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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31671
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I appreciate the Cat posting that recent piece as I wouldn't have heard of it otherwise. I suppose it's a mirror of the "Get Trump" trial.

    I can't see a reason that the arguments against it primarily being no jury would convict him from the washington area, but putting him on trial would have an affect, because as the Cat points out. Unlike Trump, there is a large population who are "undecided" on the issue, putting him on trial for X Y and Z would be the first a lot of normies would have heard of this and raise the idea that public servants and more importantly, medical bureaucrats can actually potentially face punishment for wrongdoing.

    I think trying and failing is worth it because it's the first time that something like this has happened (at least to my knowledge) But most of all I'm glad people are discussing the pro's and cons of convicting fauci like it's completely normal.

  2. #31672
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Any gamers here?

    Thoughts on ol Ego Musk pretending he's some god gamer on stream? Then outing himself as very obviously not knowing what he's doing. He's clearly paid some guy to grind / level all the content for him. Yet, feels the need to go on twitch lying about doing it himself / acting like he's the BeStEst!

    How weird is that. A grown man so desperate for attention he needs to lie about playing video games so people think he's good at stuff..

  3. #31673
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    Any gamers here?

    Thoughts on ol Ego Musk pretending he's some god gamer on stream? Then outing himself as very obviously not knowing what he's doing. He's clearly paid some guy to grind / level all the content for him. Yet, feels the need to go on twitch lying about doing it himself / acting like he's the BeStEst!

    How weird is that. A grown man so desperate for attention he needs to lie about playing video games so people think he's good at stuff..
    Civilization series

    Nope, sorry I do not play games. He is not lying. However as you brought up the subject of Elon Musk and video games here are two of his favorites, Civilization Series and Polytopia which are related to controlling empires. Thanks to Trump now he is going to get to play with the the real world.

    You could almost call him "The Prince of the Power of the Air" as he has control of WWWeb with star-link and has become the largest launch provider for satellites. So no games anymore.

  4. #31674
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    North Texas


    Join us on Whitehall at 12 Noon on Saturday

    We have resisted police attempts to force us to assemble at Russell Square.

    We call for the police to lift the restrictions on us marching. If they refuse to do so and prevent us from marching, we will rally on Whitehall in protest.
    I remember being in school and not having time for stupid bullshit like this, since I was, you know, trying to graduate.

    __________________________________________________ _

    Oh, this one is GOOD The State of the Union - by C. Bradley Thompson

    So, as we enter 2025, here’s the State of our Union a few days before we inaugurate a new President and a new administration. More precisely, here is the state of the Deep State. (The following list does not cover the full range of the Deep State, nor does it describe the size or personnel that make up each component part of the Deep State. I will leave for another day. Instead, I focus on the effects of the various component parts of the Deep State on the American people.)

    First, there is the Regulatory Deep State, which is sapping the energy and creativity out of American entrepreneurship and business.

    Second, there is the Welfare Deep State, which has created a nation of dependents and destroyed the family in many communities.

    Third, there is the Tax & Spend Deep State, which has left America $36 Trillion in debt, and which will enslave our children and grandchildren to our profligacy.

    Fourth, there is the Inflationary Deep State, which is printing money and reducing the purchasing power of ordinary Americans to buy food, clothes, and homes.

    Fifth, there is the Election Deep State, which has actively engaged in election interference.

    Sixth, there is the Foreign Policy Deep State, which is more concerned with exporting America’s LGBTQ+ agenda to the Third World than it is with keeping America safe.

    Seventh, there is the Military Deep State, which keeps America in endless wars that it keeps losing.

    Eighth, there is the Treason Deep State, which has been transferring American technology to the Chinese Communist Party for decades.

    Ninth, there is there is the K-12 Education Deep State, which literally now teaches America’s children that 2 + 2 = 5 and that America is systemically racist.

    Tenth, there is the Higher-Education Deep State, which often resembles mass Maoist struggle sessions that indoctrinate and censor.

    Eleventh, there is a Corporate Deep State, which believes that trans-marketed beer is more important than shareholder profits.

    Twelfth, there is an Entertainment Deep State, which produces movies and music that cater to kiddy sexuality and that idolize drug-ridden guttersnipes.

    Thirteenth, there is the Media Deep State, which is—obviously—the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

    Fourteenth, there is the Social-Media Deep State, which takes its censoring orders from the federal government, and which has jiggered its algorithms to addict and infantilize our children via an endless stream of concrete-bound images and “likes.”

    Fifteenth, there is the Medical Deep State, which, in cahoots with government officials bans certain drugs, promotes others, says that it’s normal and good to drug and mutilate our children.

