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Thread: Squat disaster series 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Squat disaster series 3

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi all,

    I have consolidated all your advice about my grip position and grip method in the previous series and made some improvement in today's workout.

    Improvements made:
    1) Thumbless grip
    2) Low Bar Position. (I am still very unsure about where to place the bar. The book says its the start of the scapula spine or something? I have no idea where to feel the bone. Can someone educate me on this?)
    3) Hip shift corrected.

    As you can see in this photo, I am not moving the weight efficiently. The weight of the bar is not rested in the middle of the foot. Should I lean forward to keep my torso in a more horizontal position?

    36531160_10155655732663106_8438401273849446400_n - Copy.jpg
    My elbows position doesn't seem to be parallel to the incline of my torso. Is it because my back is not tight? My head position is not neutral either right?

    It would be helpful if you guys can provide me with feedback on how to improve!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Alexandria, VA


    It's a little hard to see from these angles, but the bar looks high to me.

    As for the torso position, fix the bar position first, then yes, start your descent by pushing your knees out and hips back and pointing your nipples at the ground.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017


    "2) Low Bar Position. (I am still very unsure about where to place the bar. The book says its the start of the scapula spine or something? I have no idea where to feel the bone. Can someone educate me on this?)"

    I'm no expert but you could try this: get yourself in a high bar position, set your chest up and squeeze your shoulder blades together, then move yourself in a way that the bar goes slowly down your back until you feel a "click". This should set the bar below the spine of the scapula, it works for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    The image that worked for me on finding a position is that your muscles make a shelf, so that you’ll find you can’t push the bar down your back further. That’s the spot!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Toronto, ON, CA


    I don't want to be that guy, but are you doing any of your own research? There are countless resources beyond the book and this forum that would probably be more helpful than posting form check after form check after form check.

    A quick YouTube search

    That search alone brought up 7 or 8 videos which address your most glaring issues, which are that your bar position is still too high (although better than before, so kudos on trying to incorporate that feedback), and a back angle that is FAR too vertical for generating hip drive.

    Again, I don't want to discourage you from looking for help with your form here. I personally enjoy watching other people's videos and practicing my own coaching eye, but when you've been given the same advice over and over, and there are so many resources available to you to find on your own, it starts to be a little much. Watch the videos, compare them to your own form, and work on being able to coach yourself a bit more. It's not easy, but if you can't get in person or online coaching, learning to be your own coach will serve you better than running to the forum after every workout.

    I only say this because I've been following your "Squat disaster series" since you first posted, and the issues that keep getting pointed out are ones that are most commonly addressed in videos. Use them and keep piling weight on the bar!

    Happy squatting

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