Just to update from here : http://www.startingstrength.com/reso...ad.php?t=17133

My tendonitis has gotten much better, to the point where its not really an issue when training anymore...

I found that taking a break from benching, and going slightly lighter on the presses over the last two weeks has really helped, the pain was to the point where even pressing would aggrivate it and I would walk around swearing for 10 mins waiting for the pain to die down...

I switched out Rows with chins, and started off doing 2 ses of 5 and have moved up to 4 sets of 8 without any pain.

Also started doing grip work a couple of hours after my main workout.

I would do 50 shoulder dislocations straight after my workout to help with flexibility.

I doubled my intake of fish oil, dunno if this helped.

I would ice my elbows and shoulders for 20mins after each workout, this would be the only time i'd bother throughout the day...

I'd also use copious amounts of menthol heat many times per day as I could...

I think the most important thing to do is find out whats causing the pain for you, this is the second time i've had it pretty bad, the first was from arm-wrestling, basically straining my muscles and therefore my tendons, the second was from doing heavy sets of 5 rows, and doing no real arm work other than this, I guess creating an asymmetry in my arms to back. I'm gonna do rows for higher reps now and keep them on a 1:1 ratio with chins.