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Thread: 4 Day split for First stage nlp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Default 4 Day split for First stage nlp

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have searched the forum and I have found some threads on 4 day splits but none seem to cover a 4 day split based on the early stage of nlp.

    I'm currently running nlp as the program states and doing quite well but as the weights are getting heavier the sessions are taking longer anywhere upto 1 hour and 45 minutes and this is becoming difficult to sustain as I have to collect my kids etc and work so what I was thinking was the following layout and all with increases on every session as prescribed and using the nlp sets and reps scheme.

    Monday - Squat , Press and Chins
    Tuesday - Rest
    Wednesday - Deadlift , Bench , Dips
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Squat , Press
    Saturday - PC (possibly rows the ss method)

    Monday - Deadlift , Bench and Chins
    Tuesday - Rest
    Wednesday - Squat , Press, Dips
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Deadlift , Bench ,
    Saturday - PC (possibly rows the ss method)

    Any advice would be appreciated and I realized the best way to see if it works is to test it but I'm just curious as to what you guys think about this.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    This has you squatting once in week 2 as a novice, and defeats the purpose of the LP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    Ok so would it be better to just repeat wk1 and do you think only deadlifting once a week will create enough of a stress for progression?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Why don't you just do the program as written and don't take 1:45 to do it? Warm up your squats, do your first work set, start warming up the presses, do your second squat work set, finish warming up the presses, do your last squat work set, do your first press work set, start warming up your deadlifts, do the second press work set, finish warming up the deadlifts, do your last press work set, rest 5 minutes, do your deadlift work set, and go home?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    We have tried this and it didnt go well as for example on mondays I finish work and then meet my wife and we drop the son of at his club which its jiu jitsu and happens to be at the gym we train at and this is at 5.20 and we have to collect him at 6.30 and then my wife has to go and collect our daughter from ballet at 7 and we do this 3 nights a week and the other 2 nights my some has olympic weightlifting club so time is a issue.

    The main issue with trying to do this at our gym is the deadlift platform is far from the squat rack and bench and as you probably know as soon as you walk away from the equipment someone jumps straight on it.

    Is there any reason you would see the wk1 layout being a issue ? One of the reasons I was switching over to deadlifting once per week was because I'm finding it increasing difficult to recover in 48 hours at the moment I'm weighing 175lb (body weight going up gradually) and deadlifting 375 and I only made 380 for a single waited 3 days and still only made it for a single and waited again 2 more days and then could not break it off the floor so on that assumption I was thinking that maybe I would need to go to weekly deadlifts rather than every 2 days?

    What's your thoughts on this ?


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