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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #18931
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    This isn't communism, like the dumb boomer-con right endlessly and fruitlessly complain about. This is a command economy. This is the elite allocating the capital, and the plebs will get what they get. End of story.
    I get your point, but I kind of disagree. They are acting in almost an identical fashion to the communist revolutionaries when it comes to the methods they use to disrupt social order. For that alone, I don't mind the commie label. But most importantly, they are the spiritual, and in many cases literal, descendants of the early 20th century communist revolutionaries. They're using different methods this time around, but they still have the same stink. Hatred of Christianity and Western civilization, inversion of natural order, fetish for technocracy, and desire for centralized global order.

  2. #18932
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    I get your point, but I kind of disagree. They are acting in almost an identical fashion to the communist revolutionaries when it comes to the methods they use to disrupt social order. For that alone, I don't mind the commie label. But most importantly, they are the spiritual, and in many cases literal, descendants of the early 20th century communist revolutionaries. They're using different methods this time around, but they still have the same stink. Hatred of Christianity and Western civilization, inversion of natural order, fetish for technocracy, and desire for centralized global order.
    There's two separate enemies.

    Communism and Globalism.

    Communism is the lesser of the two evils because a) it's more well known and can be (theoretically at least) acted against. and b) the threat of communism has always been the state funded subversion by a communist state. There is no kgb funding groups anymore.

    There is however a remnant, that is the useful idiots (remember these people, according to the plan, are killed off) that continue to exist, repeating the demoralisation and destabilisation stage on a loop. And they've become self perpetuating and funding via their colonisation of academia. What they don't have is direction and control beyond "communism"

    Globalism is the supra national institutions, there is no plan or ideology beyond power and control. The "plan" appears to be capitalistic melting down and control to anything that will threaten stability and profits. National and ethnic identities are something to be worn down and comodified. You're feelings are not only products, but you express them through purchasing products. You don't write how you feel, you react with an emoji, you signal your virtue with the rainbow products you buy.
    This is where the npc consumer comes from. (Consume Product / Consoomer | Know Your Meme) Don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product. I would argue that neo fuedalism is the goal. Working on a Lord's lands in exchange for protection has been replaced for consuming within the Apple ecosystem of products in exchange for dopamine and comfort.

    This makes the first enemy of communism a simple matter to control for the globalists, as it can simply be expressed through consumption of products. George Soros is a globalist first and foremost, yet he funds the communists, who are then reliant on his money to function. No money for therapy and hormones if you step out of line and actually threaten the system.

    Tying it back to the threat at hand to keep it on topic, the research medical pharmacy complex is big business. People demand that the purchase of products is a "human right" Imagine your salespeople being a member of the priestly class and untouchable. The military industrial complex must be insanely jealous.

  3. #18933
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilead View Post
    Do you have a source for this statement?
    It's an educated guess. Some turf wars went on here and there, but I would say since most of history is as fake as the Covid "pandemic", you gotta go back to where they admit to the first usury documents ("laws") for a start.

  4. #18934
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    The transfer of $3.5 trillion is complete.

    Summary – Going Direct Reset, by John Titus -
    Yeah, this is the gist of it. Covid seems to me to be a mop up operation from 2008, emptying out everything that hasn't been emptied out until now. Jeff Snider reckons that the US alone has lost 50 trillion in economic activity since 2008, so the current theft is not really the biggest one yet. I guess they just wanted to clean the floor before launching a new money making cycle, to get ready for a new round of fleecing in 2045-2050.

  5. #18935
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    Up until the US Immigration Act in 1965, the US was 90% genetically European. In 2020 it was 60%. The United States of 2022 is a very, very different place than that of our parents and grandparents. The trend suggests that by 2040, those of European genetic predisposition will make up less than half the US population. I am not making a value judgement on that, simply stating the fact that the US will more closely resemble the demographics of Brazil than that of the United States of 1960.
    Depends who you consider to be Europeans in the US, as Hispanic people average somewhere around 66%+ European ancestry. I consider most Hispanics to be European, albeit a different type of European compared to the English/Scottish/German that dominated the first 100 years of the country and the English/Scottish/German/Irish that dominated afterwards.