    Sixteenth, there is the Lawfare Deep State, which, following government directives, has politicized and weaponized the legal system and abandoned the rule of law for the rule of men.

    Seventeenth, there is the Surveillance Deep State, which is run by the NSA, CIA, and FBI to surveil without warrant the communications and financial transactions of ordinary Americans.

    Eighteenth, there is the Climate Deep State, which seeks to eliminate fossil fuels and reverse engineer the industrial revolution.

    Nineteenth, there is COVID Deep State, which locked down American economic and social life for 18 months.

    Twentieth, there is the Administrative Deep State, which just got a whole lot deeper when President Biden issued an executive order last year making it near impossible to fire federal bureaucrats, thereby institutionalizing the Administrative Deep State in-perpetuity.

    To repeat, the Deep State is much deeper than you realize.

  5. #31675
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    North Texas


    Denninger: The Essence Of The Scams in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

    The California fires have laid bare, for those who can think anyway, the sheer scale of the scams, grift and frauds that every American deals with silently and -- in many cases without even thinking about it -- every single day.

    They've got a "public works" employee who makes $750,000 a year. How many ordinary people in LA make $750,000 a year? Exactly how do you justify a salary nearly double that of the President of the United States when you can't manage to keep fire hydrants full of water under pressure when there is a fire?

    The Fire Chief, who publicly stated that LGBTQRS++++ and "equity" were the most important things in her department, and even went further and when questioned on this, since there are basically zero women who can pass firefighting physical standards designed to insure you can carry a grown man down a ladder out of a 2nd story window if required that "if that happens then the man shouldn't have been there" -- and this was good for a total pay in 2023 of $439,772.39. Oh by the way, the next two down the ladder in the Fire Department in terms of salary are paid $331,371 and $403,577 respectively for a total of roughly one million in salary and benefits.

    None of those three nor anyone else in LA's alleged "engineering" departments thought that buying sea-scooping aircraft was advisable even though dropping water from the air is one of the best ways to fight fires that are not adjacent to a public street simply because there are no pipes there -- and in the case of LA there is an inexhaustible source of water right there called an "ocean."

    How many IQ points do you need to look out over the city and county you were hired to manage and observe lots of combustible materials in places where a truck cannot easily get -- or get to at all? It appears however many IQ points that requires none of these three possessed them!

  6. #31676
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    Scottsdale Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Raging at the idiots in charge is missing the point, Californians voted these idiots into office and tolerated all their DEI nonsense. The voters did not have the foresight to recognize the danger of government by the mentally deficient. A hard lesson is being learned. The voters need to take action now!

    Get the mental deficient idiots out of politics and government. A political climate change needs to take hold in California before the whole state goes up in flames or worse.

    Recall Newson and Bass! Fire the mentally deficient in government. Rise from the ashes and set a course back to a civilized society.

  7. #31677
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by David Roberts View Post
    Get the mental deficient idiots out of politics and government.
    Great idea! How?

  8. #31678
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Nah, California has to burn. Recalling Newscum and Bass now is like firing the pilot after the plane crash. Largely ceremonial. The correct time to fire them was years ago when the people of California should've not elected children in their own image.

  9. #31679
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    North Texas


    I agree with Rowe. They got what they voted for, let them deal with it. Without my tax money.

  10. #31680
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Nah, California has to burn. Recalling Newscum and Bass now is like firing the pilot after the plane crash. Largely ceremonial. The correct time to fire them was years ago when the people of California should've not elected children in their own image.
    You cannot charge children with criminal negligence, these folk are not "children".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Great idea! How?
    Exactly as those folk are on both sides of the fence. So you cannot vote them out, you need instead an autocrat like Trump. An imperial Presidency, a utilitarian executive as such that will suspend the constitution and allow the the control of failed states such as California to come under Federal control. Would you vote for that? I don't think you would have a choice.

    Look you already showed how much of this federal overreach has occurred with the list you posted of all that "Deep State" stuff so in effect the US even though the States are protected supposedly by the Constitution you have been experiencing Federal creep. When you have State politicians that are in lock step with their federal counterparts you get the " California experience".

    All Trump has to do is identify a crisis that needs control and enact the (PEADS) Presidential Emergency Action Documents.

    Presidential Emergency Action Documents | Brennan Center for Justice

    "The writ of habeas corpus, as specified in Article I, section 9, is the lone provision of the Constitution which may be suspended -- and even then, only in "cases of rebellion or invasion." Under the Constitution the writ could be suspended during a period of national emergency only if the national emergency in ..."

    Can the government suspend the Constitution?

    As Musk and Ramaswarmy will control efficiency in the new administration the best efficiency process is to bypass congress especially when a crisis has been declared. I think you folk are going to have some challenging times ahead.

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