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Thread: Josh's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Josh's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm a 27 year old new father (3-month old, she got me motivated to get myself proper dad-strength). I'm 6'1 and have been at 205 lbs for a couple years. After a couple months of getting back into shape, I've now dropped all the running and other stuff I used to do. I started reading SS continuously, bought a pair of Chucks, and began following the SS program last week.

    Here was my first day, on 11/6:
    squat: 155# x 5 x 3
    bench: 185# x 5 x 3
    deadlift: 215# x 5 x 1
    pullups: 16, 9, 8

    Got plenty of room to grow on my squat loads, so I expect to see those exceed my bench pretty soon. For so many years I just never did any useful weightlifting for the posterior chain, only typical look-in-the-mirror biceps and bench stuff. Wow I was wasting my time. I'm psyched to start lifting heavy weights. Thanks, Rip, and to everyone here for all the useful stuff on this forum.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Still getting caught up. Last two workout days went like this:
    squats: 170# x 5 x 3 (got to the gym and forgot how much weight I'd done last time, so I jumped some extra to be sure)
    press: 110# x 5 x 3
    power cleans: 135# x 3 x 5
    chins: 16, 9, 7

    squats: 175# x 5 x 3
    bench: 190# x 5 x 3
    deadlift: 225# x 5 x 1

    Today I was reflecting on when to do my next lift day, since I'll be out of town this weekend at my folks' house. They have a barbell but no rack to squat from, so it was either do another work day tomorrow before taking my 2 days off, or lift Friday while I'm away and do front squats or something to substitute. This was not a decision to make on an empty stomach, so I walked to the undergrad student center (better 70's-big food than the law school has), bought a quart of milk, a mcdonald's bacon-and-cheese angus deluxe, ten-piece nuggets, and wolfed that down. Then, with an honest full stomach, I reached the simple solution: don't mess with the program. Stick to back squats, do them tomorrow in the university gym where there's a rack. Then take two days off. No problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default 11/12

    Found out my gym has a rower in a back hallway I'd never seen, so warmed up on that for 5 mins.

    squats: 180# x 5 x 3
    presses: 115# x 5 x 3
    power cleans: 140# x 3 x 5
    pullups: 15, 11, 9

    Felt great. Today's milk consumption is on track to make this my first day going full GOMAD.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hey man, your log looks good. I like that you mentioned about being a strong dad - I have thought about this as well. Every child looks up to their father and sees how strong he is, then they aspire to be the same way.

    Our lifts look like they are at similar points. Good luck. I will be following your log as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I too admit to wanting "Dad-Strength". I've got three young'uns and it's unpredictable when the next time I'll need to throw them as high as I can in the back yard. I must be prepared to do so at any time. Often I'll be required to throw each of them consecutively in the air for multiple "reps". Again, I must be strong enough to do so at all times. And they're not getting any lighter.

    I propose a fringe site to Or something...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by RandallH1989 View Post
    Every child looks up to their father and sees how strong he is, then they aspire to be the same way.
    I totally agree. When I was about 13 my dad told me how he had wrestled a bear at the Indiana State Fair as a senior in high school. It was scored like a regular wrestling match, and every other contestant had lost. My dad tied the bear: after it knocked him down and got a takedown, he flipped it over and got a reverse. He has also rocked a mustache nonstop since age 18, and once tried out for the Chicago Bears. This all made a huge impression on me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sami View Post
    I've got three young'uns and it's unpredictable when the next time I'll need to throw them as high as I can in the back yard. I must be prepared to do so at any time.
    This is awesome. Sounds like what we call one of those good kind of problems.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default 11/15

    Got my chalk and microload plates and took them for a trial run. Success. Also, my previous posts listed weight x reps x sets, which seems inconsistent with the general practice here. So now I'm listing it as weight x sets x reps.

    squat: 185# x 3 x 5
    bench: 192.5# x 3 x 5
    deadlift: 235# x 1 x 5
    pullups: 15, 10, 10

    No question I could not have benched this much for 3 x 5 a week ago. A couple months from now things are gonna be really real.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Wrestled a bear?!

    Oh also didn't notice you're from NC. Josh and I are stationed at Cherry Point.
    Last edited by RandallH1989; 11-15-2009 at 08:36 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by RandallH1989 View Post
    Wrestled a bear?!
    I know. He said it had a muzzle over its jaws so nobody got bitten. This is probably never done anymore in any part of America.

    And yeah, I'll be here in Durham until school ends next May, will definitely let you know if I make it out that way when you get back. My brother's up at Quantico now, then he'll probably head to Lejeune or Pendleton next spring. Maybe Hawaii if he gets lucky.
    Last edited by August West; 11-15-2009 at 08:57 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default 11/17

    starting strength coach development program
    Had another great recovery meal for lunch yesterday: double quarter pounder, 10-piece nuggets, and a quart of milk. I felt totally normal after putting all that down; this program just lets you crush meals like they're nothing. Felt good this morning, made a shake (banana, milk, ice cream, scoop of whey protein, chocolate syrup, lots of peanut butter), some coffee, and hit the gym.

    squats: 190# 3 x 5
    presses: 117.5# 3 x 5
    power cleans: 145# 5 x 3

    Weighed in at 209 and change this morning. Should break 210 any day now.

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