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Thread: Catching deadlift up to squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Catching deadlift up to squat

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    I've seen a reference to this in another topic but no specific answer was given, so forgive me if this was asked and answered before.

    I have been training the squat much longer than the deadlift because I was basically being stupid. To compound the stupidity, I only started doing power cleans around the time I started deadlifting. Anyway as such, my deadlift is not much bigger than my squat, and I'm only doing 5lb jumps per workout on the deadlift, because the sets are extremely heavy and I'm not sure if I can sustain 10lb jumps. I'm unsure what to do, as I know my deadlift should be much stronger than it is.

    You mentioned in the other topic about training the deadlift more often to get it stronger. I'm unsure how I would incorporate this into SS. I stupidly failed to follow the program as it was laid out initially and I am unsure how to make a modification to try to fix things. Feel free to smack me for not following the program; I am now much less stupider.

    Anyway my stats are as follows:

    6' 0"
    180lbs -- used to be 150lbs for reference; I am eating as much as I can and GOMADing to gain more weight, because I'm still skinny
    Squat 3x5: 235lbs (+5lbs / workout)
    Deadlift 1x5: 245lbs (+5lbs / workout)
    Bench 3x5: 155lbs (+5lbs / workout, might go to +2.5lbs)
    Press 3x5: 100lbs (stalled at 100lbs, will start with +2.5lbs / workout)
    Power clean 5x3: 120lbs (+5lbs / workout)

    Note that I've had my squat depth checked numerous times to ensure I'm below parallel.

    My squat doesn't feel near stalling, but my deadlift and power clean definitely do. Is there some modification I can make, or should I just keep plodding along? I've seen that most other people increase by +10lbs each time on the deadlift, but I don't think I can do that each training session, especially with such a low power clean.

    If you have any suggestions I'd be very appreciative.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    How often are you deadlifting/cleaning?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008



    First, thanks for the reply. Secondly, I'm currently doing the normal BBT program:

    Workout A:
    Squat 3x5
    Bench press 3x5
    Deadlift 1x5

    Workout B:
    Squat 3x5
    Press 3x5
    Power clean 5x3

    Going MWF, alternating A/B/A/B/etc.

    I'm not sure how I would include more deadlifts/cleans into the regimen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You're probably DLing too often. Go to:
    A= SQ, Press, DL/PC alternated
    B= SQ, BP, Back Ext., Chins/Pullups

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You're probably DLing too often. Go to:
    A= SQ, Press, DL/PC alternated
    B= SQ, BP, Back Ext., Chins/Pullups
    I see this is the 'Onus Wunsler' training plan from BBT. I see how this would work; DLing less often, but adding 10lbs each time. I'm guessing that because the squat is so close to the DL 3x5 squats before DLing would limit deadlift ability if ample recovery time is not provided. Cool!

    I apologize for asking so many questions and not being able to figure this stuff out for myself yet, but I have one more quick question:

    - Would there be any reason to be more conservative with the weight used in back extensions, as I'm actively flexing the lumbar spine under load? I'm wondering mainly because I've never seen anyone do back extensions with more than 45lbs at my gym (although nobody at my gym squats below parallel, so it's probably a bad example). I hope only having a silly 45-degree extension apparatus doesn't change anything, because that's all I have access to.

    Thanks again for taking the time to answer all of these silly questions of mine. I really do appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    I am in a similar situation. Just wondering, in a situation like this will your Deadlift "catch up" and then surpass your Squat just based on the genetic potential to Deadlift more (i.e. your Squat will stall while your Deadlift keeps rising)? It just seems weird to be Squatting more than I am Deadlifting.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The back extension is quite easy to load effectively, with a bar across the traps. But the 45-degree apparatus is not really a back extension. To load this bench you need to use bands. And the deadlift catches up to and surpasses the squat because of its mechanical potential to do so.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Yea I figured there'd be some silly problem with the 45 degree thing due to the torques involved.

    Thanks a lot for your advice.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    All I have at my gym is those 45 degree benches, what is the most effective way to use bands on one of these?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Coach, can you explain to me why you suggest in elVarouza's routine that he is dead lifting too often? I guess I am confused because I am on the same routine he said he was... I am starting to struggle on the deads, but I am just plodding along because I thought that was part of it.

    Now my weights are slightly different and I have stalled and reset on the deads and squats once so right now I am squatting 235 and DLing 260.

    Just trying to learn something here so if this is in another book, I only have SS, just point me in the right direction.

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