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Thread: Question about Range of Motion (ROM)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Exclamation Question about Range of Motion (ROM)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hello coach how are you doing today?

    I'm going to be brief.

    In this video you said:

    "We want a vertical forearm because that involves a greater range of motion and therefore trains more muscle mass."

    And in this thread you said:

    "ATG does not work less muscle mass; it works the same muscle mass with a longer ROM but lower weight. My point is that the amount of weight lifted must ultimately be a consideration, and as long as all the muscle mass is getting worked through it's functional ROM, you should not go deeper at the expense of lifting less weight."

    Now, I perfectly understand the reason why it's not necessary to do ATG (ass to grass) squats. I never go ATG in real life or at any sport. It's not a very common or functional position/movement.

    BUT I also thought that longer ROM = more muscle mass trained.

    Those two statements seem to contradict each other, unless I'm missing something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    They could be construed to do so. Why might I regard this as a specious argument? It's right there in the quotes you pulled.

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