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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #23751
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    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    In Italy the general opinion is Meloni=fascist regime

    My opinion is she doesn't matter, just like the rest of them
    Forgive me, but If you are using the term "fascist" correctly, and not just as a stand-in for "authoritarian", like the libtard left and conservative/libertarian right tend to do, then what does it say when in 2022, an intelligent South European electorate votes in a fascist? What does it say about the state of things?

  2. #23752
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    After this referendum, the Ukrainian military won't be using NATO-provided weapons to strike Russian-occupied Ukraine anymore. It will be using NATO-provided weapons to strike Russian territory itself. Putin was very clear in his latest address about the consequences of this. The game is changing fast.
    I don’t see any changes really. It was clear from the start of the war that Russia will integrate the occupied territory into Russia at some point. My guess is that Russia underestimated the Ukrainians a little and thought that the occupied territory would be bigger, so it is turning to a strategy of long term attrition. I thought they would have taken the whole coast by next summer, but expect this operation to last decades.

    The nuclear threats are media fodder.

  3. #23753
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    This is a good opposing opinion channel. There is an anti US slant, but there is decent analysis. The rest of the pro Russian channels are just as comically partisan as the mainstream media coverage:
    The New Atlas - YouTube

  4. #23754
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    I don't actually know enough about what's going on in Africa to have a stance. I have a less of an issue with someone saying it isn't our problem than I do with the right-wing voices who ride Putin's dick. The man has gone insane. He's holding imaginary referendums, so he can say parts of Ukraine are now Russia & that the west is now invading Russia & this meets the threshold for a defensive nuclear strike. So he can nuke the people he's supposedly saving from NAZI's? What the actual fuck.

    Indifference is one thing. The right wingers supporting Putin and blaming the US for the actions of a deranged man who'll happily kill his own people for the benfit of his own ego are fucked.
    Here is some conservative comment on the above. I don't consider them "right-wingers" and Putin Fanbois. You might.

    Christopher Caldwell: Why Are We in Ukraine? - Claremont Review of Books

    David P. Goldman (orthodox jew - wasn't always paywalled, but hey, you get what you pay for): Yes, Ukraine Has a Nazi Problem, and Its Name Is Andrej Melnyk – PJ Media

    I might have even been in favor of American Empire if we had our own house in order (on the order of an international "Nope card" - see Exploding Kittens). Here's a nice article about that, though it is dangerously naive:

    A Christian Defense of American Empire by Nigel Biggar | Articles | First Things

    But our house is a bloody mess, and likely will stay that way, in episodes of self-harm and flirtation with national suicide.

  5. #23755
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    After this referendum, the Ukrainian military won't be using NATO-provided weapons to strike Russian-occupied Ukraine anymore. It will be using NATO-provided weapons to strike Russian territory itself. Putin was very clear in his latest address about the consequences of this. The game is changing fast.
    The worst part is the NPCs still parrot media lines just like they did during Covid.
    They somehow believe that Soros and his apparatus must be telling the truth about Putin, even though they have lied about everything else and parasitically bled the nation dry.

    Soros is one of the biggest promoters of the "Putin ebil", "orange man bad", 'you will eat ze bugs', 'diversity is strength', 'demographic replacement isn't genocide when we do it to others', 'experimental Covid vaccines mandated', 'western civilization ebil', 'marxism double plus good', 'men are women', 'mass censorship needed' narratives.
    Biden CDC Awarded Millions To Soros-Funded Activist Group Suing DeSantis | ZeroHedge
    He is stealing our tax dollars and spending them on a war against us.

    They tell you Putin is evil, because President Putin is willing to stand up and say "No more! We will not let you kill us quietly!"

  6. #23756
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    They tell you Putin is evil, because President Putin is willing to stand up and say "No more! We will not let you kill us quietly!"
    Putin is not evil, but Ukraine will stand as a big blunder of his. I don't just mean the war now, but the fomenting of trouble there ever since massive oil and natural gas deposits were found in the Caspian sea in the late 90s and early 2000s and massive gas reserves in Ukraine a little later on. This is btw what this conflict is all about, it is Putin against globohomo, but not because of Russia's future or the rules based order or any of that stuff, but because of control over what will probably turn out to be the single most significant source or energy for the next 100 years or more. I understand not wanting to cede initiative to the US and globohomo, but they botched Ukraine pretty badly, it has been a failure to exert proper soft power. You can give him credit for leading the wars so as to keep civilian infrastructure alone, but you know...

  7. #23757
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    Body Language Ghost on Putin's "Not a Bluff" speech.


    Bloomberg ranks the "most diverse" schools in the nation, and Howard University is at the top. Howard is 100% black.

    Does everyone understand that "diversity" just means "no more white people" yet?


    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    Indifference is one thing. The right wingers supporting Putin and blaming the US for the actions of a deranged man who'll happily kill his own people for the benfit of his own ego are fucked.
    Can you provide evidence that "Putin is deranged"? This isn't some hot headed, rhetorically charged populist who rose to power over night. Whatever else you think of him, it is pretty obvious that Putin acts in a very calculated manner. He might miscalculate, sure, but to label him as "deranged" doesn't square with reality at all. This is just rehashed "Orange Man Bad" rhetoric with no basis in reality. In fact, as silly as it is, even "Trump is deranged" sounds more convincing, since he was a far more eccentric man than Putin. You're just saying it and acting like it's obviously true. Of course Putin has to be deranged, because if he isn't, then maybe he's just acting logically in the defense of his nation--a conclusion that is a priori unacceptable among the Western elite.

    Anyway, we're the ones with a media and major institutions claiming that slicing the breasts off of "consenting" young girls is "affirming". We have a president who publicly alludes to having sex with 12 year old girls, and half the time doesn't even seem to know where he is. On the world stage, who do you think seems more deranged?

  8. #23758
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    You can give him credit for leading the wars so as to keep civilian infrastructure alone, but you know...
    This is an important point. If anything, Putin isn't "deranged" enough. Had America been in a similar position, we would have bombed Ukraine into the stone age for three months straight before setting a boot on its soil.

  9. #23759
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Forgive me, but If you are using the term "fascist" correctly, and not just as a stand-in for "authoritarian", like the libtard left and conservative/libertarian right tend to do
    Not even that. In the European parlance these days, fascist is a term for what used to be called euroskeptic.

  10. #23760
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    And, as usual, this recent imposter poster is spewing the OPPOSITE of the truth: Ukrainian men are the ones being forcibly returned to their motherlands at the border.

    Have I covered enough of his baseless stop-sucking-Putin's-cock, NATO's-is-so-Nutritious BS??
    Oh! These are willing soldiers being paid a good wage! And they've called up a third of a million soldiers but also, Russia doesn't need them because Ukraine isn't posing any challenge. That war that supposed to be over in days is going as planned with no effective resistance. And it's just some soft anti-war bitches whining about the war. Everyone else supports Putin and is totally cool with it! GED OFF OUR FORUM. Hope you at least used lube bro.

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