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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31711
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Elon likes to troll people, but the gesture wasn't intentional. (Although, it would be nice to have the historically important Roman salute decriminalized.)
    It was just a spergy manifestation of his social anxiety; this is part of Elon's charm.

    Elon and Trump are both beholden to the zionist lobby, but at least they have both been extracting compromises.
    Trump has made many concessions, such as filling top post with neocons/zionists (Among which, Kushner has been astoundingly appointed as ambassador to France), but he has also gotten a few good picks in.
    Trump has been conceding heavily on the existentially destructive legal H1-b immigration, but he got diehard open-borders zionist, Larry Fink, to do a complete ideological 180 and agree with what I have been saying for 10 years: Migrants Not Needed: BlackRock'''s Fink Says '''Xenophobic''' Countries Will Have Higher Standard Of Living Amid AI Revolution | ZeroHedge
    It is as true now as it was 10 years ago; large populations, especially of low intelligence or low skill people will become an economic and competitive disadvantage, even more so in multicultural societies.
    Elon has censored or limited the reach of posts on Twitter which are critical of israel and Indian H1-b abuse (the only two topics I can think of that are actively censored on X), but he is greatly increasing freedom of speech in the EU.

    Why is Trump suddenly making overtures to nepotistic Indian H1-b abusers?
    It clearly does not benefit Americans in any way.
    Trump has just said he wants more H1-bs, even for waiters at restaurants
    India has indicated it may not even accept the deportation of most of the millions of Indians here illegally:Modi’s government planning to repatriate 18,000 Indians living in US illegally | US news | The Guardian

    Here is the reason Trump has suddenly become an H1-b supporter and what you will see in the future: Trump has been deceived or extorted into believing the China threat must be countered by a strong alliance with India.

    A largely unnoticed series of articles by China's preeminent leader in geopolitical strategy, Hua Bin, makes clear the Chinese alliance with the zionists has been turned on its head.
    Hua Bin is level-headed and extremely bright.
    If you want to understand the current situation in the Trump/Elon White House, these articles are the best starting point:
    Viewing Israeli behaviour through the lens of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – part 1
    Viewing Israeli behaviour through the lens of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – part 2

    Remember, it was as recently as 10 years ago that israel was still covertly selling US military secrets to the CCP.
    As RFK was recorded saying at a private event, the Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered/targeted to avoid receptor variants present in ethnically Chinese and Jewish people.
    There was substantial evidence the Chinese government aided the zionist, George Soros, in rigging the 2020 election against Trump.

    The zionist-CCP alliance disintegrated as the CCP was thrown under the bus by its zionist "old friends" (as Hua Bin used to call them) in America.
    Among the events:
    Xi Jin Ping's economic reforms that excluded many foreign financial/banking interests.
    China's support for its important economic partners in Iran/Syria.
    George Soros's attempted color revolution in Hong Kong.
    Legacy media turning on China when it became politically convenient.

    Now, israel and its lobbyists in the US deep state are fuming; they want war with China.
    As a secondary objective, they believe they can destabilize Iran by targeting China.

    India is now israel's counterbalance to China and Iran in the Middle East.

    What does India want in return?
    Immigration, remittances, preferential economic treatment and a strong alliance; increased immigration and Indians non-meritocratically elevated to powerful positions in the West will provide all of it.
    For example, Vivek has clearly ruined his political career, but Trump is pushing for him to be a governor, likely at the behest of the Indian government.

    Who benefits?
    Definitely not Americans.

    We want friendly relations with China; they are not our enemies.
    We want competitive cooperation with China; this is mutually beneficial for both countries.

    America does not need India; it is israel that needs India.
    We cannot be paying this price for israel and risking WWIII yet again.
    No war with China
    NO MORE H1bs.

  2. #31712
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    It's another (giant) step towards a transhumanist society with surveillance at its core.
    This should get way more attention that the podium calisthenics of the rocket guy.

    The focus should be on how a single bumfuck judge you've never heard of just said "no" and it's all over. Hail Dark-MAGA Caesar, indeed.

    I didn't respond to you, Dave, but yeah, you're 100% right about that. Nothing which comes about as a result of the ballot box is worth shit. That will remain true for a long time yet unfortunately.

  3. #31713
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    Jan 2023


    Trump ends Fauci'''s security detail and says he'''d feel no responsibility if harm befell him | AP News

    "Trump ends Fauci’s security detail and says he’d feel no responsibility if harm befell him"

    He can use all the money he had earmarked for his legal defence.

