rub together but you can't force intelligent people to choose to make children.