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Thread: Mike Matthews shredded/strength program - legit or steroids?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Mike Matthews shredded/strength program - legit or steroids?

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    Has anyone tried his program, seems to be based on real strength training philosophy - progressive weights, basic compound exercises. All familiar and makes sense, but I haven't seen a detailed work out plan just his general approach in his introductions/marketing.

    Then his dieting ideas seem interesting too and nothing extreme, he debunks lots of the myths about dieting and supplements that rip people off and leave them sometimes in worse shape than they started.

    Lots of E books at a cheap price.

    He says he is natural and points out most of the fad programs and diets are for juice heads. But when I look at his personal pics I am 50/50 about whether it is steroids:

    Is it just all the oil he rubbed himself in and the studio lighting?

    He isn't super big but ripped, which he says is the result of strength training and his diet philosophy.
    Last edited by kiwiLifter; 09-08-2014 at 05:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    The Deep South


    Are you asking for input on his program or if the man is on drugs? Generally when someone has that photoshoot-ready look to them they are on something.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lynchburg, VA


    Taking the photos right after a workout while all pumped, I don't see why that couldn't be natural or slightly photoshopped. But I'm assuming most of the time he doesn't really look like that and he probably usually wears a shirt.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Paauwe View Post
    Taking the photos right after a workout while all pumped, I don't see why that couldn't be natural or slightly photoshopped. But I'm assuming most of the time he doesn't really look like that and he probably usually wears a shirt.
    Yeah, he doesn't look like Ronnie Coleman. He's definitely within what I consider the realm of the possible for natural lifters, assuming he's intentionally leaned out and took 200 photos with different angles to get the shadows just right. Some people are genetically more gifted than the average, that's why it's called the average.

  5. #5
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    His physique is achievable naturally, although not for everyone, and probably not without a decade of work for those with merely average genetics. These are very flattering photos of him. His narrow waistline makes him look bigger than he actually is, and his traps and delts aren't particularly androgen-infused. You can tell this from the back shot. This is what someone ~ 6 ft, 180 lbs at 10% body fat looks like.

  6. #6
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    The Metro look.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meshuggah View Post
    The Metro look.
    Yeah it is, I'm not interested in getting super ripped, but I could do with reducing fat % a bit and his approach to diet seems to cut through all the BS and might be of help to me, his e books are only $1 to $5.

    He claims his method achieves a balance between reducing fat % and strength, lean muscle gains - which immediately is a red flag to me, because it is usually steroids only that allow fat reduction and lean muscle gain simultaneously.

  8. #8
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    Two of my friends are actually gaining weight and losing fat using carb back loading so I don't think it's total bullshit to be able to.

  9. #9
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    Coconut Chris:

    "His physique is achievable naturally, although not for everyone, and probably not without a decade of work for those with merely average genetics. These are very flattering photos of him. His narrow waistline makes him look bigger than he actually is, and his traps and delts aren't particularly androgen-infused. You can tell this from the back shot. This is what someone ~ 6 ft, 180 lbs at 10% body fat looks like. "

    Yeah that's why I was 50/50 if he was juicing it, the back shot doesn't look juiced up just really lean. Said he was at 8% body fat.

    He says this is him 4 years ago before he started real strength training and his diet - actually I think he looks fairly solid definitely no spaghetti arms , but he says he had been working out for 7 years with no progress.

    Last edited by kiwiLifter; 09-08-2014 at 09:15 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Videos on his site under the section "I am pretty strong" include a 405 deadlift, 345 squat, and 285 bench. His site also reads like a crazy amalgamation of Mehdi's shit-ass site and some fitness journal, with random words UNDERLINED for EMPHASIS and excitement.

    But he has abs, and Rippetoe doesn't have abs, so I can see where you might be confused.

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