Pectoralis major tendon problems
Hey uncle rip, hope you're doing fine.
Just a quick question if you don’t mind.
My left pectoralis major tendon is unfortunately the reason I can’t move much weight when benching. It is like my left side is giving up because the tendon is just hurt or weak in general, but my right side could bench the weight for another 3-5 reps. This leads to me pushing the weight up in a weird manner where my right arm jerks the weight up, but the left side is stuck - which leads to form breakdown.
I was wondering if you have any experience dealing with this. I’d like to milk the last few Kilos of LP before switching to Intermediate programming.
Currently I am benching 100kg 3x5.
but my press is stronger because of this problem: 65kg 3x5 -
(72,5kg 3x3)
I would love to get up to a 140kg Benchpress and a 100kg Press this year.
Deadlift and Squat are doing fine 
greetings from Austria!
Do you have an actual diagnosis, or are you just assuming it's the pec tendon?
Well I do not have an actual diagnosis, except the doctor saying i should stop benching heavy, but decent knowledge in human anatomy to know which tendon it is. It's not like my shoulder is hurting, it is just the specific tendon (Pectoralis Major Tendon Tear).
I was just wondering what you would suggest sir.
Friends of mine were talking about ultra high reps 50-100 with the barbell, to get in some bloodflow which out provoking it, but I know your stance on high reps and would like to hear your opinion about what you would do.
So, friends of yours think high reps make blood flow through a tendon. Is this correct?
Can't you just do the weight that your left side can handle properly and go from there?
I don't know what you want me to tell you sir, can you give me advice or not? 
I was just wondering if you had experience with it after coaching and training for a long time and was looking for some help. I just told you what my friends did when they had similar problems; I would not ask you if I thought my friends knew better.
Tendons are avascular. Pec tendonitis usually results from pin benches from the bottom position. Lay off the bench for about 2 months, press 3 days/week, and then start back with correct technique.
Order a 4oz container of DMSO with Aloe Vera unfragranced by Tree of Life from Amazon. Rub it on in the morning and evening. After you recognize the improvement, rub it on as needed.
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