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Thread: Questions about the Texas Method

  1. #1
    cyray7 Guest

    Lightbulb Questions about the Texas Method

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I started the Texas method program today (Monday).
    Stats:5'8, 160lb, 17 years old.
    5RM-- bench 180x5, squat 280x5, deadlift 275x5, overhead press: 130x5.
    If you're wondering why my deadlift is low, its because lower back rounding issues have prevented me from moving the weight up. Also, I am aware that I need to eat more.

    I read that 90% of my 5 rep max was to be used on Monday, for 5 work sets. This worked fine for squats, but when I got to my overhead press, I had trouble using the same weight for all 5 sets across. I used 130*.9 = 117 and did 5 reps for the first three sets, but for the fourth set i could only get 3 reps, and on the fifth set i struggled to complete one rep (barely). It seems like my body isn't used to this kind of volume perhaps. I'm wondering if i should drop my weight down to below 90% of my 5 rep max, or just stick with this weight and hope that things go better next week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    What were your numbers at the end of the novice progression? All of them including how long you managed the linear progression.

  3. #3
    cyray7 Guest


    Those were my numbers for the novice progression -- I posted them above. I finished Starting Strength on Friday, after four months of the program.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    At 17 years old and 160 at 5' 8", it seems to me that you have some linear progress left if you gain weight. Especially because your squat is ahead of your deadlift, always a flag for a probable high squat.

  5. #5
    cyray7 Guest


    Thanks for the advice Mr. Rippetoe. I am sure that I do not squat high, as I have taken video and gotten a second opinion. In truth, my 5 rep max for my deadlift is probably over 300, but I am unable to keep my back properly arched with anything heavier than 275.

    Also, the reason I wanted to move on from SS to an intermediate program is because my OHP and Bench have been stalled for a few weeks now. I stuck with the program because my squat continued to rise, but I am frustrated that my upper body lifts have remained stagnant. Despite this, would you still recommend staying on the novice SS program, eating more and hoping for the best?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Do you bounce your deadlifts, or do you reset and pull each rep from a dead-stop?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Try intermediate programming for the pressing movements, and linear progression for the Squats. If your body can take it (which it likely will be able to with ample recovery), something like...

    Monday: 3x5 Squat, 5x5 Bench, 1x5 Deadlift

    Wednesday: 3x5 Squat, Recovery Press, 5x5 Power Cleans

    Friday: 3x5 Squat, 1x5 Bench, 1x5 Deadlift

    Monday: 3x5 Squat, 5x5 Press, 5x3 Power Cleans

    Wednesday: 3x5 Squat, Recovery Bench, 1x5 Deadlift

    Friday: 3x5 Squat, 1x5 Press, 5x3 Power Cleans

    Something like that. Basically, still Squatting heavy each workout (or at least 2 out of 3 times per week), alternating Deads with PC's (I'm assuming you are doing PC's, the way the program is written?), and using TM for the Bench / Press.

  8. #8
    cyray7 Guest


    I do not bounce my deadlifts.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    I'd back up, gain some weight while trying it again, and worry about more advanced stuff later. Your growth potential has not been exhausted for linear progress if you'll EAT.

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