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Thread: Initial Weights and Increases

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Athens, Greece

    Default Initial Weights and Increases

    • starting strength seminar jume 2024
    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    First of all, I am really sorry if these questions have been answered before.

    So, I have been doing some weight lifting since ~6 months now and I had some "ok" progress. My program was based on what I could find here & there. But now, it is time to get a real one.

    My two questions:

    1. I haven't made a huge progress in the weights lifted so far but certainly I am in much better shape/strength compared to the "dead" person I used to be a year ago (sitting so many hours at desk, so many years). Following now Starting Strength program, should my initial weights be the ones that I am right now? Or should I deload some % and start from there?

    2. I like very much having always some progress even if that is the smallest one. I am thinking of doing gradual increases of weight of 0.5-1kg (1-2lb) more in each workout right from the start, instead of progressing fast in the beginning with increases of up to ~5kg/10lb. Do you think it will be a total waste of time? Shouldn't this patience somehow rewarded by more stable/gradual adaptation, potentially reaching higher weights at the end of the program (in exchange of extending my novice period)?

    Thank you!

    PS. I am 43y old.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Yo yo yo aight, this is how it's gonna go down. You're gonna go to the gym, sup? You're gonna do the programme, ye? You're gonna get yuge, like. So just like follow the instructions in the book, ye? The ones that say "yo, boy, wassup, homedawg, warm up with 5s across till the bar speed like goes into movie slomo (well more like just a lil slower) and then jus like do 2 more sets and then bam, done". Those ones, ye. Thas like number one outta the way already, like.

    Numbah two, ok. Use the 5lb jumps, ye? Cos if you give yourself too much space, yous gonna stall sooner. Not in like time things, but in like weight things, ye? You'll take longer to stall, but it'll be on lighter weights, cos jumping with 2lbs means you don't have to eat as much. But eating is like good, ye? Like real good, man. And you have to learn how to control food and body composition if you want to really be strong, let alone really strong. So it's more than jus learning the technique like, ye? Aight. So do the jumps and then take smaller jumps only on the presses, ye. Aight, man, cool, thas cool, man, ye. That'll be 15 buk paypal, dig?

    PS: I am 24 years old.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    the Island of Misfit Toys


    For heaven's sake Scaldrew, how is he supposed to understand that ?

    Verily and forsooth, thou shalt bear ye barbelle upon thy shoulders with a burden that shall at the first instant be nought but the barre itselffe.

    Crouch thee as the sly panther that doth creepe about ye forrests and then upwardes ye shall ryse. Repeat ye this fyve tymes and then five more and warmth shall surely come.

    Add ye playtes to the barre, upon each side so that it be even. Bear up thy burden and crouch once more and thence four more times.

    Do ye again this addynge of playtes being sure that ye are rested well and sufficient between each loading.

    Upon such instant that thou shalt rise not like the sprightly grasshopper, but rather like the sluggardly snail then may thou declare thy search for thy Startynge Weight to be ended for indeed thou hast founde it. Rest ye good enough and then bear up agin the burden of the barre and crouch ye and rise five times. Once more agayne shall ye do this and thenne thou mayest declare that this labour is at an end.

    For the Presse shall ye do thysse yet again although the playtes may be smaller, that they tax ye no too greatly.

    At the last shall ye performe the liftynge of the dead. When this flaters in the rysinge then may ye quit and do it no more.

    Then thou must feast well upon the flesh of beasts and the milk of kine and sleep aplenty until the good folk all about do name ye the Bygge Fellowe.

    Thou mayest send a silver sixpence to mine residence.

    Post Scriptum. Eight score and four shall be the numbering of my years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    That is better, yes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    there's a book,
    have you read the book ?
    read the book,

    or these fools go on for efha
    Last edited by neilc1; 09-02-2017 at 05:16 PM. Reason: ? and fools

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    the Island of Misfit Toys


    What he said.

    Titrate the weights.
    Expect an abbreviated progression if you have trained extensively before.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Athens, Greece


    starting strength coach development program
    Ok, thanks.

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