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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31701
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    It would be far more illiberal than throwing a stiff-armed salute on a big, glitzy televised stage.
    Jackson, you really think that's what Musk did? Because the media told you what to think? Did you hear what he said before he waved his hand?

  2. #31702
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    UK politicians, like Trump, right now want to focus voters' attention on the small boats and illegal immigration so we don't look at the actual issue of *legal* replacement-level mass migration - and more specifically, what we could do to rectify it. It would be far more illiberal than throwing a stiff-armed salute on a big, glitzy televised stage.
    "My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured," he (Musk) said after the second salute. If he held out clenched fist instead he would be accused of a black power salute.

    I would look at something different about Musk however.

    "He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the presence of people." Rev 13:13. Absolutely uncanny.

  3. #31703
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    Matt, I don't know what, of anything, would make you happy about our politics over here. Musk is far from perfect, but I think both sides were talking past each other with regard to H1B visas. It was at least amusing to me hearing everyone talk about how we put a man on the moon without H1Bs, but no one bothered to remember Operation Paperclip was the only reason we had a strong nuclear or space program.

    I also don't see how the two are opposed. If you actually want to bring the top .1% here, then that's fantastic. Heck, bring the top 3-5%. It's also not at all what the visa programs have actually been used for, and so it's not important if you terminate that whole program and send everyone here on it back. I also don't have a problem with Americans competing for the top so long as they get equal pay and companies aren't hollowed out to "reduce labor costs."

    I also don't know what more you want out of the first 48 hours out of a presidency that isn't yours.

  4. #31704
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Jackson, you really think that's what Musk did? Because the media told you what to think? Did you hear what he said before he waved his hand?
    In reality, it was a totally hollow gesture designed to whip up a bit of "edgy" controversy and annoy the libtards. He's rubbing shit in their faces. He does embody... anything. He's not any kind of genius. He's a venture capitalist at this point.

    Let's be honest, Musk isn't politically ideological. He's an materialistic individualist - his worldview is the exactly the same as those "woke" leftoids he spends so much time denigrating. He just occupied the opposite end of the materialistic spectrum.

    He doesn't care if Americans are replaced by infinity Indians as long as the graph keeps on going up, new markets are created and the search for endless growth continues.

    Likewise, the left don't care if you're replaced by the third world as long as the deranged fantasy of material equality is pursued.

    The only ideology that has been powerfully asserted at the start of this presidency is the commitment to Zionism.

  5. #31705
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    I wish our politicians had the guts to do what Trump did yesterday.

    "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump."

    And in a moment he changed the US forever, perhaps the world.
    Wal, you know I love you, right? But are you really trying to point that verse to the current President, or was that just a joke?

    This forum being what it is, and Rip's standards on religious discussion being clear, I avoid in-depth discussions of exegesis and hermeneutics, but I have to ask about this one as presented. I promise not to pursue it in depth, but I just want to know the intent.

  6. #31706
    Join Date
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    Matt, I get that you think the US is peopled with fools and illiterate barbarians without any trace of an Oxford accent. Are you interested in what we think about the UK?

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