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Thread: Recovery Issue This Early On?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Question Recovery Issue This Early On?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello! Im 16 y/o 5 ' 10 134 61ishkg pounds ( I know, skinny) I'm doing starting strength and got my numbers to these:

    BW: 57kg-61kg
    Squat: 40kg-92.5kg 3x5 (high bar since I recently damaged my collarbone playing basketball, have been doing light low bar squats to kind of get the shoulders used to it. I have read the book keep in mind on kindle.)
    Bench:35kg-55kg 3x5 ( really bad)
    DL: 60kg-120 x5
    OHP 20kg-35kg 3x5
    Rows 30kg-47.5kg
    Been doing SS for 4 months on and off due to vacation where I got a stomach virus- weight loss and hence why my weight hasn't gone up by a lot)
    I'm eating 3700 calories in total. I try to stuff most things in that don't have lactose or eggs in it since I have been to the doctor and intolerances has been confirmed (no GOMAD, lactose pills weren't recommended to me here in Sweden) hence why I really can't up my calories without my parents complaining where the food went or why they have to restock so quickly. I have been struggling with my weight gain. My sleep started out great but as the summer break came in I didn't use an alarm and this has lead me to sleep longer but no longer uninterrupted sleep, waking up etc. and this young I shouldn't really be concerned about this but I just want it to work I have though been doing alot of chores for extra money in hand to buy some food so expect me to add cals. I've been increasing weight as prescribed in the book and I've hit a wall as of lately. There have been consecutive days where I'd struggle with 80 kg and weight felt heavy on my back and these days have been occuring consecutively with exceptions where I feel good and hit a target weight. So techincally I've failed the weight 3 times but haven't reset which may have led to my insomnia? Just want to keep progressing and soon transfer to my low bar when it allows me.

    Basically, getting insomnia; could it be no alarm= no sleep restrictions, overtraining due to poor sleep and not enough cals? Huge drain on muscles and ?CNS? so that I'd have to deload squat? and should I deload squat 10 percent and see if the problem persists? Since I haven't failed at my target weight 3 times in a row but instead lowered due to getting under the bar and failing ( having to put bar on pins; actually attempting the weight) . So will a basic 10 percent deload help me with sleeping?
    Getting supposedly 10 hours of sleep but waking up on and off.

    Food log: 150 g oatmeal (huge) 60g pb 3 bananas 1 apples and blueberries w/ coconut oil. around 1200 calories. My lunch and dinner that's leaf stake 150g cooked or 150 g cooked chicken breast (pretty similar macros) and 250g basmati rice around 700 cals each = 1400 . Cereal w/ soy milk and 1 banana. 400 calories . rest pb and jam sandwitches to fill in!

    Sorry it this thread is kind of messy but really want help! Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Portland, OR


    Stop making excuses. Your are seriously underweight and should be aiming for *at least* 1kg of bodyweight gain per week. Your poor recovery explains the lifting progress.

    >>> I really can't up my calories without my parents complaining where the food went
    Flour, butter, nuts, nut butters, etc. are all calorically dense and cheap per calorie. You are trying to eat far too healthily. You are 16 years old and can eat garbage and grow... take advantage of that (while getting plenty of protein). All that fruit is filling you up... dump in a bunch of nuts and brown sugar instead. Use some oil or butter in your oatmeal. Stop eating chicken breast... eat thighs/legs (higher fat). Eat lots of pasta.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Hey! Thanks for the reply man. I know I'm making excuses but I've had a bad time with food especially since I got a stomach virus 1 week ago that reset my progress really. I'm aiming for 0.5-1kg. As far as eating suggestions that actually makes sense! And I do love myself some pie where flour and butter comes in . I have actually slept better - keep in mind still interrupted but easily falling back to sleep! I'll eat more just that my stomach is pretty bad.. it runs in the family..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Will my sleeping problem vanish with increasing cals?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    But the reason I am so underweight is because of my past stomach disease. I was 70 kg when I was 14 but I didn't lift and then I have had a history with stomach issues which eventually led to a 15 kg weight loss :/

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil


    Can you stomach whey (unsure how whey interacts with lactose intolerance)? If so, use the money you're making to buy that.
    If not... fuck, I don't know. Never met someone who was both intolerant to lactose AND eggs. Maybe a fuck ton of meat? Bacon?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    My brother actually has an ON whey tube lying around. Hmm, my protein intake I think is around 160-190 g protein is this not enough ? Thanks for your input hehe and yeah my stomach

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    I mean I'm gaining close to a kg per week but still not sleeping well! It's a pity :/

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Portland, OR


    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Cavallari View Post
    Maybe a fuck ton of meat? Bacon?
    This. Ditch all the "healthy" options. What is the cheapest, calorically dense food that you can stomach? It sounds like you need to make yourself some meat pies. Any bread where butter is mashed into the flour (e.g. croissants, etc.) are high calorie. Fish like Salmon, anchovies, sardines, etc. are high in fat (not sure what's available / cheap where you live). When you get up to 185# then a healthier diet can be devised.

    Personally, sickness and poor eating have affected my sleep. Now that I'm older, caffeine, drinking, and stress tend to immediately impact my sleep quality. A sleep doctor may be helpful here.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Get a blender and mix bananas with whey and peanut butter, add cream to taste and nutella - BOOOM 1000 kcal shake that will fix everything

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