I know I offended Rip and many others by bashing the attitudes and values that have made the Boomers a peculiarly destructive generation.
Some of the lower IQ, younger generation of college grads prefer to live in a post-modernist fantasy world; it is difficult to say if they rally believe in it or only claim to for egoistic self-benefit.
The least self-aware of the young rich men north of Richmond take a pretentious sort of pride in themselves; the rest of us know you are not the golden gods you believe yourselves to be. (I know you don't have the IQ to put it together unless I put it directly, so Johnsonville, that means you.)
I get it; there are many many individuals from the Boomer generation who were very admirable; your collective legacy is important to you.
We respect your hard work and the struggles you have faced.
However, it is undeniable that things have changed; meritocracy does not exist in a centrally planned economy.
When people need to be above average to have a chance at affording the previous generation's lowest standard of living, things aren't right.
It is not good for the nation and that needs to be recognized; only then can we begin to fix the problem.
Ivory towers, pride and the power of the Orwellian television propaganda have come together to produce a post-modernist fantasy world for much of the Boomer generation.
We want you to support the painfully honest decisions necessary to rebuild this country; that starts with brutal honesty and candid reflection.
The younger generations will have to do the heavy lifting, but the environment of condescension, derision and denial of reality from the Boomer generation only undercuts us as a nation.
Time to come back to the real world.
Time to support the necessarily uncomfortable, mean, tough, dirty decisions we will have to make in the next 5 years.
Time to help Make America Great Again.