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Thread: Squat/Dead Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Squat/Dead Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Pretty self explanatory. Squats: I feel like I descended too fast on a couple of the squats. I also feel like I'm a bit too bent over, but what do I know. Deads: I think I pretty much nailed it. Both are PRs by virtue of linear progression, 280 and 305 respectively.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    For DLifts:

    I don't like that exaggerated hyperextension at the top, especially because you don't set your lower back in the right position before each rep. And maybe turn around so you aren't lifting right in front of the mirror. (If you don't want to turn around, then bring your Rambo poster to tape up in front of you.) Those reps looked easy! Put some more weight on the bar -- what have your jumps been?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiburon View Post
    For DLifts:

    I don't like that exaggerated hyperextension at the top, especially because you don't set your lower back in the right position before each rep. And maybe turn around so you aren't lifting right in front of the mirror. (If you don't want to turn around, then bring your Rambo poster to tape up in front of you.) Those reps looked easy! Put some more weight on the bar -- what have your jumps been?
    Thanks for the input.

    I'll work on getting the lower back set at the bottom. I'd like a second opinion on the top though, I feel like I'm just locking out and that's what my body does. Should I be more upright?

    Don't even get me started on that mirror! It's so up in my face I hate it, and everybody in the gym is always staring at themselves. I'll try turning around. I think I just do it because that's what I have to do for me squats because of the hook location, easy fix.

    The weight is pretty easy, I've been adding 10 lbs a workout. Next week is 3 plates so that's exciting.

  4. #4
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    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by jayknow05 View Post
    . I'd like a second opinion on the top though,
    Pause the vid at the 7-second mark. That should be the top. But then you bend back at the 8-second mark.

    Good luck with the 315. You'll be 4 bills soon!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You are cutting your depth a bit short on your squats. I believe you are letting the bar move forward of your midfoot toward the bottom. Let your knees come forward a little more in the beginning and you should stay in better balance and get better depth. You want to bounce off those tightened hamstrings and that won't really happen above parallel.

    On deads, yes you are overextending a little at the top. It is not egregious, but it is not necessary either.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Thanks everybody, I'll drop an update later on in the week.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomC View Post
    You are cutting your depth a bit short on your squats.
    Yes, these squats are a little high. It is tough to tell from the video because the plates are in the way, but if you watch the reflection in the top-right corner you'll see that they aren't deep enough (see 12-second mark).

    Also, your knees are coming forward as you come out of the bottom. Watch the first couple reps again and focus on your knees relative to that blue water bottle. TomC has the right advice for keeping the hamstrings tight.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    oops, wrong thread

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I gots some updates for you, no Deadlifts, but I've got squats and some PCs. It's my 3rd attempt at correct PCs so I took the best set of 5:

    Power Clean:

    Warmup Squat Set:

    Depth is pretty representative of all following videos, usually breaking parallel by a half inch, but sometimes stopping a little high.

    First 285lb set:

    Last set, I fail, on a good day I feel like I complete this rep:

    I was really feeling pretty beat at this workout, mega pain in the knees and left hip flexor. Workout suffered due to this. I also apologize for the poor camera work, it was pretty crowded in the gym tonight so it was tough to get far enough back without getting in everybody's way.

    EDIT: I was searching through the forums to find a cause/solution to my hip flexor pain. It seems that loose hamstrings and letting the knees slide forward is the culprit. Do you think that I should drop some weight and fix this problem? Or keep going forward until I stall and fix it along the way?
    Last edited by jayknow05; 03-18-2010 at 09:46 PM. Reason: revelation

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by jayknow05 View Post

    Last set, I fail, on a good day I feel like I complete this rep:
    Need more hip drive. Have someone press down on your lower back so you can feel this.

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