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Thread: squat, lower back issue.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default squat, lower back issue.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    hi mark,

    thanks for answering my question regarding assistance exercises.

    I would have nothing more to ask atm.... except Ive had a minor mishap and injured my lower back squatting.

    I did all of my warmups, and 2 work sets with 107kg on the bar (this was a pr) went in for the third set, checked my grip etc took a deep breath and descended comfortably. On the way up my form must have gone south (I think I moved my head up) because the wight shifted back causing a sudden burst of pain in my lower back / bum. I racked the weight stripped the bar and decided to leave the gym, forgoing the press, rows and chins.

    My back feels ok atm, just a dull ache the real pain was sudden but subsided after the exercise. can bend down and do a bw squat with no real probs. I am not really sure what to do, wether to skip squats and deads for a week and see how I go or lighten them up and ramp back slowly...

    I know my doc will just give me some pills (not really in enough pain tbh) and tell me to stop lifting heavy, which isn't going to help.

    It is annoying because my progress has been so good in this exercise.

    thanks for your time


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'd let it heal another day and then work it with several sets of 15-20 back extensions or reverse hypers, whichever feels best on the injury. Flush it with blood using high reps, the basis of the Starr model detailed in the sticky at the top.

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