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Thread: Help, my squat sucks!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Moscow, Russia

    Default Help, my squat sucks!

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hello there! I've heard this is where a poor fellow can get some help with his even poorer squat.
    I seem to have developed a bad case of knee slide that only manifests of heavier sets. I can tell it's knee slide because the front of my knees hurt pretty bad, and picking a pen up from the floor is a challenge on off days.
    Should I widen my stance (now it's shoulder width), should I be more horizontal? How can I go deep without closing/moving the knees forward?
    Here is the video. Appreciate the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Camino, CA


    Yeah, you're pretty much doing the Charleston here. Your knees are all over the place. I'm way, way more concerned about the way your knees are knocking in than the slide. Your knees/thighs, should stay over the long axis of your feet. You have to keep your knees driven out and keep them there especially on the way up. It's hard to be sure from this angle (getting footage from the rear 45 degree angle helps), but it looks like your stance is fine.

    Get a TUBOW and use it starting with your empty bar warmup. Set it up about 3 cm in front of your toes. When you start the descent, break at the hips and knees at the same time and get bent over (you're pretty good on this compared to the rest of your form). Your knees should touch the TUBOW by the time you are halfway down and they should stay in contact until you are halfway back up. Do not knock over the TUBOW. Film each set and watch it when you're done so you can catch issues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    La Crosse, WI


    Ditto what Jeff said.

    Also, cue "mid-foot." Your center of mass shifts during each rep; if you watch your feet in the video, you can see this happen. Work on planting your whole foot. In addition to TUBOW, slowing the reps down will help a great deal. Maybe even do a few tempo squats during your warm-up. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Shagral, where are you? О чем говорят девушки? Трудно услышать

    Now about your squat... Jeff said it, but it bears repeating. Bend over more when you've descended about half-way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Moscow, Russia


    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    Shagral, where are you? О чем говорят девушки? Трудно услышать

    Now about your squat... Jeff said it, but it bears repeating. Bend over more when you've descended about half-way.
    I'm in Moscow xD Я в наушниках, но девушки наверное обсуждают, как накачать попу.

    Thanks everyone for the tips. Will work on slowing down and getting them knees under control!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Moscow, Russia


    Also, an etiquette question. I'm new to these forums, is there an unspoken rule on how often is it ok to request help here? I kinda want to post more videos but don't want to abuse the forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Camino, CA


    There is up in the ciaches forum, not sure down here. I would say post when you need to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Shagral View Post
    I'm in Moscow xD Я в наушниках, но девушки наверное обсуждают, как накачать попу.

    Thanks everyone for the tips. Will work on slowing down and getting them knees under control!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Whoa, those are some crazy knees. Even more so than them coming forward, I think the problem is that they seem to rotate inwards on the way up. Have you ever had your feet looked at by an orthopaedic doctor? I used to get horrible knee pains and had weird problems like that until I went to one and he had some in-soles made for me to correct it.

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