Let me get this straight: you're detrained and out of shape, and you're wondering why your back is tired from working a normal job that never was a problem before, when you were training. Is this correct?
Rip, I’m having some trouble programming deadlifts currently. I am a mason and we are building a stone house, and will be for the next year, but my back is getting exhausted from the frequent bending down to pick up the stone. It’s been three months so I am pretty acclimated to the stress of this particular job, but my back just feels like shit and tight all the time. When I was younger I had no problem doing stonework and lifting, maybe I’m feeling my 30s for the first time.
I’m not sure if I’m just being a bit of a pussy, but I want to lp my deadlift back to my normal numbers which usually ends around the low 400s. I’m concerned with will hurt my back grinding a 5th rep after a long day of work. Is this a real concern, or should I just start my lp light and slowly work up? I haven’t consistently lifted in over a year but can pull in the low 300s no problem for singles, so I was thinking of starting at 225.
I’m 32
Currently can do
P 135x2
B 185x2
S 135x5 (can’t reach the bar with my fucked up shoulders, am going to see a coach)
Dl 335x3
Let me get this straight: you're detrained and out of shape, and you're wondering why your back is tired from working a normal job that never was a problem before, when you were training. Is this correct?
Anecdotally, as a fairly well trained man in my mid fifties, I moved and placed sand bags for over 14 hours for a local Pueblo that was at imminent risk for post fire flooding. Other volunteers did a few hours or prepared sandwich’s etc. I trained the very next day per usual.
Being well trained is not easy but it’s the best insurance there is.
I feel a different back pain that I’ve never experienced before, that’s my main concern. This includes a little bit of what feels like sciatica and just old person back pain. I guess I’m just worried that my overworked back might give out on a limit deadlift after working all day. Mind you our laborers keep quitting because the job is too hard so I’m making my own mud and moving my own materials too, it is far from a normal construction job on a physical level
I need to get back to well-trained for sure, I’m just trying to find the best and safest way to do so. And one day doesn’t bother me, I’m doing this shit six days a week for a year straight
If you are not eating at least 5000 calories a day, you're making this worse.
Are you still doing BJJ?
Work out prior to shift.