I also threw this question in the coach's Q&A queue a few days ago, but I know the population that answers that sub-forum and this one are pretty different, and I also know they're probably backlogged.

Quick background: 30 y/o male, approx. 195 pounds. Highest recorded bench max (paused): 315.

I've been noticing lately (HLM program) that during and after sets of bench, on the right pec, I have a very tight feeling. In the bottom of a bench, it feels "stretched" for lack of a better term, and at the top of the movement, ascending to the top, and after, it feels cramped. The area of the sensation is up near the arm pit on the extreme right side of the pec, around where the pec minor would be on an anatomy diagram. When I finish a heavy set of bench, the area feels tight enough that it's difficult to get into a baseball "pitching" position with that arm (arm out to side, elbow at right angle, hand back as far as it can go/shoulder externally rotated).

I won't even describe the sensation as "pain" just yet, but my fear is that I could be approaching an injury such as a tear or something, in which case I'd back down my training a little for a bit. I just signed up for my first powerlifting meet, so my goal is to push my bench up more over the coming weeks, but I'll back down if I must. Has anyone experienced this on the bench, and if so, a) was it a precursor to any type of injury and b) did you make any adjustments to your form/routine that helped resolve it?

The only form change I've made to any lifts around the time of injury was, at the advice of a SSC, I started keeping my elbows more tucked into my sides and tried to "protect my arm pits" on the set up of a press to get tighter.

As far as my form goes, this is the only recent video footage I have of my bench. I can record another angle soon if requested.
Bench - 300 - YouTube