    We will not look like Brazil.
    Brazil is relatively homogenous when you look at ancestry.
    Portuguese blood still dominates in general; There is currently much more Portuguese blood in Brazil than there is English, Scottish, German or Irish blood in the United States.
    The Genomic Ancestry of Individuals from Different Geographical Regions of Brazil Is More Uniform Than Expected

    The United States was traditionally able to overcome its diversity through geographic separation, weak federal government, states' rights, protections against democracy, guarantees of freedom, economic prosperity, shared religion, common or similar language and assimilation.

    Most surveys and analysis I have seen of the topic find the majority of Americans (some suggest up to 90%) of people interact almost exclusively with individuals of a similar genetic background.
    This won't surprise anyone who went to University in the US and observed most Chinese students interact almost exclusively with other Chinese students and most Koreans interact almost exclusively with other Koreans. Or in the tech world, where many Indian managers almost exclusively hire Indian employees; or in any city in America where you know which areas are Black neighborhoods, Hispanic Neighborhoods and White neighborhoods.
    What is less apparent from a glance is the separation of Whites along lines of ancestry; most White Americans are ignorant of their ancestry, but many areas are still dominated by a single ancestry, especially outside of cities. You still tend to find large percentages of Irish people in Massachusetts, Scottish people in Appalachia, Italian people in certain neighborhoods of New York, Ashkenazi Jewish people in certain enclaves of New York or LA, English people in Maine, French in Louisiana, Nordic in Minnesota etc.
    This also can provide a less-acknowledged reason our cities are rotting, ungovernable messes.
    What we are seeing looks like Balkanization, not Brazil.

  6. #18936
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    The 4th Reich

    Coronavirus: Austrian parliament approves mandatory vaccination order - BBC News

    Just like many Texans want to secede, thank God the UK people (not their corrupt masters) had the balls to Brexit away from the EU. They needed to grow these balls much bigger and display them against the Covid Corruption right from the start. But they didn’t. How far The Empire has fallen.

    Austria - “Welcome to Hell”.

  7. #18937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    I wouldn't know enough to confidently make a prediction, but aren't green technologies, generally speaking, a bust. There are hard physical limits to the amount of energy that can be stored and transferred between mediums. And it turns out chemical reactions from burning coal, oil and gas are actually pretty good, and the mediums are stable and transportable. If you put a litre (or a gallon) of fuel in a car and drive it till it stops. It's going to be a huge task to push the car the same distance.

    It would be a stunning oversight that our overlords misunderstand the physical constraints on energy and believe that the world can transition to renewable energy. So what is their plan? Are they going to continue this "green energy" veneer? They just called a coal-fired power station green because it has some turbines contributing an extra 20% to it's output.
    You are thinking about this right. From an engineering point of view, the energy and power density must be considered. Generally full power and energy on demand is desirable, where schemes to collect energy slow (low energy density) and use fast (high power density), like an electric car powered by solar, has many issues that cut away at the net efficiency and greenness.

    I think there may be some very clever schemes and algorithms coming that we can’t yet imagine, but there is nothing compelling for a commercial jet (or dumb things like space tourism). Jet engines are ferocious.

    Nuclear, of course, is king, and I always say consider it a factor of a million better in energy/power than chemicals. A million is a game changer.

    The few policy makers that understand this don’t care. Green is PC and stupidity is exploitable.

  8. #18938
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And there may be a relationship between the "vaccine" and shingles cases:

    Would you be surprised?
    That's interesting. All of a sudden I am seeing ads for a shingles vaccine (Shingrix) when I am watching Amazon Prime. Seems a new market has opened up. Also seeing ads for a fancy resort in Death Valley -- never saw those before but I have been going off-road and camping in Death Valley over the past few weeks. My TV is spying on me.

  9. #18939
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    Quote Originally Posted by GioFerrante View Post
    England did a 180 and ended ALL restrictions, mandatory vaccine passports, and facemask wearing:

    Covid: Face mask rules and Covid passes to end in England - BBC News

    I'd like to go to Italy without having to show papers anywhere. I miss my family. We're not there, yet.

  10. #18940
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    …Hatred of Christianity and Western civilization, inversion of natural order, fetish for technocracy, and desire for centralized global order.

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