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That's a bench press. The lockout refers to the last 1/3 or 1/4 ROM of the concentric portion. Most raw benchers don't need or benefit from extra lockout work, if anything they need extra work from 1-2" off the chest.
I think they do. Mostly every lifter can control the eccentric portion of the lift, but the other half or the concentric is where people typically fail at. The pins help with controlling the scapular retraction, the upper back musculature's role in maintaining the arch, and the elbow positioning underneath an overload. It would be very beneficial for raw lifter or even equipped lifters to program this.
This is not a loaded question at all, I am genuinely curious as you have much more coaching experience than I do, how many people have you coached that were unable to continue to progress on both bench and press and had to pick one to focus on?