Rip, you get credit for that; you are the opposite of the Boomer stereotypes.
The Boomer generation as a stereotypical group gets credit for this: mcdonalds everyday "be healthy children" | Funny quotes, Funny food memes, Funny memes about girls
There are good individuals in your generation, but as a group, the Boomers are awful.
Do you not realize this response exemplifies the delusional, self-congratulatory entitlement, unearned sense of accomplishment and blame-shifting stereotypical of the Boomers???
Nope; the internet was not you.
Nobody living in their parents' basement is
comfortable; it is a life of ruin and despair.
This is like claiming an underfed and abused gorilla in a tiny concrete cage at the zoo has a great life of "comfort".
For some fucked up reason, Boomers take pride in saying things like:
"The economy I am still earning parasitic interest off of is fucked, but I am now going to blame my children for not being able to afford a house and claim they have a great life of
comfort in their parents' basement"
"They just didn't want to have financial independence, because suddenly within one generation everybody became lazy"
"They just stopped having children and wanting families"
"I am such a good person for paying Juan to cut my lawn and clean my house. He just wants a better life for
his children."
"We need more foreign IT workers! My unemployed kid with a Computer Science degree doesn't want a high-paying job like that!"
"I pay for my boats and luxury cars with my rental homes that I bought for $5,000 each 30 years ago; why can't these lazy kids work like I did? I worked harder than anybody ever did!"
Who encouraged them to stay in this basement anyway?
Many Boomers love to play the hero or get an ego boost out from the desire to be needed with these feel-good decisions that
"help" their children, all the while pathologically discouraging any behaviours that could lead to growth or independence.
"You need to save money, better to live at home while your are an adult"
"Don't take that job in the trades, because it will destroy your life!"
"Your friend didn't go to University? His life is over."
"You took out a predatory loan, now pay it back! It's being responsible!"
"I'll pay you a fair wage to start out.... how about $3.50 an hour without benefits? No!??? You brat!"
"I know you have a Ph.D, but
I started out at a minimum wage job, so you need to too."
"You don't like 50 million aliens undercutting your wages while being subsidized by the welfare system? You want to live in a safe neighborhood!? Stop whining and keep your head down!"
"You are a 40 year old childless cat lady, you are so liberated!"
"Gay? Not that there is anything wrong with that! Have some more atrazine!"
For fuck's sake, to further add insult to injury, the younger Americans are still being asked to subsidize the Boomers; have you ever looked at insurance rates?
The whole idea behind the latest insurance regulations was to subsidize the cost of healthcare for Boomers by charging all of the younger generations several times higher than market rates.
Boomerism is disgusting and indefensible.
It's one thing to make mistakes; it's completely another to brazenly choose to continue to make those mistakes.