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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30481
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    This is a very good piece. Read it all.

  2. #30482
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    As a treasure trove of worrying data, it's fairly good. At a higher level, it seems to have missed a point.
    The current success of China and Russia in forging alliances with other countries, especially via the BRICS organisation, stems, imho, from the fact that they offer (or seem to offer) an alternative model of association. The USA still offers for a hegemonic model, and while the BRICS offer a more cooperative one.
    Ferguson's article does nothing to dispel this impression; the failings he lists seem to matter to him only as afar as they hinder the efforts of the USA to impose a model that, patently, not many others want to submit to. There is never even a hint of introspection, a shadow of a doubt about the role of the USA.
    He is asking "are we the Soviets now?" but, maybe, asking "Why so many people dislike us?" would be more useful.

    All imho, of course.


  3. #30483
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Controlling the food.

    Hageman Introduces Bill to Block Mandatory EID Ear Tags

    “The Biden Administration’s proposed rule to force cattle and bison producers to use electronic identification eartags is a gross overstep by the federal government and implies that bureaucrats sitting in cubicles know better than America’s ranchers,” said Congressman Josh Brecheen. “Nowhere in our Constitution is the Executive Branch granted this authority and it is long past time we stand up to Biden’s bureaucrats.”

    Representative Hageman stated, “This rule is a solution in search of a problem that will advance a federal mandate which the American ranching community will have to pay for. America produces the highest quality meat in the world and there is nothing wrong with our traditional disease traceability system. This unfunded mandate raises serious privacy concerns for ranchers and their herds, with the potential to lock ranchers out of their traditional markets, thereby furthering vertical integration of the U.S. food supply chain.

    “Cattle ranching is incredibly vital to the North Dakota economy,” said Representative Armstrong. “If we are going to remain food and energy secure, we need policies that support our farmers and ranchers, not unfunded mandates guided by the whims of the federal government. I am proud to support Representative Hageman’s EID CRA and work to protect our cattle and producers from temperamental mandates that have real consequences for our communities.”

    “This is just another attempt by the Biden regime to unnecessarily expand the reach of the federal government, placing massive burdens on family farms,” said Representative Eli Crane. “Our ranchers are the best in the world. They certainly don’t need to be told how to operate their businesses by power hungry desk jockeys in Washington. Proud to stand with Rep. Hageman against the Biden Administration’s meddling in rural America.”

    “Like most policies, the Biden administration’s rule mandating electronic eartags for bison and cattle is far overreaching, intrusive and potentially circumvents privacy laws and regulations. Congress must block this insane mandate,” stated Congressman Gosar.

    Controlling the water --> Controlling the food.

    Idaho farmers say water curtailment order will dry up land, push them out of business

    Faced with a water curtailment order issued last week, third generation Idaho farmer Adam Young isn’t just thinking about preparing to cut alfalfa or anxiously waiting for his wheat to flower.

    Today, Young is confronting the reality of up to 70% of his family’s 2,700-acre farm in eastern Idaho’s Bingham County drying up this year.

    Unless there is an emergency stay to the curtailment order, Young said the water will be shut off. Meanwhile, the crops are already in the ground. Young has already invested in seed, fertilizer and other inputs he said total $400 per acre.

    If the water is shut off, Young said that would mean a total loss for this year’s wheat and barley crop and he would expect to get one cutting of alfalfa in, instead of the three he hoped for.

    “Being done for this year means absorbing several million dollars in losses this year and we don’t recover from that,” Young said in a phone interview. “That would spell the end of our business and that’s true for everybody else frankly who is farming.”

  4. #30484
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Thank you for sharing, this is one of the best things I read on the internet in a long time.

  5. #30485
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    This is a pretty good summary of the shit show we're living in right now, by VDH:

  6. #30486
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  7. #30487
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    With a lisp?

    It's an interesting concept, but aren't there a lot more youths that need support in sports than this particular group?

  8. #30488
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Prove your skills as a tight end or a wide receiver?

