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Thread: SS Journal of a wannabe lifter.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default SS Journal of a wannabe lifter.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello everybody!

    I decided i would start a journal as i think it will keep me honest and motivated, after having a few false starts with SS.

    I'm 31, 6'2" and weigh 94 kg (207lbs) but i look pretty skinny. I used to play rugby till i dislocated my knee a few years ago and plan to get back to it this year as i am moving house. I'm also keen to see how strong i can get before i'm too old and too busy ( get married next year). I've done some weight lifting occasionally, including a couple of 3 week efforts on SS earlier in the year but nothing sustained.

    Stats end of week one are attached below.

    I'm still getting the hang of power cleans but hope to be able to start adding weight as of next week.

    One thing i have noticed is that despite being able to do pull ups and dips normally after a full SS session its much harder!

    I'm doing GOMAD but drinking semi skimmed as whole milk makes me feel sick.

    I'm also running 5 miles three times a week as i need the CV work. I'm doing it on the same days as training so i can keep my full recovery days. i ride my mountian bike for fun when i feel like it.

    I plan to read other peoples journals, particularly those starting at the same time as me.

    Roll on next week!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Running 5 miles three times per week is going to kill your progress on the program.

    Take a break from the conditioning work for a few months and let the program run its course. You can always add the conditioning work back in at a later date.

    If you don't gain weight on the program you will not progress. 15 miles per week is going to make weight gain pretty hard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Baltimore, MD


    I second that motion. I won't say it's impossible, but it will be MUCH more difficult than you may think to make gains with that amount of running.

    I've been struggling for 8 months now to get the hang of powerlifting/bodybuilding while doing 5 days per week of what I call "mailman GPP" or "urban hiking". Something like 6-8 miles per day, (sprinting or trotting) up and down stairs, carrying loads from 5-40 lbs. I can't wait to change careers so I can say hello to easier strength and size gains while I still have some decent natural test levels (I'm 33). My diet now is what I call "hyperconsumption", and so far so good, but anywhere from 4000-6000 a day is kind of hard to sustain.

    If you can help yourself, don't run so much. If you can't, be ready to consume more calories than you ever imagined you could on a daily basis. Either way, I'm rooting for you. Best wishes for success.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Running


    Thanks for the input nice to get some instant responses.

    I had thought that 15 miles a week would be fairly insignifcant in terms of calorie impact? it should only burn about 630 claories a go (just shy of 2000 calories a week). I'm consuming around 5000 claories a day so would hope i still have an excess.

    Given your feedback though If i start to stall with my lifts the running will be unceremoniously dropped. I am already a little worried that running and squats will start to take a toll on my knees.


  5. #5

    Default Hello

    It's not just the caloric count. Running kills the squat. Training for running endurance and increased squat strength is asking your body to turn itself into two very different things. Results will be mixed to poor.

    I'm guessing you don't want to look like Kirk Karwoski, but heavy squats are implicit instructions for your body to head in that direction in terms of strength, size and performance. Distance running is like saying, "hey, body, never mind...I want you to look and perform like the guy who won a few Boston Marathons.

    The more you run, the less quickly you'll progress in the squat. I don't know of anyone squatting over double bodyweight who includes any sort of distance running in their lives. The stronger your squat, the more likely your GPP will involve simply walking or walking with a sled attached to you. Heavy KB swings are also fairly popular among the very strong.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Todays Efforts

    A late session today due to work. Got into gym for 9pm, but things went fine, needed a little longer between exercises but all targets got hit. Poor two days off though due to not enough sleep or decent quality food and too much beer on Saturday. Back on best behaviour now and GOMAD has been consumed today as did a total of approx 5000 decent calories.

    I have discovered the spreadsheet attachment so progress is attached - current day in yellow highlight.

    I'm taking the running under advisement but need the fitness, i may have to find a better solution.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default week 3 disaster

    well a bit of a disastrous week 3.

    What initially was just a fail on on the final rep of the final set on my bench press (annoying enough given the weight of only 70kg) turned out to be a major problem. Initial discomfort turned into numbness and then a constant pain running up my shoulder and into my neck. Following a visit to the docs it seems that the rotator cuff issues i had a few years ago have not gone away but that instead that I have been compensating for them, as became obvious when i reviewed my bench press form and realised how far down i have been letting my elbows drop (almost to parallel with my body). I'll have to start working on both improving my shoulder issues and reworking my bench press form. It also puts dips out of the question for the moment.

    On to the positives, i discovered that my rotator cuff issue has none or very little impact on my overhead press - however i did miss my final three reps on my final set this week. I had been anticipating though that linear progress with 2.5kg jumps would prove too much on this lift- it appears 45kg is my untrained limit. I will have another go at 45kg at end of the week and then look at micro loading to work forwards.

    Power cleans are starting to feel more natural but i still have some concerns about the racking position as i can't get my elbows up beyond 75 degrees, i'm not sure where the inflexibility is on this - perhaps wrists but maybe shoulders or triceps. Dead lifts and squats continue to progress and feel good so for that i am very grateful, though i have a little pain in my shoulder holding the bar in place while squatting.

    I'm hoping to see a physio next week, but meanwhile i'll continue with my training taking a lighter form focussed approach on bench and substituting more chins for dips.

    Spreadsheet attached.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Try a wider grip for the cleans perhaps.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Thanks for the input on the cleans - i'll give a wider grip a try.

    On another note i read your log and best of luck with the exams. Not sure if you need anyone else's input but i find that i often pursue other goals when i have a major pressure hanging over me, while i was at university i "escaped" my exams pressure by playing more rugby, it didn't help my grades. So head in the books, weight training will still be around after.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default week 4 & 5

    starting strength coach development program
    Well having sulked about my shoulder problems i was paid back for my moaning by a nice virus which kept me out of the gym most of last week. I got back to things this week with a rather weak session on Monday (probably due to not eating much last week) and then a better session yesterday. I've dropped things back till i feel 100% and plan to work back to my previous level over the next week.

    Keeping Bench press low, but progressing till seen physio on 17th, which is very annoying.

    On a plus note the wider grip on the clean is feeling good, the rack and stamp are coming together, and i plan to start putting some real weight on it next session.
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