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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31571
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    And things are finally beginning to make sense regarding the Transsexual Problem in women's sports: San Jose State transgender controversy: 7 women's volleyball players reportedly enter transfer portal after turbulent season - Yahoo Sports

  2. #31572
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    I know I offended Rip and many others by bashing the attitudes and values that have made the Boomers a peculiarly destructive generation.
    Some of the lower IQ, younger generation of college grads prefer to live in a post-modernist fantasy world; it is difficult to say if they rally believe in it or only claim to for egoistic self-benefit.
    The least self-aware of the young rich men north of Richmond take a pretentious sort of pride in themselves; the rest of us know you are not the golden gods you believe yourselves to be. (I know you don't have the IQ to put it together unless I put it directly, so Johnsonville, that means you.)

    I get it; there are many many individuals from the Boomer generation who were very admirable; your collective legacy is important to you.
    We respect your hard work and the struggles you have faced.
    However, it is undeniable that things have changed; meritocracy does not exist in a centrally planned economy.
    When people need to be above average to have a chance at affording the previous generation's lowest standard of living, things aren't right.
    It is not good for the nation and that needs to be recognized; only then can we begin to fix the problem.

    Ivory towers, pride and the power of the Orwellian television propaganda have come together to produce a post-modernist fantasy world for much of the Boomer generation.
    We want you to support the painfully honest decisions necessary to rebuild this country; that starts with brutal honesty and candid reflection.
    The younger generations will have to do the heavy lifting, but the environment of condescension, derision and denial of reality from the Boomer generation only undercuts us as a nation.
    Time to come back to the real world.
    Time to support the necessarily uncomfortable, mean, tough, dirty decisions we will have to make in the next 5 years.
    Time to help Make America Great Again.

  3. #31573
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    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Time to help Make America Great Again.
    Yngvi, you do realize that Trump is a Boomer too?

  4. #31574
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    Jul 2019


    I know I have done an exceptionally poor job of communicating my points on this issue; I am at fault for that.

    I now believe I was wrong about the need to bring the Boomer generation around to reality through shaming them; it is a fool's errand.
    We have to accept the fact that many of them will never wake up from the dream they believe to be their own authentic Truth... especially in Australia.
    Accept it, eschew the intergenerational contentiousness and plan around it; we will find a way to win with or without them.
    We will take their help if we can get it; if not, we will overlook their faults and celebrate their achievements.

    That being said, there are a few things I should attempt to clarify:

    1. I do not care about petty online squabbles with guys like Johnsonville. I don't take him seriously and I doubt many people do online or off.
    Remember, this is a man who described Ray Gillenwater as being too White trash; a statement ridiculous enough I had wrongly assumed he wasn't serious about it (I thought he had just gone too far in an attempt to be an edgy troll).
    I do believe he should be mocked when he says the dumb things he does.

    2. What I do care about with respect to our interactions is a few of the popular ideas within Republican circles that need to be strongly countered.

    You have to complain; the idea that you should never complain is nothing more than the right wing version of leftist virtue signaling.
    Staying quiet when there is a problem does not get you virtue-signalling points any more than posting a black square on Instagram helped the leftist avoid being targeted by the BLM mobs.

    A victim complains as a passive-aggressive tactic to coerce other people into solving their problems for them.
    A winner complains loudly and aggressively, because they will do whatever it takes for victory.

    The centrist or moderate or unity position is rarely correct
    The idea that compromise is usually correct is yet another deep-seeded logical fallacy.
    It only exists as a tactic to avoid taking the heat that comes with a socially unpopular, but correct position.
    It is yet another bureaucratic "cover your ass" strategy; that is all it is.

    The centrist position of today is the extreme left position of 30 years ago; the centrist position of 30 years ago is what got us here today.

    Listening to all sources in order to come to a "well-informed" opinion is similarly silly.
    You can't come to an informed opinion by giving equal or serious heed to the ramblings of a cracked-out homeless man; likewise paying heed to unreliable sources or propaganda does not lead to the Truth.
    Paying attention to the wrong sources inevitably makes you less informed, contrary to the current popular opinion within the Republican party.

    The Democratic party and the big-finance, legacy-media globalist cabal have been so thoroughly discredited nobody believes a word they say anymore.
    That makes the biggest threat we have to freedom the RATs (Republicans Against Trump).
    RATs want compromise.
    RATs want to bring us to a untenable centrist positions.
    RATs want mercy for those who have shown us none.

    We will have freedom or we will not.
    We will have America back or we will not.
    We will poison our country to fight israel's wars or we will not.
    We will have World War 3 or we will not.
    There is no middle ground; get used to it.

  5. #31575
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    North Texas


    This is why we miss Ronald Reagan:

  6. #31576
    Join Date
    Feb 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    A great president (and not just saying that because he was a friend of the UK)

    In other news, a woman has been burned to fucking death on the NY subway. Kids driven over at a market in Germany. What next?

  7. #31577
    Join Date
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    Albany, Western Australia


    Merry Christmas (insert preferred holiday greeting here) everyone. Thanks for the sanity.

    Yes, it is actually the 25th today. Most of the time Australia is a decade behind the US, but not today. Today we are ahead.

    Thank you Mr. Rippetoe sir, for your inspiring dedication to helping us poor, weak peons endlessly. May you be granted good health and life at minimum until I can make it to a seminar.

  8. #31578
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    Merry Christmas (insert preferred holiday greeting here) everyone. Thanks for the sanity.

    Yes, it is actually the 25th today. Most of the time Australia is a decade behind the US, but not today. Today we are ahead.

    Thank you Mr. Rippetoe sir, for your inspiring dedication to helping us poor, weak peons endlessly. May you be granted good health and life at minimum until I can make it to a seminar.
    Merry Christmas, Martin. And to the ladies and gentlemen of this board. And especially to you, Rip, for hosting us all in forbearance and in celebration of freedom and independence. My deepest prayers of hope and blessings for each of you now and in the coming year.

    Love you guys.

  9. #31579
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Thanks, David. Back at ya.

  10. #31580
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Merry Christmas, Martin. And to the ladies and gentlemen of this board. And especially to you, Rip, for hosting us all in forbearance and in celebration of freedom and independence. My deepest prayers of hope and blessings for each of you now and in the coming year.

    Love you guys.
    Brother, this is one more in a long string of posts where I look at what you've written and couldn't have put it better to say what I was also thinking and feeling. Nevertheless, I'll try:

    In a time of such rampant division, it is a great blessing to have a community of like-minded folks where disagreement is also such a healthy part of things. It's quite a time to be alive, where we can forge such friendships sight unseen.

    Thank you, Rip and staff, and thank you all for who are and what we all do here together. And thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this.

    Grace, mercy, and peace to each of you and to your loved ones.

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