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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31681
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    As Musk and Ramaswarmy will control efficiency in the new administration the best efficiency process is to bypass congress especially when a crisis has been declared. I think you folk are going to have some challenging times ahead.
    Get with the times Wal, curryswamy has already been fired and Trump has been walking back most of his rhetoric since he won, he's looking more like a Rothschild's puppet every day. After all they did bail him out of debt back in the 90's.

  2. #31682
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    You cannot charge children with criminal negligence, these folk are not "children".
    Wal, you have the order entirely backwards. I am not charging children with anything. Even when children are cruel, angry, prideful, envious or thieves, they are still children. They don't know better. They cannot distinguish nuances, nor can they conceive of things framed outside of black or white. Either or. And so, even when the worst of their nature emerges we show them love, compassion, empathy and grace even as we discipline them.

    But these politicians act as if they are children. They conduct themselves with all of the naivety, cruelty and wanton disregard for others as children, but they lack all innocence and any excuse. Their choices, the politicians and voters, have continued to disregard all wisdom and morality. The compounding problems have piled up for years, and now the inevitable outcome has come to pass. So, I say again: California has to burn. There is no capacity to contain it, it has every factor in favor of conflagration, so it will burn. Until the consequences of pride and greed are consumed in the fire.

    The fire isn't even the thing these people should fear the most even given its preeminent threat. What they should truly fear is that none of the them will learn that they caused it, and life in California will continue as it was before.

  3. #31683
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    Jan 2011


    More on your deep state. (you may not want to post this link) Better check it first.

  4. #31684
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    Aug 2015


    Anthony Colpo’s latest piece. I haven’t shared his recent articles since they’ve been a bit out there, but this one is worth a read:

    FACT-CHECKERS EXPOSED: The Truly Pathetic Evidence Base Behind Children'''s Vaccines

  5. #31685
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    Scottsdale Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Nah, California has to burn. Recalling Newscum and Bass now is like firing the pilot after the plane crash. Largely ceremonial. The correct time to fire them was years ago when the people of California should've not elected children in their own image.
    Yesterday is always the best time to fix problems. The next best time is now. As in lifting, start where you are and make steady consistent gains. It took California a long time to get the screwed up. It will take longer to fix it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I agree with Rowe. They got what they voted for, let them deal with it. Without my tax money.
    It would be great if we could earmark out taxes to support only things we agree with.

  6. #31686
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Roberts View Post
    Yesterday is always the best time to fix problems. The next best time is now. As in lifting, start where you are and make steady consistent gains. It took California a long time to get the screwed up. It will take longer to fix it.
    David, I'm not trying to doom, but this is not the reality of California. In the very least as it applies to California politics. Sometimes, when a house is completely ridden with termites, water damaged and the foundation cracked there is no "rolling up your sleeves and fixing it." You bulldoze it in a pile, burn off the flammable parts, load and haul off the rubble. Then you scrape the topsoil six inches, drag a magnet and bring in more soil to regrade.

    If you catch a bilateral double amputation just below the hips, your squatting days are over.

    Sometimes, you screw up too big to fix it. Sometimes, all you're left with is loss.

    I'm not saying your attitude isn't inherently good, but I'm saying sometimes it's no longer possible. This is the true depth and loss of such foolishness and pride, and it should serve as a stark reminder of what we all need to guard against.

  7. #31687
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Wal, you have the order entirely backwards. I am not charging children with anything.
    Yes I understand what you meant, but comparing them to children is not the right adjective, they are more like a sidewinders or copper heads. There is no naivety. We have a saying here in Australia, they are "Mad as a cut snake", now that they have been caught in gross negligence. It is not all about the fire as you say, but the way in which they have governed the State. We have the same problems here such as in the state of Victoria which is in debt over 250 Billion about the same cost as the LA fires, but the Premier (governor) resigned on a fat pension, there should be laws to prosecute these people and confiscate their wealth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler Woodruff View Post
    Get with the times Wal, curryswamy has already been fired and Trump has been walking back most of his rhetoric since he won, he's looking more like a Rothschild's puppet every day. After all they did bail him out of debt back in the 90's.
    Well even better let Musk do it on his own. If he does not get to be Ohio's next governor he may well come back.

  8. #31688
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post

    Well even better let Musk do it on his own. If he does not get to be Ohio's next governor he may well come back.
    It's almost like people instinctively know Trump the NY real estate guy isn't going to become Caesar just 4 years after not being Caesar.

    We're ALREADY floating out the cope that Musk will probably, no, definitely be THE GUY. Just wait 4 more years, you'll see. Next time, it will be different. Based Musk who views America as an economic zone and wants to replace "lazy", stupid heritage Americans with cheap Indian labour.

    I'm still seeing lots of articles about how this or that corporation is putting "the woke" away, and deleting their DEI departments, but the future is looking more and more Neocon as each day passes. A Neocon managerial state with the soundtrack of The Village People.

    What's just happened to California and peoples' acceptance of it's evolutionary importance also needs to happen to electoral politics. Fast.

  9. #31689
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Fauci, Milley, and the J6 Committee all pardoned last night in the midnight hours. What does that tell you?

  10. #31690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Rich View Post
    Fauci, Milley, and the J6 Committee all pardoned last night in the midnight hours. What does that tell you?
    Tells me that they needed pardoning.

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