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Thread: Is this a hernia?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Is this a hernia?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey Mark, it's me again. I like the advice you give out better then my doctor's advice because it usually involves a rehabilitation type of training rather then just resting all together. For instance, I had patellar tendonitus a while back (due to bad squat form), and my doctor told me to just rest for two weeks while taking anti-inflammatories. You gave the advice to someone else to squat properly using the low-bar postion while allowing the tendon to heal. That seems to be better advice IMO.

    This may be the same case with my injury now. I'm not sure what exactly I did. Since I bought SS, I have significantly lowered the weight while I work to perfect my form with squats.

    Well, I was using 135 lbs., which is very easy to control for me, but I was starting to get tired. During the last set of 5 reps I felt that my form was starting to slip. I was GMing out of the hole a little bit. So, after I put the weight back into the rack, I decided that I was just going to do one more quick set with perfect form. I immediately put the barbell back onto my back, and I started to do a squat. While going down, I instantly felt this pain in my upper-right abdominal area. It kind of felt like my ribcage poked a muscle in my stomach or something. I didn't fully prepare myself for that last squat, and although it was done with light weight, I still hurt myself because of it.

    I did this last week, and it still hurts (not as much as it did the first 2 days though). The funny thing is, is that it doesn't hurt while I'm squatting. It only hurts when I either: 1.) suck in my stomach and push on the bottom of my ribcage, and 2.) Bend over to do exercises such as rows and deadlifts (not during the lift though, just during the bending over part. 3.) It also hurts a little when I twist my upper body to the left (it's the right side of me that hurts).

    Honestly, I think it's a pulled muscle, but the thought of a hernia had occured to me so I'm a little worried about that.

    Basically, I'm just wondering if you think this sounds like a herina or just a pulled muscle or what. I have continued to lift during this, because lifting doesn't seem to really affect it. It really hurt on the day of the injury and the day after, but after that it only hurts when I do those 3 things that I said above. Like I said, the only time it hurts while I'm lifting is when bending over to prepare myself for a deadlift or a row, but not during the actual lifting of the weight.

    Thanks for reading this. I appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I think you have injured a costal cartilage. Look up the anatomy of the lower ribcage and see if you think that might be the place. It will heal if you train through it, and you may need to wrap your ribcage while it is healing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Yup, after looking up a picture of ribcage anatomy, that does look like it is the area where it hurts - the costal cartilidge. That makes me feel much better. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

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