  4. #31714
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    North Texas


    Woke DEI + Green Nihilism = Dresden in California - Victor Davis Hanson

    As usual, VDH says what needs saying.

    Over 25,000 acres are ablaze in Los Angeles in the Pacific Palisades fire, a veritable living hell.

    Some 12,000-plus structures were incinerated. More than 250,000 souls have been evacuated and are in need of shelter.

    No one has really taken charge yet. And now even the woke culprits for the catastrophe are blame-gaming each other to determine who was the more incompetent, which in this case translates to the most woke.

    No one knows how many have died; all know the number will escalate in the next few days.

    The eventual price tag of the ruin will exceed $200-300 billion and outstrip the billions of dollars given to Ukraine.

    And there are still some fires that are completely uncontained.

    The Los Angeles apocalypse was a multisystem, green-woke collapse—and a disastrous reminder that when Soviet-style, anti-meritocratic ideology permeates all aspects of modern life in California, disaster is inevitable.

  5. #31715
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    The focus should be on how a single bumfuck judge you've never heard of just said "no" and it's all over. Hail Dark-MAGA Caesar, indeed.

    I didn't respond to you, Dave, but yeah, you're 100% right about that. Nothing which comes about as a result of the ballot box is worth shit. That will remain true for a long time yet unfortunately.
    This is a critical and necessary step, Matt. The contrast was enough to get the ball rolling, and the last four years have been such an undeniable catastrophe across every domain that the federal government has touched. I have watched people change around me. If they weren't suffering, then they had family and friends who were. No one got away unscathed.

    I was under no delusion that this was going to be fixed, but I certainly haven't lost hope in it as a possibility. So far, the Trump administration's actions have surpassed my expectations, but inevitably there will be blowback. There will be market impacts, and I hope deregulation allows the freedom for it to correct itself. There will be piecemeal attempts to derail many of these efforts, but if the Biden administration taught Trump anything it should have been how much you can accomplish when you stubbornly persist.

    Certainly, there is the looming future threat of how much was both done by Biden and undone by Trump through executive orders being repeated. The States and the People have some time to get their feet under them, but it may only be four years.

  6. #31716
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    Hopefully an upside to this is that the executive orders "undoing" DEI and corporate censorship etc etc will have a smaller but similar effect on what I'll refer to as the "globalism industry" that big companies partake in. Maybe "stakeholder capitalism" is a better term for this. As Carter's orders had on the nuclear industry. It's a lot of money and capital spent building it up just to have it removed overnight. Hopefully it just got a lot riskier for corporations to spend billions of dollars over a decade on building these structures in the future.

  7. #31717
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    It's a lot of money and capital spent building it up just to have it removed overnight. Hopefully it just got a lot riskier for corporations to spend billions of dollars over a decade on building these structures in the future.
    Hopefully it bankrupts the worst of them. I sincerely hope that Target fails financially.

  8. #31718
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    Scottsdale Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    VDH held back! He knows the root of this goes deeper than just DEI and the Green New Deal. This craziness dates back to the 60s when angry, wicked, vicious, hormone imbalanced women began burning their bras and demanding "Equal Rights". Their venom has spread and permeated the society. Each passing decade has led to an expansion of the craziness. The unintended and snowballing consequences of the women lib movement cannot be overestimated.

    DEI and all the mentally deficient leaders in California are examples of the leading edge of crazy. If Trump is not able to bring this definitively to heel, the things we see in California today will seem moderate in 10 years.

  9. #31719
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    North Texas


    100% correct, David. And look at this, the goddamnest thing I have read in a long time: Thread by @SarahisCensored on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    Too much to quote from, but read it. READ IT.

    __________________________________________________ ________


  10. #31720
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    100% correct, David. And look at this, the goddamnest thing I have read in a long time: Thread by @SarahisCensored on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    Too much to quote from, but read it. READ IT.

    __________________________________________________ ________

    That is a real horror story. I hope that he and all J6ers are successful in pursuing restitution from the government and the apparatchik that abused them.

    As a young Marine officer in the 70s, I read Solzhenitsyn's, The Gulag Archipelago, never anticipating that during my life time evil people like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden would subject American citizens to similar Soviet treatment. The Marxist and Communist lefties have bastardized the rule of law and will stop at nothing to achieve their objectives.

    Thankfully Trump is back and he is busy kicking ass and taking names. I don't know how he does it. I'm exhausted just watching him. He and his dream team need to continue steamrolling until the job is done- leaving the Commies and Marxists to wonder what the hell just happened!

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