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Thread: Squat Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Carroll, IA

    Default Squat Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    My girlfriend requested that I train her, she is doing well but I am very aware that I am not a Starting Strength Coach. As you are giving her advice on her form, coaching tips for me would also be helpful. I am very familiar with the program and the terminology, but I'm sure there are things I can do better to coach her up. Thanks!

    Squats @ 155

    Squat #120 - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    She's arching her back (bad), instead of holding it in rigid extension (flat = good). Likely because she is trying to use her hips (shoving them back on the descent, which is good) while trying to keep her torso upright (bad). So, have her lean over immediately from the top, at the start of the descent (point her chest to the floor at the same time she breaks knees and hips). But make sure she is holding her back tight first (bracing abs, and not overarching at the low back). Coaching cues: "Flat back; stop arching" "Lean over"/"point chest down".

    She is not hitting depth consistently. I suspect her stance is a couple inches too wide at the heels, but it is hard to tell from this angle. Likely the two are related (stance and depth). Coaching cue: stand behind her and determine whether heels are under shoulders; if not direct re-positioning of feet.

    Work on this and then let's see a follow up video.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Carroll, IA


    Had her read your tips and worked with her on it. Back angle looks much better, now just have to keep her tight through the bottom...her knees like to roll in. She knows where they are supposed to be and that she needs to push them out, but i think she feels kinda flooded with information. (Big Breath, stay tight, tits to floor, get to depth knees out, drive hips...ect) I know that is a lot so I give it to her in chunks.

    Here's her last set from last night..
    Squat 120# 11/14/16 - YouTube

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    These look better. Now remind her to keep her chin tucked for the duration of the set. She's lifting her chin/head and that will get her out of her hips, trying to lead the ascent with her chest (and likely more back arching). And you are right about knees out; just yell "knees" right as she is hitting depth to remind her at that moment to keep her knees shoved out. And you are right to focus on one or two big issues at a time, instead of everything at once. Get her to stand up straight (as straight as bar over midfoot allows), she's not locking her knees and hips at the top = lack of full hip and knee extension.

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