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Thread: Please Help, Programming Jerks Into SS Advances Novice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Please Help, Programming Jerks Into SS Advances Novice

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I started learning jerks today. It was my Squat, Press, Dead day. After press, I added 3 sets of 100 X 3 jerks, from the clean position, taken from the rack. It felt awesome, much more natural than the pulling.

    Question : how / when / how often should I do these. I don't want to hit them so hard, they derail me, but I want to become proficient on them. Should I do them as full clean / jerks on power clean days. or keep them separate? When I hit full intermediate, for which I am very close, I want to develop a program of power first, strength second.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    What schedule are you currently using, and what are your current working weights?

    Quote Originally Posted by OZ-USF-UFGator View Post
    When I hit full intermediate, for which I am very close, I want to develop a program of power first, strength second.
    What makes you think that the two are separable, or that power will develop (and continue to do so) without a primary strength focus?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    41 Years old, 5-10, 190 pounds
    5 Reps:
    Squat = 245
    Bench = 205
    OHP = 140
    dead - Deloaded from 335 to 225 by sets of 10 - 12 due t a pulled hammy
    Cleans - 135
    Chinups - 12 on 1st set with thick bar
    Dips - 15 body-weight, 10 with 45 pounds

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    I know power is derived from strength, but I want to start to shift my focus to increasing power to strength ratio while an intermediate. I know I must continue getting stronger, but I want to, at frst, address this ratio.

    As for Jerks, I am not sure why they are not considered as important as cleans in the SS world, I'm sure there is a reason. but to me, I want to build explosiveness in both the pull and the push direction. I toyed around with split jerks last week and to my surprise, 145 went up fairly easy for a set of 5. The jerk felt waaaaay more natural and easier to me than the clean. They were just downright a blast to do, too. I am guessing it is a less technical move, or maybe because I'm not intimidated to have heavy weight over my head because my shoulders are one of my stronger assets.

    Either way, I am now doing SS advanced novice including chins and dips 2X a week and a few sets of assistance in the 10 rep range once or twice a week.

    How can I program jerks at this point. If, for no other reason, I think I could fall in love with this move!

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