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Thread: Commentary #6: Global Warming

  1. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Rich View Post
    Anthony Colpo must be burning the midnight oil with his relentless research and writing. Check out his latest article on global warming:

    Meet the Mad Scientist Who wants to Fight Climate Change by Making Humans Smaller and Allergic to Meat.
    From the article:

    In order to get people to go along with this bollocks, Liao et al suggest administering oxytocin in an attempt to increase people’s trust levels.
    I'm sure I could come up with something someone could espouse that more strongly preempts trust, but I'm having a hard time doing so...

  2. #522
    Join Date
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    NT, Australia


    Climate the Movie: the Cold Truth

    About an hour and 20.

  3. #523
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    One of the lessons I teach my children includes them drawing the earth and its layers, including the atmosphere, to scale.

    Earth's Layers to Scale

    Then I take them outside with a normal sized globe and have them approximate earth’s size and distance relative to the sun.

    We then go back inside where I hold a golf ball next to the globe and explain that it represents all of the water on earth, and then I have them approximate all of earth’s CO2. At that point I ask them to explain to me how much effect the CO2 has on our climate.

  4. #524
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Nelson View Post
    One of the lessons I teach my children includes them drawing the earth and its layers, including the atmosphere, to scale.

    Earth's Layers to Scale

    Then I take them outside with a normal sized globe and have them approximate earth’s size and distance relative to the sun.

    We then go back inside where I hold a golf ball next to the globe and explain that it represents all of the water on earth, and then I have them approximate all of earth’s CO2. At that point I ask them to explain to me how much effect the CO2 has on our climate.
    Excellent. Bumping this:

    Bumping this:

    Really, think about this: A 4.6 billion-year-old planet with an 8000-mile diameter, with a molten core (heat, etc.), with an atmosphere that is only 50 miles/240,000ft thick (being rather generous), that orbits a star only 93 million miles away with 330,000 times the earth's mass and that emits enough radiation to burn your naked ass in 30 minutes, is having its weather unalterably changed over the course of the next 5/10/15 years (whatever it is now) by the presence of a weak greenhouse gas, CO2, that happens to now be at its lowest level in damn near the entire history of the planet -- a history punctuated by global glaciations while that weak greenhouse gas was far higher than it is now -- and that also happens to be the basis of plant life (and therefore atmospheric oxygen), a gas whose greenhouse effect is dwarfed by that of water vapor (on a planet with a surface area that consists of 70% water), and that geologically is currently in an interglacial period. The models that generated this political bullshit have predicted nothing correctly -- not sea level change, polar ice cover, or weather.

    And everybody believes it anyway, to the extent that they are handing the management of the world's economy to elderly megalomaniacs with an agenda based on their own personal power. You're not even allowed to question it -- otherwise sensible people have agreed with the ridiculous premise that CO2 is a deadly poison that must be eliminated from the surface of the earth. Every August, everybody runs around like it's not supposed to be hot. Every time there's a drought, everybody acts like it's the very first time it's been dry too long. "Hurricane season" started in June, and how many hurricanes have devastated the coastlines already inundated by the molten ice caps? How many times over the past 20 years of this shit have the hurricane predictions been correct? This is a classic example of a pseudoscience, exactly like astrology. It's not falsifiable, and it has predicted nothing correctly. And in classic leftist fashion, anyone who disagrees is guilty of "The Pseudoscience of Climate Denialism."

    Really, the children are in charge now, seeking validation for "caring about the planet," running around yelling about "carbon" -- the 4th most abundant element in the physical universe --being a deadly poison. Their managers are common criminals whose entire agenda is money and control, and we are letting it happen. It is the result of the shitty science education we received in the government schools, and it probably cannot be stopped.

    And in addition, the Government that brought you the flu from China, lockdowns, and vaccines that killed far more people than the flu, the Government in charge of "public education", the war(s) in Asia, the economy, and pronouns wants to also be in charge of the weather.

  5. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Nelson View Post
    One of the lessons I teach my children includes them drawing the earth and its layers, including the atmosphere, to scale.

    Earth's Layers to Scale

    Then I take them outside with a normal sized globe and have them approximate earth’s size and distance relative to the sun.

