Hi All,
Newbie here and excited to join! I’m 30 and have ran the BS 5x5 many times over the years and recently decided to tweak it. The following is based on his “advanced” temperate.. switch to 3x3 and drop Wednesday SQ in weeks 5-9..
High pull
Flat BL
Clean and Press
Power snatch
Tuesday and Thursday
Ropes -4 sets of 4 exercise,30 seconds on and 10 rest per exercise
21’s/Skull crushers
Pec Fly-4 sets
Stair master or Rowing -31 minuets
As you can probably guess I worse myself out quick fast and in a hurry. So I’ll probably be back to going with SQ/Clean and Press/BP/Dips+Pull but feel like I may be missing out by leaving the other 3 (deads/snatch/high pulls).
My question is what if anything should I add? And do you see a big difference (cosmetic gains)regarding High pulls/snatch/ Clean and Press (where I don’t drop or squat)- given what I’m keeping? I’m planning on adding 1 and also have no qualms about replacing one of the exercises, but would really appreciate the advice!