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About Mike Mantzouris

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About Mike Mantzouris
43 year old father of three 6 and under. I am 5'10" and on Sep 1 2010, I was 215 lbs and 28% bodyfat. Started martial arts and strict low calorie diet. By January I was had a skinny chest and still was a little too fat. So I started dumbbell training with chin ups and the bodyfat started flying off. Got down to 163 about 12 weeks ago at under 10%. That's when I started using a barbel with a novice progression. As my squat got to 230, I started looking for help with my failing form and that led me to Mark Rippetoe on YouTube. That helped immensely and I got all the books and the video. I have my first strength training session with Richie from the Brooklyn Barbel Club coming this Wednesday Aug 24, 2011. My weight is up to 180 by eating a LOT and drinking milk. My squat for 5x5 is 235, deadlift 300 1x5. Press 105 5x5, bench 190 5x5, row 185 5x5
Scarsdale, NY
Krav Maga, Hiking, Learning about strength training
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04-29-2024 10:56 AM
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