    We then go back inside where I hold a golf ball next to the globe and explain that it represents all of the water on earth, and then I have them approximate all of earth’s CO2. At that point I ask them to explain to me how much effect the CO2 has on our climate.
    Excellent. Where I live, there's lots of clean fresh water, and many of the roads and bridges are crumbling away year over year.

    I ask my daughters when we're at the big lake, enjoying it's wonder and beauty, "Do you think the "people" in charge of maintaining the infrastructure these days are even remotely capable of being in control of (or "fixing") our natural environment when they can't even fill the potholes in the roads?"

    I think not.

  6. #526
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    Northern Oregon Coast

    Default Good God I hope the boiler-room of Hell runs on wind power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Really, think about this: A 4.6 billion-year-old planet with an 8000-mile diameter, with a molten core (heat, etc.), with an atmosphere that is only 50 miles/240,000ft thick (being rather generous), that orbits a star only 93 million miles away with 330,000 times the earth's mass and that emits enough radiation to burn your naked ass in 30 minutes, is having its weather unalterably changed over the course of the next 5/10/15 years (whatever it is now) by the presence of a weak greenhouse gas, CO2, that happens to now be at its lowest level in damn near the entire history of the planet -- a history punctuated by global glaciations while that weak greenhouse gas was far higher than it is now -- and that also happens to be the basis of plant life (and therefore atmospheric oxygen), a gas whose greenhouse effect is dwarfed by that of water vapor (on a planet with a surface area that consists of 70% water), and that geologically is currently in an interglacial period. The models that generated this political bullshit have predicted nothing correctly -- not sea level change, polar ice cover, or weather.

    And everybody believes it anyway, to the extent that they are handing the management of the world's economy to elderly megalomaniacs with an agenda based on their own personal power. You're not even allowed to question it -- otherwise sensible people have agreed with the ridiculous premise that CO2 is a deadly poison that must be eliminated from the surface of the earth. Every August, everybody runs around like it's not supposed to be hot. Every time there's a drought, everybody acts like it's the very first time it's been dry too long. "Hurricane season" started in June, and how many hurricanes have devastated the coastlines already inundated by the molten ice caps? How many times over the past 20 years of this shit have the hurricane predictions been correct? This is a classic example of a pseudoscience, exactly like astrology. It's not falsifiable, and it has predicted nothing correctly. And in classic leftist fashion, anyone who disagrees is guilty of "The Pseudoscience of Climate Denialism."
    For those of you who are not aware of it, Mark has a degree in petroleum geology. And as a fellow earth scientist (geophysics), I have to say this is a based comment, and in true Rip fashion, stripped to the bare essentials.

    Climate change is the new spirituality, where Gaia has replaced God, imagined toxins (like CO2) have replaced sin, "going green" is the new baptism, carbon taxes are the new tithe, and environmental virtue signaling is the new speaking-in-tongues. Beneath it all is profound misanthropy; Nature can do no wrong, and is absolutely perfect ... except for man.

    Just one of the countless aspects of this grand delusion that boggles my mind is the complete lack of the layman's understanding of the STUPENDOUS changes that have occurred over Earth's history, and how those changes accelerated the diversity and complexity of life's evolution. Another is that the layman thinks of life as some kind of fragile film on a static inert globe. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Geology, ocean, atmosphere, and life ALL interact and change one another.

    Life shaped geology, ocean, and atmosphere as much as they shaped life. Life liberated all of the oxygen. Life sequestered most of the CO2. Btw, to this last point, I really encourage everyone to listen to Dr. Patrick Moore, who was the Co-founder of Green Peace, and who would 100% sign off on Mark's comment. Moore makes the great point that the emergence of woody plants, back when there were no bacteria that could break down lignite, resulted in almost all of the atmospheric CO2 to be sequestered in coal beds, and it was only the emergence of a bacteria with the proper enzyme to break down lignite that halted the pernicious decline of CO2, thereby saving all plant life -- and hence (almost) all life -- from demise. Subsequently, the emergence of calciferous (shell-forming) life started a new CO2 sequestration process that again brought plants to within a hair's breadth of dying from CO2 famine, until evil man saved the day by cleverly using Gaia's organic solar batteries - oil, natural gas, and coal - to re-release a thimbleful of CO2 back into the depleted atmosphere. Let that in: the Co-Founder of Green Peace argues that life on Earth owes Big Oil a debt of gratitude for saving Nature from itself. Tell that to climate hyperventilators if you want a laugh.

