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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30561
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Nikki Haley is an Indian lady who speaks with an American accent.

  2. #30562
    Join Date
    May 2014


    The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory

    About a year after the 2006 Orlando neo-Nazi rally, the FBI source who organized the event, David Gletty, had his cover blown in open court. When the Orlando Sentinel reported that Gletty organized the march, his handler reportedly denied the accusation—saying that the informant marched, but didn’t lead the rally.

    But Gletty told this publication a different story. He said the FBI instructed him to organize the rally for two main purposes: to raise Gletty’s profile in the neo-Nazi movement, and to allow the FBI to conduct surveillance of the Nazis who attended the rally.

    In fact, Gletty told this publication the FBI was staging Nazi rallies across the country with the similar goals in mind: to raise the profiles of their own informants while building a database of Nazis to track.
    The entire skinhead/neo-nazi aesthetic was probably designed by a Jew in Hollywood working with Federal law enforcement.

  3. #30563
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory

    The entire skinhead/neo-nazi aesthetic was probably designed by a Jew in Hollywood working with Federal law enforcement.
    American history X but in real life. Without the realisation that the movie was subtly and accidentally pro nazi.

  4. #30564
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Speaking of NAZIs, a new piece by our friend Naomi Wolf:

    NAOMI WOLF: Stand up for Steve Bannon lest it be you next | Human Events |

    Mr Bannon will receive a set number of “points” a month for visitors, and each visit uses up these points. He will need to submit to authorities, in advance, a list of visitors, and fill out forms for each; each visit will need to be approved. Points are used up for metrics as random-seeming as the distance the visitor travels.

    Mr Bannon will be awakened at six am every day, and if he oversleeps, there will be disciplinary action. He can possess no more than twenty postage stamps at a time. He will be able to shop at the commissary, but with a limit of $360 per month. Visits restrict human contact from family members: “Kissing, embracing and hand-shaking/holding are allowed only upon arrival or departure.”

    In force for all but ten minutes a day is “controlled movement”, which is not clearly defined in the handbook, and can only be imagined by those of us outside the prison; inmates within it, are permitted “open movement” for just ten minutes a day.

    Running and jogging are not permitted at all.

    There are five inmate counts a day.

    Phone calls are limited to 15 minutes each, for a total of 300 minutes a month.

    Can we hear from Steve Bannon? Can we hear from him at all?

    “Inmate Correspondence with Representatives of the News Media:

    An inmate may write, following Special Mail procedures, to representatives of the news media when specified by name and title. The inmate may not receive compensation or anything of value for correspondence with the news media. The inmate may not act as a reporter, publish under a byline, or conduct a business or profession while in BOP custody. [Italics mine]. Representatives of the news media may initiate correspondence with an inmate. Correspondence from a representative of the news media will be opened, inspected for contraband, for qualification as media correspondence, and for content, which is likely to promote either illegal activity or conduct contrary to BOP regulations.”

    Interestingly, there is a rich offering of educational opportunities in this prison. Bannon can take martial arts, use the legal library, receive subscriptions, learn ESL or complete a GED, get religious instruction, and accomplish any number of other educational tasks.

    He can send snail mail.

    However, Bannon’s voice has been effectively silenced, by FCI Danbury, for the critical next four months; months which just happen to overlap with this make-or-break, do-we-survive-as-a-free-nation-or-die, Presidential race.

    And it certainly appears as though the Oakland California Police Department is either helping with the robberies or is afraid to fight them:

    Why are you still in California, and will you be voting for Gavin Newsom for President?

    And do you know why this does not happen in Texas?


    Western Elites Have A Reality Problem | ZeroHedge

    Consider what elites want to make us believe:

    Unregulated immigration and open borders are not a problem. If you disagree, you’re jingoistic or nativist or “Christian nationalist” or some other pejorative term.

    Police are bad and arresting criminals is white supremacy because criminals are disproportionately black – so “defund the police.” If you point out that fewer criminals in jail mean more crime in our neighborhood – racist!

    Climate change threatens the very existence of human life on earth and is the number one issue facing humanity – more important than crime, drugs, hunger, housing, China, immigration, or anything else in your silly, miserable little mind. Anyone pointing out that it was warmer in the United States 90 years ago, or that in the 35 years during which this idea has captured elite imagination none of the apocalyptic forecasts has proven to be true, is a “denier” – as if disputing a flawed computer model’s projections for 90 years in the future is somehow akin to denying the appalling reality of the Holocaust 90 years in the past.

    Sexual identity is a “cultural construct,” but gender is indelible – so a man can be a woman, and vice versa. Anyone who doesn’t accept this at face value is a hateful “transphobe” – or something.

    Western culture is institutionally racist. If you dare ask – which institution is racist? – you’ve merely confirmed your own bias. Everyone must be trained in the new racism – and so every institution of any size must train employees in DEI ideology to learn that getting ahead on merit is a myth and they are inherently “privileged” and therefore undeserving of the fruits of their labor.

    Hamas terrorists and their supporters in Gaza are the real victims, while the Israeli civilians they attacked, raped, and mutilated are inhumane.

