starting strength gym
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About Leonardo Cavaleiro

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About Leonardo Cavaleiro
Messed arround exercising in a gym since my first year of college, on and off. Did much more harm than good and unlike your typical gym bro, I stayed extremely weak.
After the covid lockdown, my knees felt destroyed, going up stairs hurt, walking hurt.
In a search for books about the basics of general physical training, I found Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training and started delving deeper into the videos on the youtube channel, the forums and the book.
I'm still weak and pretty much a 6'3, 195 pound pussy. But suprise suprise. My knees don't hurt and feel strong.
It seems all my existence became easier with just tiny tiny increase in strength.
So yeah, I'll keep working and trying to become stronger. It seems that doing that hard (however heavy it is for anyone) 5th rep, makes everything else easier.
Portugal, Europe
Sports (Basketball), Strength Training
Psychology Masters Student, Voluntary Firefighter


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05-09-2021 04:57 AM
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