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Thread: Life Long Questions Re: Rest and Recovery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Life Long Questions Re: Rest and Recovery

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Rest and recovery; has been a life long struggle to determine. I am 61 years old, 5’8” and 170lbs. with a 32” waist. Been weight training all of my adut life since the age of 20 with a little powerlifting and bodybuilding many decades ago. I currently lift weights three days per week using H-L-M, do indoor rowing on the Concept 2 twice per week for 40 minutes, and rest on both sides of the (H) day. Been a little concerned as I age about over-training. Been struggling to determine if this is enough rest for someone my age. I experience some age-related aches and pains like early morning stiffness in the lower back that feels the best when exercising. Had rotator cuff surgery 2 and a half years ago and have no issues. The surgeon was a master considering the apparent damage. Also had carpal/orbital/ulna nerve decompression surgery last fall that did nothing to help the constant tingling and some numbness in my fourth and fifth digits of my left hand.

    Here is my routine currently:

    Tuesday (H): Front Squat, Bench, BB Rows
    Wednesday: Off, rarely elliptical
    Thursday (L): Front Squat (very light), Press, Pull-ups
    Friday: Rowing 1 minute sprint/3 minutes steady pace for 40 minutes
    Saturday (M): Front Squat (medium), Close grip benches, snatch grip high pulls, db or ez-bar curls, tricep kickbacks
    Sunday: Rowing 40 minutes steady pace aiming for 8K meters
    Monday: Off, rarely elliptical

    Between each set of weight exercises I do three minutes on the elliptical machine so the weight training days take about an hour with the added arm work day taking about an hour to an hour and a quarter or a half on “slow moving” days. I love the different cardiac and profuse sweating effects of combining resistance work with low level aerobics. I cannot do back squats.

    My issue with rest and recovery is on a couple of levels. Within the same workout sometimes four sets of an exercise seems like to much but three not enough. I do 4 sets of each weight exercise starting at 5/6 reps and going up to all 4 sets of 8 before adding weight. The arm work I do 3 sets. Between workouts I wonder if two days per week of rest is enough. My aches and pains are always worse when I am sedentary yet could that be because I am doing too much? For example, been doing 4x5 front squats with 135lbs. Right now sitting on my couch typing my knees feel stressed. When I warmup later the first few sets will feel like crap yet by the time I get to my second work set I will feel fine. Wish the SS and PP books more specifically addressed those of us who have been training for decades and are now 60 plus. Any thoughts about my routine as well as cues any of you look for, before injury or problems, for over training. Thanks again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    We have an entire book coming out on this subject in the next few months. You'll enjoy.

    In the meantime......I'm not a fan of the elliptical between sets.

    A volume of 4x8 is probably too high for a front squat. That's gonna beat up your knees. If you like four sets, maybe keep reps between 2-6.

    Your soreness/stiffness patterns are pretty well the norm though, even for guys younger than you.

    You might also look at a twice weekly program - like just Monday/Thursday. Then you could do your cardio on Tues/Fri/Sat and rest btw your sets

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Thanks Andy and I look forward to the new book.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Andy if I were to go to a twice weekly program what kind of split would you suggest or would it still be H-L-M rotated each week? Thanks-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    It'd just be heavy/light.

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