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Thread: Specific question regarding Rip Shoulder Rehab video

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Specific question regarding Rip Shoulder Rehab video

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    One detail I could not find on the interweb or specifically called out in the video was the degree of the repair to Rip's rotator cuff surgery as it relates to the rehab shown in the video. Was this a full thickness tear? Just Suprispinatus or including Infraspinatus...

    Been following this rehab at a rate both slower and less aggressive in the video. 8 weeks post surgery for full thickness supraspinatus repair, partial thickness infraspinatus tear, subacromial decompression and removal of a large bone spur. 48 years old crossfitter(5-6x a week) and rock climber(the latter plus initial injury bench pressing xheavy 25 years ago, really damaged tendons). So far I've tried the DL with real light weight (55lbs x 20, 1RM pre surgery 355) and some band rowing but no chins, lat pull downs or OH pressing yet though I've done the rings for ROM plus others. Have 98% ROM now, done some light band internal and external rotations without pain and band rows focusing on scap retraction with very light pain. Pre surgery my BW pullups were 18-20 strict (I never kip pullups).

    Looking to start moving a bit more aggressively using Rip's shoulder rehab, just curious if my repair was larger than his was before I get going.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I had a full-thickness tear, slack dimensions were 27mm x 16mm.

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