    Anyway, with all that said, Mark, I have a recommendation I think the petroleum geologist in you might greatly appreciate. Here is a 28-part series on The Entire History of the Earth. It really speaks to the unfathomable changes Earth has gone through, and how life has thrived through it all. I suspect you know a good bit of it, but I can guarantee it will fill in missing pieces of the puzzle that will greatly expand your appreciation. I tend not to like lay documentaries, but this is pretty well done. The first episode was a smidge too melodramatic for my taste, but the team quickly settled into a more natural groove. Now that I'm recommending it, I will rewatch it myself.

  7. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cascadian View Post
    And as a fellow earth scientist (geophysics), I have to say this is a based comment, and in true Rip fashion, stripped to the bare essentials.

    Climate change is the new spirituality, where Gaia has replaced God, imagined toxins (like CO2) have replaced sin, "going green" is the new baptism, carbon taxes are the new tithe, and environmental virtue signaling is the new speaking-in-tongues. Beneath it all is profound misanthropy; Nature can do no wrong, and is absolutely perfect ... except for man.

    Just one of the countless aspects of this grand delusion that boggles my mind is the complete lack of the layman's understanding of the STUPENDOUS changes that have occurred over Earth's history, and how those changes accelerated the diversity and complexity of life's evolution. Another is that the layman thinks of life as some kind of fragile film on a static inert globe. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Geology, ocean, atmosphere, and life ALL interact and change one another.
    Post Of The Week. Contact Bre for your T-Shirt.

  8. #528
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Excellent. Bumping this:

    Bumping this:

    Really, think about this: A 4.6 billion-year-old planet with an 8000-mile diameter, with a molten core (heat, etc.), with an atmosphere that is only 50 miles/240,000ft thick (being rather generous), that orbits a star only 93 million miles away with 330,000 times the earth's mass and that emits enough radiation to burn your naked ass in 30 minutes, is having its weather unalterably changed over the course of the next 5/10/15 years (whatever it is now) by the presence of a weak greenhouse gas, CO2, that happens to now be at its lowest level in damn near the entire history of the planet -- a history punctuated by global glaciations while that weak greenhouse gas was far higher than it is now -- and that also happens to be the basis of plant life (and therefore atmospheric oxygen), a gas whose greenhouse effect is dwarfed by that of water vapor (on a planet with a surface area that consists of 70% water), and that geologically is currently in an interglacial period. The models that generated this political bullshit have predicted nothing correctly -- not sea level change, polar ice cover, or weather.

    And everybody believes it anyway, to the extent that they are handing the management of the world's economy to elderly megalomaniacs with an agenda based on their own personal power. You're not even allowed to question it -- otherwise sensible people have agreed with the ridiculous premise that CO2 is a deadly poison that must be eliminated from the surface of the earth. Every August, everybody runs around like it's not supposed to be hot. Every time there's a drought, everybody acts like it's the very first time it's been dry too long. "Hurricane season" started in June, and how many hurricanes have devastated the coastlines already inundated by the molten ice caps? How many times over the past 20 years of this shit have the hurricane predictions been correct? This is a classic example of a pseudoscience, exactly like astrology. It's not falsifiable, and it has predicted nothing correctly. And in classic leftist fashion, anyone who disagrees is guilty of "The Pseudoscience of Climate Denialism."
    Excellent summary Mark, BTW the Falls will not be experiencing global warming for 4 minutes at least this week.

    April 8, 2024 Partial Solar Eclipse in City of Wichita Falls, Texas, USA

  9. #529
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

  10. #530
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    starting strength coach development program
    This is a good one too: Climate change: '''Uncharted territory''' fears after record hot March

    Climate change could move "into uncharted territory" if temperatures don't fall by the end of the year, a leading scientist has told the BBC.

    The warning came as data showed last month was the world's warmest March on record, extending the run of monthly temperature records to 10 in a row.

    It's fuelled concerns among some that the world could be tipping into a new phase of even faster climate change.

    A weather system called El Niño is behind some of the recent heat.

    Temperatures should temporarily come down after El Niño peters out in coming months, but some scientists are worried they might not.
    Hysteria. Total loss of the ability to think. The Leading Scientist doesn't know about December.

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