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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #12051
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    You can't scare an American with laws.
    I don’t think people from outside the US will ever understand this. This whole country more or less started as a big “Fuck You” to authority. It has a long history of saying “Fuck You” to authority. Hell, the Declaration of Independence was one of the biggest “Fuck You’s” to authority ever written.

    Many of the people who immigrated here either did so because of austere conditions or because they were fleeing tyranny. They were all brave people. You don’t get on a vessel the size of the Mayflower and puke your guts out for months if you’re not brave. It’s in our “cultural DNA,” if you will.

  2. #12052
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Christiansen View Post
    Seriously. Try the reflection thing. You're literally the exhibit A the kids throw "OK, Boomer" around.
    I get it Mad Dog. It's hard to endure a public spanking when having a public tantrum isn't it kid? Ageist arguments are always about as withering as Robin's abortion "So's your old man!" comebacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by UberBabs View Post
    So naive. I am 63, no anti-vaxxer, and able to think for myself despite an ivy-league law degree. I will not get the "vaccine" because: 1) I am healthy and not an obese lump; 2) the reporting on deaths from COVID-19 is suspect given the perverse monetary incentives for hospitals to categorize deaths as caused by COVID; 3) these (Moderna and Pfizer) are not vaccines but gene therapy of a type that has never before worked; 4) it remains an experimental therapy that was rushed out without any study of long-term effects, particularly on the immune system; 5) big pharma -- an industry sector whose actors sometimes -- too often -- can't be distinguished from criminals is making and stands to make billions of dollars off these "vaccines"; 6) the federal government has given big pharma a waiver of any liability whatsoever for negative consequences from these "vaccines"; 7) I don't trust the government to accurately report the side effects from these "vaccines" because the government never admits being wrong; 8) established science is being discarded, e.g., herd immunity from actual infection apparently is now not as good as getting a "vaccine" that only mimics the spike protein and not the whole virus; and 9) there is a concerted PR campaign and misreporting designed to instill fear and hysteria in the populace to condition the people to obey, and to pressure private businesses to do in effect what the government is barred from doing itself (government cannot mandate that people take an experimental drug or therapy, but Wal-Mart can prohibit you from entering the premises without your passport). Finally, I used to be in law enforcement and always tended to give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt in any situation (saying that once got me bounced from a jury panel), but I am increasingly concerned that law enforcement personnel do not have the cojones to stand up to absurd restrictions (in LA the television can be on in a bar or restaurant, but no live entertainment) that can easily progress to totalitarian oppression. I will not go along for as long as I can hold out.
    All good arguments, and absent an Ivy degree, much the same as me. Like you, I am healthy and not obese. But I am not doing it because of marketing. But as I have already said, had the Kung Flu, got both shots and I'm not dead yet.

    I might remind (not you) others who post in this thread that the resort to not knowing anyone who has died of the Kung Flu gets used as an argument and doesn't seem to get challenged. Yet using the same criteria to post about not knowing anyone who got a dirt nap from the shot, and I know of a bunch of people my age who have had it, even with pre-existing health problems like slow progressing leukemia and COPD, and are still walking around right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Hurling is dangerously close to one of these guys who says, "If you're not doing anything wrong, why do you care if they're spying on you?"
    See Barry Charles' post regarding this. Not to worry, I'll come to it directly. Like BC, I spent a sizable chunk of my career in aerospace and defense. Likewise at least one of your guys in your organization who has posted about how to secure your transactions and communications here at some length. I realized fairly early while working in security next to the alphabet soup gubmint civil service folks that little of what I said and did was really safe from being monitored or recorded. Not that I had anything to hide. But then, I guess I must be guilty by inference at least, of your charge.

    Say all and what you want to. But just know that despite measures you take to secure your electronic communications by audio or other means, if you become a person of interest to the IC, they will get what they want to know without expending too much effort to get it. The recent depredations of the FBI (no doubt with the assistance of the NSA and a few others whose mission prohibits them from domestic operations) dragnetting the citizens who got suckered in to taking over the Capitol should prove the extent to which they will go and their reach. Bottom line? If I were you, Mad Dog, I would keep my tantrums about starting up freikorps off the net. The only really secure way to organize that sort of thing is like our Founders did with hand written documents transmitted by trusted couriers, AKA, the Committees of Correspondence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    So am I. I learned working for UPS (a long time ago) that the best markings for theft deterrence is to not insure the package followed by not labeling fragile. Hide in plain sight. Power in numbers.

    Working in national security has some trade offs. It’s not for everyone but it is rational.
    Yup. Once you learn what those folks can and will do, you better sort yourself out and determine to remain rational. Even when you may not like some of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    I'm pro-vax. You want them, get them!

    I've just never had one only because I was impossible to catch and hold down as a kid. The Adults did have me in "catch parties". We wrestled, and then we got sick. I've not been "sick" from a virus in decades. I'd like to keep it that way.

    So, I prefer to keep mother nature's miraculous OEM engineering stock FOR MYSELF. It is an impressive machine, you know.

    My issue: these Covid shots are being marketed with fascism. Don't ever tell me what I MUST do to MY body. It is mine. Mine is a very powerful least it was in the 70s.