  9. #30489
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Wow, I did not expect all the banks to be closed today!
    Is Juneteenth suddenly a Federal Holiday? HOw was that advocated and lobbied for, if African Americans are a disenfranchised, oppressed ethnicity? Who is advocating for and passing these things, on behalf of whose interests, in order to gain whose loyalty and support in future elections? Juneteenth becoming a bank holiday without any significant push back from the ethnic and cultural majorities would be hilariously inane if it weren't so pathetic.
    Where does the line in the sand get drawn again? This whole slow-boiled frog metaphor has taken on a new meaning if banks and businesses can be forced to close at the whims of political preferences so easily. And the 'fight or flight' psychological response has IMHO attained a new alternative: fight, flee, or secede in disgust. Fleeing is a reactive response to fear while disgusted secession is a choice to become indifferent to insanity rather than try to fix it. Who would possibly want to raise children and morph and adapt and concede and negotiate to continue existing in such a culture?

    BTW this all ties in perfectly with discussions many have had on whether "liberalism" itself is a fatally flawed political structure.
    'Liberalism' is flawed in that promising "equality" is exactly the same kind of childish pursuit of ensuring fairness that Rip often laments.
    The adult move is to accept that life is unfair and your life circumstances are inherently unfair, then try maximally to do whatever possible to succeed and thrive and be happy within those unfair conditions. The childish move is to think you can (and then arrogantly try to!) legislate fairness into your society.
    Something like a benevolent dictatorship or monarchy comprised of the same ethic makeup, with the peons tolerating as little government bloat as possible, to eliminate the rot of nepotism, is probably far preferable to childish liberalism.
    The founding fathers were just opportunists rejecting their ethnic and nationalist ties to their monarchy/benevolent dictator, and by not limiting their experiment to concrete or limited ethnic / national groups they really set this country up for failure. Because pursuing widespread equality just for the sake of childish fairness probably leads to cultural disunity and the tyranny of the minority that is thriving in the current United States of America, proudly propagating its putrid stench on this very day, 6/19, as it forces banks and businesses and government offices to close.

  10. #30490
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Wow, I did not expect all the banks to be closed today!
    Is Juneteenth suddenly a Federal Holiday? HOw was that advocated and lobbied for, if African Americans are a disenfranchised, oppressed ethnicity? Who is advocating for and passing these things, on behalf of whose interests, in order to gain whose loyalty and support in future elections? Juneteenth becoming a bank holiday without any significant push back from the ethnic and cultural majorities would be hilariously inane if it weren't so pathetic.
    Where does the line in the sand get drawn again? This whole slow-boiled frog metaphor has taken on a new meaning if banks and businesses can be forced to close at the whims of political preferences so easily. And the 'fight or flight' psychological response has IMHO attained a new alternative: fight, flee, or secede in disgust. Fleeing is a reactive response to fear while disgusted secession is a choice to become indifferent to insanity rather than try to fix it. Who would possibly want to raise children and morph and adapt and concede and negotiate to continue existing in such a culture?

    BTW this all ties in perfectly with discussions many have had on whether "liberalism" itself is a fatally flawed political structure.
    'Liberalism' is flawed in that promising "equality" is exactly the same kind of childish pursuit of ensuring fairness that Rip often laments.
    The adult move is to accept that life is unfair and your life circumstances are inherently unfair, then try maximally to do whatever possible to succeed and thrive and be happy within those unfair conditions. The childish move is to think you can (and then arrogantly try to!) legislate fairness into your society.
    Something like a benevolent dictatorship or monarchy comprised of the same ethic makeup, with the peons tolerating as little government bloat as possible, to eliminate the rot of nepotism, is probably far preferable to childish liberalism.
    The founding fathers were just opportunists rejecting their ethnic and nationalist ties to their monarchy/benevolent dictator, and by not limiting their experiment to concrete or limited ethnic / national groups they really set this country up for failure. Because pursuing widespread equality just for the sake of childish fairness probably leads to cultural disunity and the tyranny of the minority that is thriving in the current United States of America, proudly propagating its putrid stench on this very day, 6/19, as it forces banks and businesses and government offices to close.
    I was going to ask Coach a smart ass question about how we should all celebrate this new "holiday," but your post sums it up pretty well!

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