  5. #30565
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Speaking of NAZIs, a new piece by our friend Naomi Wolf:

    NAOMI WOLF: Stand up for Steve Bannon lest it be you next | Human Events |


    And it certainly appears as though the Oakland California Police Department is either helping with the robberies or is afraid to fight them:

    Why are you still in California, and will you be voting for Gavin Newsom for President?

    And do you know why this does not happen in Texas?


    Western Elites Have A Reality Problem | ZeroHedge
    Create civil unrest, divide and conquer, diversion; an age old tactic, unfortunately.

    So, we're less than four months away from the 2024 "election."

    I'm guessing both FJB and FKH will suddenly bow out of the Dem nomination; for medical reasons maybe?

    Who next? I don't think now it will be Big Mike or Gavin. Not Hillary either.

    It's going to be Big Gretch. She lies and gaslights better than Newsome, and will pick up the DEI voters.

    Better question maybe, who will be the Dem VP nominee?

  6. #30566
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    So I see the French election went badly. And everyone will miss the lessons sadly. The French system will almost always produce a coalition government. There was a plurality of parties on both the right and left. Both sides did their posturing immediately after the election. Lotus Eaters did a great rundown and the core of the issue was the the left side was merely posturing and quickly formed a coalition whereas the right side were frog eating retards and crippled any chance of forming a coalition through petty infighting.

    The left has no problem mashing various people together to win. It's analogous to Donald Trump picking Ben Shapiro as his VP in order to form government. They'd rather lose.

    There's a lot of commentary about how the election in France was stolen/rigged etc., but it wasn't. It was just like in school. You just need X people in a coalition to form a team, the teacher will select the first team formed. The left joined hands straight away to win. The right went "ewwww I'm not holding hands with a Girl" and lost. Nothing surprising about it at all.

  7. #30567
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    So I see the French election went badly. And everyone will miss the lessons sadly.
    The main lesson, which is never learned, is electoral politics and democracy in general is only in place to make people think they have some agency. That they're not being ruled by top-down power.

    There is no candidate or party you could vote for who would or even could threaten the status quo. The only thing they fear, above all, is the idea of people choosing to no longer believe in the electoral process and disengaging from it voluntarily.

    Until whole blocs realise that, the elections will continue and this "endless conversation" will continue - while power according to Schmittean logic (which IS the only way to govern).

  8. #30568
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    The main lesson, which is never learned, is electoral politics and democracy in general is only in place to make people think they have some agency. That they're not being ruled by top-down power.

    There is no candidate or party you could vote for who would or even could threaten the status quo. The only thing they fear, above all, is the idea of people choosing to no longer believe in the electoral process and disengaging from it voluntarily.

    Until whole blocs realise that, the elections will continue and this "endless conversation" will continue - while power according to Schmittean logic (which IS the only way to govern).
    What you're overlooking IMO is why these coalitions are forming. Western democracies today, as Mike Benz argues, are just vassals of NATO - i.e., look at domestic politics through the lens of foreign policy.

    The establishment is banding with radical left-wing elements to preserve the crumbling neolib, so-called "rules based" order.

    The problem however is these coalitions has so many internal contradictions that it makes any coherent foreign policy impossible. Think Israel/Palestine, or even Israel/Iran. Or shit, even Ukraine/Russia: we're always on both sides of the trade (with Ukraine, we continue to support China - which helped RU bypass the sanctions). Other countries know this, hence why the move to BRIC's and de-dollarization. Putin outlined this critique (which is a serious critique, whatever you think of him) in his 2007 speech in Munich.

    So the coalition governments are in service of foreign policy, yet the coalitions themselves undermine foreign policy being so fractious and complicated. This is a huge challenge w/ replacing Biden.

  9. #30569
    Join Date
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    He obviously must be doing something right.

  10. #30570
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


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    Quote Originally Posted by gregpall603 View Post
    What you're overlooking IMO is why these coalitions are forming. Western democracies today, as Mike Benz argues, are just vassals of NATO - i.e., look at domestic politics through the lens of foreign policy.

    The establishment is banding with radical left-wing elements to preserve the crumbling neolib, so-called "rules based" order.

    The problem however is these coalitions has so many internal contradictions that it makes any coherent foreign policy impossible. Think Israel/Palestine, or even Israel/Iran. Or shit, even Ukraine/Russia: we're always on both sides of the trade (with Ukraine, we continue to support China - which helped RU bypass the sanctions). Other countries know this, hence why the move to BRIC's and de-dollarization. Putin outlined this critique (which is a serious critique, whatever you think of him) in his 2007 speech in Munich.

    So the coalition governments are in service of foreign policy, yet the coalitions themselves undermine foreign policy being so fractious and complicated. This is a huge challenge w/ replacing Biden.
    Despite the problems with a two-party system, multi-party systems pretty much inherently tend to devolve into coalition games, which can allow for pretty wide swings and outsize influence by outliers. A true two-party system tends toward moderation, by comparison.

    Of course, this raises different questions as to what influences a culture or society's definition of "moderate".

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