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Thread: SS Gyms Podcast: with Stan Efferding

  1. #1
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  2. #2
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    Stan, 8:50 regarding cardio for fat loss:

    “I prefer to get my cardio from lifting”

    Flies in the face of Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates et al’s cardio preferences for fat loss.

    Marty Gallagher last week in his Raw column:

    “The fact is, upping reps from 5 to 12 does zero, zip, nada, insofar as making a man leaner. Higher reps need be accompanied by a tight diet and regular cardio. Weight training is secondary, if not superfluous, when it comes to attaining single digit body fat percentiles.”

    Do you think using weights should be the preferred method for cardio in the general context of fat loss Rip - yes or no?

  3. #3
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    You have confused cardiovascular conditioning with bodyfat loss. Marty is right, reps do not burn fat. Neither does cardio. Stan didn't say bodyfat loss, he said "cardio" -- cardiovascular conditioning.

  4. #4
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    Also, listen more closely as to why Stan changes his focus in terms of his lifting, i.e., what is he doing with his diet when he does this.

  5. #5
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    Minor slip at ~29:30: Fairlife is produced by multi-stage membrane filtration, not lactase.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You have confused cardiovascular conditioning with bodyfat loss. Marty is right, reps do not burn fat. Neither does cardio. Stan didn't say bodyfat loss, he said "cardio" -- cardiovascular conditioning.
    Stan stated his cardio preference in this section in the context of fat loss ie. “getting the person down from 20% body fat to 15% body fat” (see 7:20 on the podcast). This is obviously a fat loss context, not conditioning Rip. I’m very surprised you are confused here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    Also, listen more closely as to why Stan changes his focus in terms of his lifting, i.e., what is he doing with his diet when he does this.
    I listened closely to what Stan actually said. His preferred cardio method of lifting was in the specific context of when he was asked what the trainee should do about taking their body fat from 20% to 10%. Go back and listen again. Carefully.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You have confused cardiovascular conditioning with bodyfat loss. Marty is right, reps do not burn fat. Neither does cardio. Stan didn't say bodyfat loss, he said "cardio" -- cardiovascular conditioning.
    At 1:27, Dorian Yates says “During a cardiovascular workout after a certain period of time, say 15 or 20 minutes, you shift more to burning fat”

    Dorian's Advice: Does weight training burn fat? - YouTube

    Rip says above cardio doesn’t burn fat.

    An incredibly simple (to those who can read and listen) and on the record contrast of opinion. Who is correct here?

  7. #7
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    You are correct, Bull. Weight training doesn't burn fat, and cardio doesn't burn fat until you train for a marathon. Note the day and time in your diary, that one time you beat Stan and Rip. Savor it, as it is a rare pleasure.

  8. #8
    JD Thomason's Avatar
    JD Thomason is offline Owner, Starting Strength Colorado Springs
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    Default Outstanding Podcast

    I really enjoyed this podcast. Real talk about Sleep Apnea, acknowledgement that massive humans are not "Healthy" and how he mitigates the damage, etc. Thanks for putting this one on.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    cardio doesn't burn fat until you train for a marathon.
    So you think Dorian Yates and virtually every other modern Mr. Olympia who used fasted steady state cardio as an important part of their fat burning regimen to win multiple Mr Olympias are wrong. Got it….

    I agree with much of what you say on many topics and I’m also a Stan fan. However, it would reflect better on you to show some class and maturity in simply acknowledging when you you’re wrong rather than puerile name-calling.

    For the record, if you’re framing this as a win lose thing, I notice you didn’t have the balls to publish my pointing out of your very public and personal attack on a well published / widely respected contributor to strength training literature when you made the double standard command to me to not make personal attacks on Louie (which I didn’t anyway). So that’s at least two sumptuous victory meals I should be savouring right? Or should I be lifting weights to burn them off?…

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredbull View Post
    So you think Dorian Yates and virtually every other modern Mr. Olympia who used fasted steady state cardio as an important part of their fat burning regimen to win multiple Mr Olympias are wrong. Got it….
    I think their diet was 95% of the situation, but really I don't care. Have I ever indicated an interest in low bodyfat on this board, in my books, or on my podcast? You could be right about tax audit procedure too, and I wouldn't be excited about that.

    I agree with much of what you say on many topics and I’m also a Stan fan. However, it would reflect better on you to show some class and maturity in simply acknowledging when you you’re wrong rather than puerile name-calling.
    I said you were right. You want a blowjob? No.

    For the record, if you’re framing this as a win lose thing, I notice you didn’t have the balls to publish my pointing out of your very public and personal attack on a well published / widely respected contributor to strength training literature when you made the double standard command to me to not make personal attacks on Louie (which I didn’t anyway). So that’s at least two sumptuous victory meals I should be savouring right? Or should I be lifting weights to burn them off?…
    For the record, this is my board and I publish what I want, including your little tantrum here. Most importantly, I don't publish links or references to "well published / widely respected contributors to strength training literature" when I disapprove of their analysis and their shitty behavior, more of which I know about than you do. You insulted Louie, everybody saw it, and denying does not fix that.

    Anyway, it's my board and you're gone. Find somewhere else to display your massive intellectual balls.

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