Yet somehow even wild, ravenous wolves can manage it. It must be all that kumbaya singing they do. Sure is awfully progressive of them to be so understanding of each other.
You are clearly a globalist.
Gold is pushing towards $2600/ounce, another record high.
I stopped by the LCS yesterday and they said they've got more sellers than buyers.
Something is happening in the financial market when the price fixers start losing control. I wouldn't be surprised to see Au get slammed back to $1500 or soar to $3000 by the end of the year.
If Willie's side piece "wins" the "election" in November, I'm guessing the gold run will continue as more countries abandon the US fiat debt disaster that is apparently beyond repair...
Yet somehow even wild, ravenous wolves can manage it. It must be all that kumbaya singing they do. Sure is awfully progressive of them to be so understanding of each other.
You are clearly a globalist.
Be more specific. When you speak of a revival under the cross, do you mean christianity as it is understood by most modern men today? Or do you mean Christianity as it was originally established? Those are two very different things.
If you like that book from Hilaire Belloc, AC, you might also like his "Servile State."
Sometimes I assume the reader will fill in the blanks (based on my previous posts) more than I should. Popular Christianity clearly needs a serious de-clownworldification. Mainline protestentism is just straight up Satanism at this point. And while the Evangelicals have genuine Christians among them, they have adopted so many Clown World beliefs that it's just embarassing. (Just imagine "Paul's letter to the Church at Clown World". Man that would be epic. I should write that.) And God only knows how much Zionist money is being funneled to the megachurch pastors.
But to their credit, as a demographic, the evangies resisted the COVID tyranny more impressively than any other group. Atheists like to say "people can still be principled and moral without religion", but stastically all evidence points to the contrary.
Thank you for the recommendation.If you like that book from Hilaire Belloc, AC, you might also like his "Servile State."
Do we know in what way the DOJ and ADL "intervened"?
The guy who apologized to the Haitian alien that had just killed his son is still a massive cuck.... but with the ADLs involvement, we also have to again recognize israel's involvement in this shit.
The average IQ in Haiti is 67; we do not want them or need them.
Send them back!
More of a realist, I'd say. We're not dogs, and human history is one of empires. It's inevitable. We are what we are and will continue to make the same blunders.
We don't even have control of the meta-political narrative (although that may be changing in northern Europe), and the rest of the Brown street-pooping world doesn't care about these "homeland" protestations either. They're too busy doing colonisation.
Nobody cares about my idealogy and I don't care about theirs, but despite that it's not my "ideology" to state the glaringly obvious fact that unless European people are in charge of everything, everything turns to shit at the local level and beyond.
You don't want to police the entire world, or the star-system, but if you won't - someone else will. And they currently work in a call-centre. It's unfortunate.
Your political wet-dream of an insular, "culturally united" America, which has a lot of lovely positives, has about as much chance of realistically coming into fruition as the European Intergalactic Empire. This is America we're talking about. A product of empire, gone rogue. The most confused place in history.
Back down to reality, in the meantime, while we haven't even wrestled back control of the meta-political narrative... Let's maybe start there. Also, remember this is a therapeutic pub of ideas attached to a niche lifting website. The convo flows better when people aren't getting upset and throwing labels around.
As Nick Land said, “there’s no going back; we can only go through.”
Someone else said, “there will be no RETVRN.”
A third person said, “our crisis is uniquely suited to our age, our errors, our temptations. To say, however, it is worse or better is entirely dependent upon our circumstances.”
We got through Arianism. We got through Caerularius. We got through Avignon. We got through Luther. Truth is eternal. We’ll get through Clown World. What that will look like is anyone’s guess. It will undoubtedly take the best of the old and remake it with the best of the new. That’s what was done before because that’s the only thing that can be done. I think as young people are learning, there’s that uniqueness to this age, information, they are seeing the Truth, again.
The enemy understands power intuitively. He is Machiavellian by nature. But, we are learning those lessons, too. The Boomers are shitting themselves over traditional devotions, large families, young priests in cassocks and birettas, the very word “heresy.” The next half-dozen years are going to be very, very transformative.