    My body. My choice. (hmmm...where did I hear that before?)

    Re your comparison to the 70s: I remember the 70s from the perspective of a beer bong. We had no problems like this^. We were Freebirds. I still am.
    Glad we seem to agree. I still don't like beer, especially since foreswearing alcohol entirely a couple of years ago. As for the bong thing, I never got into smoking anything. But it's good to have an adult to talk to about those days.

  3. #12053
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    Mar 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by zft View Post
    You've put years of thought into this, yet a very quick search reveals a decreasing crime rate in Austin [1]. This most recent annual report is from 2018, but the APD also publishes monthly reports [2], of specific interest is the one from December 2020 [3], which gives annual figures for 2020 and 2019. [1] reports on total violent crime, which [3] does not explicitly. But [1] defines precisely what constitutes violent crime, which we can now extrapolate from [3]:

    Murder: 47
    Rape: 291
    Robbery: 1,109
    Aggravated Assault: 3,193
    Total: 4640

    Murder: 33
    Rape: 334
    Robbery: 1,057
    Aggravated Assault: 2,612
    Total: 4036

    [4] gives the population of Austin as almost exactly 10^6 so this gives us violent crime rates per 100,000 of

    2020: 464
    2019: 404

    Comparing this to the historical data on page 3 of [1] and we see that while 2020's rate is somewhat elevated in comparison to the 2012-2018 period, 2019's rate is right in line and the general trend of violent crime is decreasing in Austin, Texas. There is no dramatic increase and the trend remains downwards.

    I don't know shit, yet apparently I know more than you do about the crime rate in the city you live in, after 10 minutes of research. Maybe I'm opinionated, but at least my opinions are grounded in reality, unlike yours.

    [2] Chief's Monthly Reports |
    [4] Demographics |
    I’ve put several years of thought into concealed carrying, not crime trends in austin. Read carefully.

    33 to 47 murders, when people were locked jnside half of the year constitutes “somewhat” of a crime increase?

    There are already 19 murders this year and we’re well on pace to smash murder records.

    Austin on Track for 111% Increase in Murders Over Two-Year Period

    Over 200 police quit or retired in 2020, they cancelled all cadet classes, and the city population has grown. “Extrapolate” some logic and tell me what happens when you announce to the country that you’re going to cut the police budget by a third?

    I pay attention to local crime reports and local safety reports on social media (nextdoor, ring, citizen). You don’t live here and your “data” doesn’t do anything except prove my point.

  4. #12054
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    Have a glance at page 3 to learn more about innocent jogger Ahmad Arbery.

  5. #12055
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    I think it does matter. The US is really the last outpost of freedom in this world and therefore has come under great pressure to be divided up and this happens when divisions are set up from within a country, as the saying goes "divide and conquer". You think about it, how was it possible to remove a sitting president without a shot being fired? You lost your head of state and now have two glove puppets in control, it does not matter about your "guns" and "moonshine", it is not about your firearms, bending the knee, the enemy is already inside the gate and has been for some time. When a building has been eaten out by termites the outside structure does not look any different until one day the roof falls in and all the guns in the world will not change anything because the damage has already been done. Well that's my opinion and I could be wrong, hope you folk get back some decent leaders.
    What Jenni is telling you is that we haven't depended on our "leaders" for a very long time.

    Quote Originally Posted by zft View Post
    Yeah, you're the original outlaws in the saga of human history that has spanned hundreds of thousands of years of violence.

    Masturbating over how tough "we" are by listing a bunch of shit you had zero involvement just adds to the irony.
    Try breaking into Jenni's house and see what happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    But as I have already said, had the Kung Flu, got both shots and I'm not dead yet.

    I might remind (not you) others who post in this thread that the resort to not knowing anyone who has died of the Kung Flu gets used as an argument and doesn't seem to get challenged. Yet using the same criteria to post about not knowing anyone who got a dirt nap from the shot, and I know of a bunch of people my age who have had it, even with pre-existing health problems like slow progressing leukemia and COPD, and are still walking around right now.


    Say all and what you want to. But just know that despite measures you take to secure your electronic communications by audio or other means, if you become a person of interest to the IC, they will get what they want to know without expending too much effort to get it. The recent depredations of the FBI (no doubt with the assistance of the NSA and a few others whose mission prohibits them from domestic operations) dragnetting the citizens who got suckered in to taking over the Capitol should prove the extent to which they will go and their reach. Bottom line? If I were you, Mad Dog, I would keep my tantrums about starting up freikorps off the net. The only really secure way to organize that sort of thing is like our Founders did with hand written documents transmitted by trusted couriers, AKA, the Committees of Correspondence.

    Yup. Once you learn what those folks can and will do, you better sort yourself out and determine to remain rational. Even when you may not like some of it.
    So, you got the shot to stay off of their radar, even though you are immune the good way. Okay. Good idea. Keep your head down. But we think the free Krispy Kremes had something to do with it. You can take the back-alley takedowns away from the cop, but not the donuts.

