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Thread: Recovery while on a Paleo Diet

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Pooptown, GE


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    Quote Originally Posted by Squatson View Post
    I don't think anyone on a strength training program should ever feel "hungry". Feeling "hungry" is your body telling you it's about to start eating muscles if you don't give it somethin else.
    Is this true? If that is the case a lot of things just fell into place for me.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Yesler's Palace, Seattle, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by drewcarroll2 View Post
    Is this true? If that is the case a lot of things just fell into place for me.
    Sort of?

    It also has to do with your circadian rhythms, circulating hormone levels (ghrelin in particular) and so forth.

    If you don't eat when your body needs resources, what it's going to do next depends on what sort of metabolic pattern you are running at the time: sometimes your body will turn to its fat stores for energy, sometimes to lean mass (the whys for this difference seem to be pretty hotly debated, but it seems to have to do with bf% and your average caloric intake over a lengthy period, as far as I know).

    But I would agree that if you are trying to get big, and you're feeling hungry? You should eat.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by strengthstarter View Post
    As far as gluten is concerned, it is true that eating gluten does cause an inflammatory response in everyone, which may or may not affect performance. I've not heard any Paleo advocates argue that anyone is going to explode from silent inflammation if you eat non-paleo food. Robb Wolf makes a pretty reasonable argument to try eating Paleo for a month in order to clear out most possibilities of gluten or other food causing a person not to achieve peak performance.

    After this amount of time, he advocates adding various things back in and using the first month as a baseline. This kind of methodic approach is not for everyone, but it seems like a reasonable way to tune in one's optimal dietary approach, if you want to get that detailed.
    I agree with you...I am not bashing paleo at all. I take from paleo what works for me. After I attended a seminar, I did a "whole 30" eating strict paleo. Thankfully for me, I didnt have any glaring issues with what I had been eating before...

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