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Thread: Loving NLP, Hating Bench Stall

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Default Loving NLP, Hating Bench Stall

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello, Rip,

    Thank you for your good work. I appreciate the difference you make in my training and life.

    Age 67, 5'6", 166 lbs.
    Discovered and started NLP 12/15/21
    Missed a couple weeks due to work conflicts. Repeated previous workout to restart. All good.

    After missing some reps, I changed from 1-on, 1-off to 1-on, 2-off and like that better.
    With 1-on, 2-off, I feel more confident entering the workout, the bar moves faster and I complete all reps, except press.

    Squat has progressed from 185 to 210.
    Deadlift has progressed from 240 to 300.
    Press has progressed from 60 to 85.

    My problem is the bench. I can complete 3 sets of 5 @ 145 but can't complete them at 150.

    Still following A-B program but now having switched to 1 on, 2 off, I only bench once every 6 days. That does not seem like enough.

    I'm thinking about adding a bench-only day one day before and one day after each B day. This would give me bench work every other day while maintaining the 1-on, 2-off A-B schedule for the other lifts.

    Your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Workingman View Post
    My problem is the bench. I can complete 3 sets of 5 @ 145 but can't complete them at 150.
    What happened when you tried 147?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Second the micro plates suggestion. They are a miracle for the pressing movements. I'm surprised you haven't needed them for the press first, but maybe you started it more conservatively than your bench. First time I did this I was not conservative about my starting bench weight, and of course, it increased the least. Where did you start off your bench?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    I'll third the micro plates. I'm a few years younger at 60 but in a similar boat. I carry a set of 1.25 and 0.625 (5/8) in my gym bag. That way I can jump 2.5lb or 1.25. Microgainz makes the 1.25s and Grainger or Fastenal carry the 2" washers that make the 5/8. Progress for us old guys move slower some times but keep at the progress!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2022


    Fourthing it. Crucial to keeping my press moving and probably shortly my bench. Rogue makes a set down to 0.25 lbs. Hoping to get the grandkids on SS once they hit that Tanner Stage IV so I figure the really small ones should be useful.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    He's gone. Working, apparently.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    What happened when you tried 147?
    Not having fractional plates, I went from 145 to 150. At 150, benched 4 reps of 5 and had nothing more on 1/10/22.
    On 2/3/22, benched 3 sets of 5 at 145 (easy).
    On 2/10/22, tried 150 again. Benched 2 reps and had nothing more.

    I then added extra bench day as described above.

    On 2/12/22, (Bench only day) benched 3 sets of 5 at 145.

    The fractional plates I ordered arrived.

    On 2/14/22, Benched 3 sets of 5 at 147.5
    On 2/16/22, (A day) Benched 3 sets of 5 at 150.
    On 2/18/22 (Bench only day) benched 1 set of 5, 1 set of 4, 1 set of 2 at 152.5

    On 2/19/22 (B-day) I abandoned the workout utterly perplexed as my squat of 220 failed after just 2 reps (and I was feeling great heading into that workout, thinking I'd hit 3 of 5 @ 220). Also my deadlift has stalled at 300.

    In previous workouts, I squatted 3 sets of 5 at 215; then at 220, one set of 4, one set of 3 and one set of 3. I deadlifted 300 on 2/10/22 but every attempt at 305 since then was no lift. After the last 305 no-lift, I tried again the same day at 302.5 which was also no lift. I did not walk away from my 2/19/22 workout because I was discouraged, but because I was confused. Why are my lifts going backwards? Am I plateauing?

    I'm re-reading Baker/Sullivan now to figure out where I went wrong.

    Other Info:

    I practice good sleep hygiene. Go to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 most nights. Actually in bed at that time. Rarely drink alcohol and never at home. Fall asleep quickly. Wake naturally at 6am some days and 4am others (no explanation for the difference, it just happens that way).

    No cardio between lifting workouts.

    I usually get 100g-150g. protein each day from protein bars, drinks and isolate powder; and more protein from food.

    I've always hated the idea of food logging but this stalling out is a humbling experience and I think I'm going to have to learn to love it.
    I think my macros and calories are in a reasonable range but I guess I'll never know for sure without a food log.

    Belly fat is growing on me. More than I've had for a long time and I do not like that. I don't care about abs but I care deeply about keeping noticeable belly fat off my body. Thinking about adding 30 minutes of steady-state cardio (spin bike) to address belly fat concern.

    Back to the question you asked, Rip, trying 147.5, I hit 3x5 at 147.5 and at 150, but started missing reps at 152.5.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    As we have explained, "microplates" can be made from washers or pieces of chain. Three bench workouts with 48 hours between them is not the program. Have fun with your training.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    It seems like you are doing this by just using the workout template on the website and watching some technique videos. May I suggest buying and reading the book? It is a good book, even if you decide to NDTP, and is also really cheap.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Rip, I meant to ask you about this previously, and I believe I forgot. For people that are having issues getting their hands on microplates or other materials, would flipping the reps and sets be viable to jump with? My thinking was keep the volume for worksets the same, but allow for the increase in intensity.

    145 3x5
    150 5x3
    150 3x5

    I figured this would be a learning opportunity for me and perhaps a strategy if someone is on travel (or just in a situation where they didn't bring their personal micros along).

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