  6. #12056
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    So, you got the shot to stay off of their radar, even though you are immune the good way. Okay. Good idea. Keep your head down. But we think the free Krispy Kremes had something to do with it. You can take the back-alley takedowns away from the cop, but not the donuts.
    What's wrong with donuts?

  7. #12057
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    North Texas


    I'm really surprised that nobody has mentioned this before: Sensing Online: Vaccine passports are white supremacist

    Lack of deliberate intent does not excuse systemic racism. The fact that matters is this: "Black and Latino people are far more likely to live in poverty than white people, and despite having died at higher rates throughout the pandemic, they are receiving fewer vaccines than white people."

    Vaccine passports will obviously be issued only to persons who have completed the vaccination shots. And that means that a vaccine-passport system will be just as racially unjust as vaccine administration. Passports will inevitably privilege white people over people of color. Whites will be advantaged for travel, for attendance at sporting events or even government functions open only to passport holders. And as CNN's report above indicates, also for employment and job assignments. Jim Crow could not have thought of a better way to widen the income and social inequality gaps between whites and POCs.
    Nobody is as woke as we are. And let me just take this opportunity to apologize for Mark Hurling's obviously racist behavior.

  8. #12058
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    Quote Originally Posted by VNV View Post
    If it includes a Max Headroom AI issuing quips and cues, I might get it.
    And here I thought I was the only one who remembered him. At least until he got in the White House

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Nobody is as woke as we are. And let me just take this opportunity to apologize for Mark Hurling's obviously racist behavior.
    Ahem! That's antisemitic, thank you. I would think the yellow star on my shot card was sufficient proof of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    What Jenni is telling you is that we haven't depended on our "leaders" for a very long time.

    Try breaking into Jenni's house and see what happens.

    So, you got the shot to stay off of their radar, even though you are immune the good way. Okay. Good idea. Keep your head down. But we think the free Krispy Kremes had something to do with it. You can take the back-alley takedowns away from the cop, but not the donuts.
    Not for the radar. To assure I could start coaching Special Olympics again. And the Jujitsu too.

    Krispy Kreme? It is to laugh. Now Winchell's were the shit hot ticket.

  9. #12059
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I'm really surprised that nobody has mentioned this before: Sensing Online: Vaccine passports are white supremacist

    Nobody is as woke as we are. And let me just take this opportunity to apologize for Mark Hurling's obviously racist behavior.
    Oh my...that is brilliant.
    I will NOT get a Covid vaccine until EVERY person of color and LGBTQIA in the world has theirs first.

    I've been looking for this^ to stuff in peoples' faces.
    "Because I don't need it" doesn't seem to cut it with them.

    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    Glad we seem to agree. I still don't like beer, especially since foreswearing alcohol entirely a couple of years ago. As for the bong thing, I never got into smoking anything. But it's good to have an adult to talk to about those days.
    It's a beer bong. A reefer bong would have been much smarter, healthier and safer.

  10. #12060
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ericw View Post
    I open carry fairly often. It’s relatively common around here.
    That's when some of the downsides disappear.

    If I was to be the only one open carrying then I am actually a target or a potential mule for someone who can take my gun and use it, but if if 30%+ of the room is open carrying then it is likely a deterrent. Here in FL 20% of the population has a CCW, but about 50% of the folks I know rarely ever carry. If criminals did the math they'd find honest work anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Hurling is dangerously close to one of these guys who says, "If you're not doing anything wrong, why do you care if they're spying on you?"
    I'd say preemptively doing something just in case they make a rule about it put him firmly over that line.

    Rare for a retired cop, actually. Most of them are "for thee, not me"type folks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    So am I. I learned working for UPS (a long time ago) that the best markings for theft deterrence is to not insure the package followed by not labeling fragile. Hide in plain sight. Power in numbers.
    Yes. Be the grey public.

    I laugh when I see t-shirt and bumper sticker that are literally folks asking for a fight. My favorite was the "Save The Oak Beach Inn" ones when I was a kid. The OBI was officially a beach bar miles from anywhere (so a great place to catch drunk drivers), but also known for prostitution and narcotics. I'm sure cops never profiled anyone with those bumper stickers, right?

    The appearance of compliance when being watched matters, but volunteering to be watched is just stupid. You are likely to do at least something every day that could get you their attention.

    Quote Originally Posted by zft View Post
    Masturbating over how tough "we" are by listing a bunch of shit you had zero involvement just adds to the irony.
    You expect her to post her current illegal activities here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    It's hard to endure a public spanking when having a public tantrum isn't it kid?
    It's only in your imagination that either of these things happened. Same place where you are part of the resistance to tyranny while all but leaving new ideas in the "Man"'s suggestion box.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    Ageist arguments are always about as withering as Robin's abortion "So's your old man!" comebacks.
    The fact that you think "OK, Boomer!" is ageist is exactly why you are the poster child for it. It's like "nigger": not all blacks are niggers, but most niggers are black.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    Oh my...that is brilliant.
    I will NOT get a Covid vaccine until EVERY person of color and LGBTQIA in the world has theirs first.
    I've joked about this before, but usually just go with "I'm waiting until the human trials are over."

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