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Thread: Compounding stupidity messing with DL progress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Default Compounding stupidity messing with DL progress

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been doing the program for 4 weeks, I'm 6'2 and a soft but not fat 240lbs. In this time I've taken my squat from 135x5x3 to 215x5x3 to good depth. However, after starting my deadlift a bit too heavy at 225x5, and struggling to pull with consistent form, I've failed to make any real progress. My second workout I failed to break 230 off the floor 3 times before taking off my squat shoes and managing 4 reps, all in good extension. I started power cleans the next session at 95x3x5, and DLing 235x5 the session after. On 240 the inverse of 230 happened, I couldn’t break the weight off the floor until I put ON my shoes, this time getting 5 reps still. I pulled 245x2,2,3 when the time came, switching to hook grip on the last set but resorting to yanking the bar off the ground in complete spinal flexion. I reset back to 225, now with hook grip, after weighing the 35’s I used on 245 and realizing they were 38’s. By then my squat was up to 185x5x3, so I thought I could manage 10lb jumps. I’d pull a sloppy 235x6 by accident, and 245x2 the deadlift next session, which was last friday. Today after a long ass exhausting day managed 240x1 in flexion, due using my SS belt on working sets for the first time and not fully setting my back because of it. Meanwhile my power clean has progressed to 125x3x5. With all this said, how should I proceed? My squats have begun to feel a bit heavier due to what I’d think is my weak back. First three questions and all that shit are fine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

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