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Thread: Training my Mom

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    This is great to read about. I’ve been trying for a few years to convince my 79-yo arthritic Mom to do squats and/or deadlifts twice a week but I’ve failed. You’re succeeding.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia



    And for getting me to hold my horses a bit at the start.

    I think it's been eleven but we missed a week and the first two were only with the broomstick. So I'm pretending it's only been nine.

    Yeah I changed my account name. This is my actual name.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Albany, Western Australia


    The 20kg bar for the first time today. Took a slightly bigger jump to get there but I think it was worth it. Are they perfect? Far from it, but she's still there and making a lot of progress mentally too. She hasn't been hurt yet so can't be too bad.

    Better than the bands the exercise physiologist would have her do, and far better than the tablets the GP would give her.

  4. #14
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    Dec 2021


    15 Mar 2024:
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    We tried my 15lb barbell from below the knee last session and she did 1 rep easily but freaked out so we stopped and tried lowering the broomstick with success at that mid shin level.

    31 May 2024:

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post

    The 20kg bar for the first time today. Took a slightly bigger jump to get there but I think it was worth it. Are they perfect? Far from it, but she's still there and making a lot of progress mentally too. She hasn't been hurt yet so can't be too bad.
    Martin, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing these updates. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    Better than the bands the exercise physiologist would have her do, and far better than the tablets the GP would give her.
    Y'all have tripled her weight AND reps on the rack pull in eleven weeks, and she's getting her life back. There's no way either of those interventions would have come close on either count. Well done.

    I loved her comment at the end of the set!

  5. #15
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    Albany, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Al Copersino View Post
    This is great to read about. I’ve been trying for a few years to convince my 79-yo arthritic Mom to do squats and/or deadlifts twice a week but I’ve failed. You’re succeeding.
    Sorry to hear that Al, you're more than welcome to show her this video if it might help. Mum's got two fake knees and she's getting in there and seeing benefits.

    Having said that, Rip is right. It was a hard sell and if mum didn't come around herself not worth pursuing.

  6. #16
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    Albany, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    Martin, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing these updates. Thank you.

    Y'all have tripled her weight AND reps on the rack pull in eleven weeks, and she's getting her life back. There's no way either of those interventions would have come close on either count. Well done.

    I loved her comment at the end of the set!
    Thanks Jason. I appreciate the advice at the beginning. It helped get my head on better.

    Yeah, we'll keep going as long as she wants so I'm hoping to see more results now we are at a better load.

    I'm going to try introduce bench press next and then we will need doing the barbell prescription deadlift program.

    I start training my wife this week too. An even more difficult case that Rip would tell me not to do, but these difficult women will make me a better coach and man.

  7. #17
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    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    Thanks Jason. I appreciate the advice at the beginning. It helped get my head on better.
    As always, you are most welcome. Much like Al (and I'm sure others), it does a lot of good to be able to read about success stories people have with their moms and other loved ones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    I start training my wife this week too. An even more difficult case that Rip would tell me not to do, but these difficult women will make me a better coach and man.
    Let no man ever impugn your courage, sir.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    Let no man ever impugn your courage, sir.
    Not courageous, just autistic. Normally a hindrance to me, but my stubbornness has come in handy a few times and it is with great joy that I count myself as one of less than 5% of people in Western Australia to have had no COVID shot at all. No small feat in a place where you generally lost your job for refusal, and weren't allowed to dine in at restaurants.

    My wife will be fine. I've said we just try 3 weeks of the program. Then she can do whatever she wants.

    I'm in need of a new career so I figure if I can train these two people I can train anyone.

  9. #19
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    Albany, Western Australia


    I'm checking in to provide an update for all concerned.

    Mum is still training. Things have slowed somewhat as we've had some missed weeks but we look like we're back on track. We've added a velcro belt now so hopefully going to push it a bit more.

    I've added a cheap incline bench currently at 45 degrees. The first session was just getting her on it. Second and third sessions have been the broomstick. She's gone from not being able to do it at all to full ROM in that time which was in line with my thinking that she is weak. She can also get on and off the bench by herself now. Takes a while and is difficult but she can do it. This is in line with my thinking that she was just weak. I've got a super light bar so we will go with that and load from there.

    The biggest thing that occurred which I mentioned in another thread was she tripped over the other week. She caught the wall and was able to hold herself up. It is amazing and I am sure that before training she would have broken her wrist or actually fallen and done her hip.

    She got checked and x-ray showed no fractures but she does have arthritis there now too. The hospital said to not train for a week. She took one session off and then back to it instead.

    She's lost a lot of weight(almost 20lbs now) and the biggest issue is dizziness due to blood pressure. Her GP is a moron and still won't lower her dose. I'm trying to get her to get a second opinion but doctors are God here.

    It's a difficult process. I'm sure a more competent coach and a more competent trainee could get better results, but for someone who wouldn't lift more than a broom to start with I think we have done pretty well.

    I hope she is the hardest person I will ever train.

    Don't give up on your family guys. Don't push them but don't give up. Offer a deal, try it for 3 weeks just to do me a favour and help me get coaching experience, if you don't like it then you can stop. It worked for us.

    Don't ask about my wife though please.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    She's lost a lot of weight(almost 20lbs now) and the biggest issue is dizziness due to blood pressure. Her GP is a moron and still won't lower her dose. I'm trying to get her to get a second opinion but doctors are God here.
    Weight loss is bad in her situation. And she can lower her own dose, by taking it less often. But if she is the victim of Doctor Worship, you're kinda helpless in this situation. Doctors have done their job well, unfortunately.

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